Chapter 1

"What was that?" Kaleigh ask, her voice slightly trembling, as she stops in her tracks. Her heart beat begins to escalate as she turns around. Everything inside was screaming for her to run, but she had come to far to turn back. "What was what?" Jackson huffs, as he turns around; frustration nearly consuming him. "Didn't you hear it?" Kaleigh ask, as she surveys her surroundings. The almost barren trees look ominous in the pale moon's glow. "Kaleigh, just come on." Jackson, says angrily as he grabs her by the wrist and begins to drag her deeper into the woods.

Cricck."There it's again." Kaleigh says, as she jerks to a stop. "Dammit." Jackson, grumbles as he turns to face her. His dark eyes, almost onyx in color, glare at her; sending fear radiating into the very depths her soul. "Look, if you don't want to do this then go wait in the car!" He nearly shouts, as he drops her wrist. A twinge of guilt pulls at her. She knows it is just her mind playing tricks on her. "No, I'll be fine." She says as she lowers her head. Pushing pass Jackson, she makes her way down the once well-beaten path; now covered with decaying autumn foliage.

Less than a few yards away the woods gave way to a clearing; their destination. "We're almost there." She whispers excitedly as she quickens her pace. "Hurry up Jackson!" She calls back as she reaches the clearing. "Jackson?" Looking back there is no sign of him. "Very Funny. Jackson come on." She grumbles as she waits. Slowly a feeling begins to creep upon her, and she knew instantly something was wrong. Taking a few steps back into the woods, she stops and listen for his footsteps, but there is nothing but an awkward silence.

A gulp escapes Jackson, as he stands perfectly still. Only a few yards away is the clearing and Jackson can see Kaleigh waiting for him. Behind him he can hear a low growl, as the leaves crunch beneath the silent stalker's feet. Slowly Jackson turns around, to see their silent stalker. His heart beats rapidly as his breathing becomes erratic. Sweat begins to bead on his forehead. In front of him, stands a silhouette of a large cat like animal. It's eyes zero in on him and it licks its lips. Crouching down, it is ready to pounce. Looking back at Kaleigh, He does the only thing he can do. "Run!" He scream his warning, as he turns and runs toward her. At least he can try to save her. Running toward the clearing he continues to scream his warning, but in seconds he can feel its sharp claws digging into his flesh. A wail of pain escape his lips, as he falls hard onto the ground. Reaching on either side of him he grabs what ever he can, and begins to beat the animal with it.

It is useless, as the animal continues claw and bite at him. Blood pours from his freshly open wounds. "Run! Kaleigh! Run!" He still wails as he fights his hard to get the animal off. Hearing his scream, she runs. Rushing back into woods, she stumbles. Just a few feet, she sees Jackson lying on the ground, with an animal crouch over him. "Jackson!" She wails as she stumbles to her feet. Grabbing a large stick, she rushes toward him, and with hard swing, she hits the animal. It howls in pain as it falls from Jackson. Reaching down, she grabs his hand. "Come Jackson." She says as she tries to help him up. But he doesn't attempt to move. "Jackson?" She says as she drops his hand, and it falls limply to the cold ground. "Oh God!" She wails, as clenches the stick tighter. Her body begins to tremble as her mind shuts down. A growl rips from the beast, as fear radiates through her. Adrenaline begins to surge, sending impulses to her nerves. Without thinking she drops the sticks and begins to run, screaming for help.

Just across the clearing, sits an old ramshackle shack, her only hope. She can hear the creature catching up to her. More adrenaline surge through her body, allowing to quicken her pace. She can see the shadow of the house, but it is too far. "Help!" She screams at the top of her lungs hoping that someone will hear it. She can tell by the look of the house that no one has lived there in decades. Tears now begin to cascade down her eyes. "Lord, please forgive me." She begins to pray. A snarl comes from behind her, as it feels its claws rip into her back. With a wail of pain she collapses on the ground. Struggling she tries make her way back to her feet, but the creature continues to claw viciously at her. "Help!" Screams, as she cast her eyes toward the house. Not so much as sign of life emerges from it. Lowering her head, she wails in pain and prepare for the inevitable. "Help!" She screams one more time, her voice raspy and barely audible. Darkness begins to swirl around her, as she grows weaker with each passing second. "Help." Her final wispher, as she succumbs to the darkness.

The sun rose quietly over the small town of Burlsville. Slowly the town began to come to life, as the farmers take to the fields. It was time to harvest their crops, or what they could salvage. The summer had nearly crippled the town, as barely little rain fell from sky. Shaking their heads, they begin reaping what was sown. Deep within the woods, the creature began to settle down, fully satisfied from the feast last night. Never in its life had it ever tasted something so delectable. Normally medium size mammals like goats or cows, were it prefrence, but its hunger was to strong. The scent that came from its prey was just too irrestible. Settling into a small hole in the ground, it begins to rest.

Rising from his bed, Micah, ready himself for the long day ahead. Since he could remember, farming was all he has ever known and always what he despised. Nothing would give more satisfaction, then leave and create his own destiny. But he couldn't because to much was at stake. His family survived solely upon their crop and livestock, and so many times they had come so close to losing everything. Shaking his head, he stretches, and goes to take the shower.

"Mornin'" Her small voice says as he enters the kitchen. "Mornin' Mom." Micah grumbles as he sits down at the small wooden table. Breakfast was just about ready, as his grandfather came in from outside. Like every night for the past 50 or so years, he stayed up all night with his shotgun ready for the return for the animal that nearly crippled the farm when he was Micah's age. "Mornin'" Charles mumbled as we walks into the kitchen and takes a quick sniff of the air. "Smells good, Kitten." He says as he takes he seat next to his grandson. Silently they devoured the food, that Katy had prepared like every morning, then went their separate ways.

The field was nearly barren, except for few rows of wheat and corn that was salvagable. Shaking his head he knew it was going to be a tough winter for him and his family. There was barely enough here to help them pay the bills, let alone by food. Leaving the porch, he makes his way to field. By his side, a small golden retriever puppy accompanies him. Stopping for a moment he pets him, and continues across the yard. The puppy runs ahead, and begins playing with the goats. The goats run from one side to the other of the fence, trying to escape the small dog. "Rusty!" Micah, yells his warning. The pup stops for a moment then goes back to toying with the goats. "Rusty! Stop!" He yells again, and the dog heeds the warning. Backing away from the fence, he turns and runs towards the woods. Barking, the dog chases yet another animal. "Dammit," He growls, as he takes off running after the dog. "Rusty, get back here!" He screams. Just as he reaches the edge of the woods, something catches his eye. Slowly he approaches the sight, and a gasp of horror escape him. At his feet lies a blood drenched body, of what looks like a girl that would be around his age, 21. Dropping to his knees, he slowly rolls her over. Her blues are wide fear, and once blond hair now dyed red from the sticky liquid that covers her. "What the hell?" He gasp as he reaches into his jeans pocket and grabs his cellphone.

"Over here!" He screams as the first response team arrives ten minutes later. With their bags in tow they rush to the edge of the field. They find a young girl in a pool of blood. Micah, moved out of the way while they began to assess the situation. It was clear that their wasn't much that could be done. Her wounds were deep, and large amount of blood had already been loss. The fact that she still clung to life, was miracle in her own right. "Jackson." A faint wispher escapes her lips, as her breathing grows more faint. "Jackson." Her last word, as she finally gave into the pain, she had endure until now.