Nagulan's reactions

Again a month crossed then nagulan heard news from shinra raja that he is coming to meet him. It was as if the astrologer told. Everything will start when vikrama raja gets one year old. He thought that he can convince them without agreeing for the war. As of nagulan his kingdom is important to him but not his throne so he just wanted to stop the war. No innocent life should be destroyed and no one should blood shed in the war. He doesn't want anyone to get hurt. He was thinking of all the possible ways to stop the war. But shinra and aassaan came to nagulan's Palace after a week from sending the message. Nagulan welcomed them as kind as possible and arranged food for them but they avoided it and went straight to the point.

Shinra - you took a girl from my country without my permission and you expect me to eat at your place.

Nagulan - I am sorry it was my fault and let me know what should I do to get your kindness.

Shinra - it is impossible for you to get my kindness. I am goint to start a battle where I can get whatever I want from you.

Nagulan - war is not required. It may hurt a lot. So let me know what you want and I will provide it without the war.

When shinra started to speak aassaan raised his hands to stop and he obeyed him like a child.

Aassaan - will you give me whatever I ask?

Nagulan - first let me what you want so that I can plan accordingly.

Aassaan - So if you can't give you are ready for the battle.

Nagulan - I didn't mean anything like that. I am asking because I wanted to know whether I can give you or not.

Aassaan - We want 3 things from you. 1. Your agricultural wealth as of now. 2. Your farmers as our slaves. 3. Your wife aadhirai.

Nagulan - I can give you only one from the 3 you have mentioned.

Aassaan - if that one is Aadhirai we will be happy to leave.

Nagulan - no it is not. I can give you all my agricultural wealth. So it is up to you to decide. I can't decide other people's life. If they want to come to you they should wish for it because it is there life. I may be the king of this country but I am not God to decide there lives and I am sure that they will not come to you.

Aassaan - If you can't give what I asked you have to face the consequences.

Nagulan - I already know why you came here and to keep my throne I can't give other's life. I am ready to face the consequences. You can go ahead.

Aassaan - you have taken a wrong decision.

Nagulan - that is what my people wanted and I always do what makes them happy.

Aassaan - then we will leave and come back after a month. If you change your mind you can contact us. Our offer is always available.

Nagulan - you can take your offer back because however I will not use it. I will expect you. Thank you for spending your valuable time here.

Shinra - Think twice before you decide and we will leave.

After they left nagulan was thinking how much of the information need to be shared with ministers. He couldn't believe anyone except aadhithan. He has a meeting in the afternoon with ministers and how much can he tell them.

He asked a palace guard to bring aadhithan without other ministers knowledge. As he said so aadhithan came to the palace at once. They had lunch together while discussing about the previous meeting with shinra raja and aassaan.

Aadhithan suggested that let other ministers know that they are asking for agricultural wealth and farmers as slave. Let's hide about Queen aadhirai as of now. It was planned between them and the same was informed to other ministers.

Other ministers accepted nagulan's decision as the right one. So let us prepare for the battle in this month. As planned preparation was going great but aadhirai was asking about vikrama raja's 1st birthday celebration. Nagulan was worrying that there won't be birthday celebration. But he cannot inform that to aadhirai. So he said that he will prepare for it. Then after a day he arranged for food and dresses for everyone in the country as a birthday celebration. Still every one was confused that why is vikrama nagulan celebrating his son's birthday before his actual birthday. No one questioned him except aadhirai.

Nagulan said her that we will not have time to celebrate on his actual birthday, please don't question me more. When nagulan was speaking aadhirai fainted in his arms. He got scared and called for the palace employees. They informed him that aadhirai is pregnant. But nagulan cannot be happy of that. He badly wanted a girl child and now Aadhirai is pregnant but still he cannot accept it. His world was collapsing in front of him and he cannot do anything.