Asta William

It had been a month after Emma's birthday, and we were attending our regular classes as usual. When we were sitting in the football court and discussing about the assignments which should be submitted, someone called Emma. When we turned it was again him. Oh my god it was Sheldon again.

I was so shocked seeing him in our University. I was happy at the same time. Then he came near to us and started talking with Emma. But he did not notice that even me and my other friends were there. I was so much pissed off and cursing him under my breath.

When he was about to leave, he said bye to us and left. It was good to know at least he was aware of the fact that i was there. When I checked with Emma, she said Sheldon was there to represent his college in the upcoming football tournament and few matches would be held in our University. Again my earth lost his gravitational force. I was thinking that I might get a chance to meet him and I might talk to him, if it was possible. But being an introvert, I did not have any idea how was I going to start a conversation with an unknown. Even though he was Emma's friend, he was kind of stranger to me and I did not know much about him. We met twice and both times what we spoke was just "HI" and "BYE" nothing much.

The day was over and we left the University campus and waiting for Anna to take her car from parking. She was the driver for all of us and she used to pick and drop us always. Anna and Emma went to take her car and Grace went to get some snacks to have while going home. I was all alone in the front gate of campus. I felt like someone is staring at me, When i turned my head and check in that way, I realized Sheldon's gang is standing there and the one who staring at me was none other than Sheldon. I did not know how to react and I just turned back and trying to think about something else except Sheldon. Then Sheldon's friend Joseph came near to me and asked whether I could remember that person from the same musical band and he is also Emma's friend. I was taken aback because of the sudden approach. Before I react, Emma and Anna came with our car and Emma came out of it and she started talking with Joseph. Then Sheldon came near to us and he joined with us. The entire time I was just looking at him. So did he. It was already 6 in the evening and I got a call from my mom twice asking when I was coming home and I was ready to leave, but my girls were not. They wanted to spend some time with their new gang. Even I wanted to be there and spend time with them. But before getting the third call I should reach home or else my mom would be worried about me. So I was about to take a taxi. But Sheldon stopped me and told me that he would drop me at my home. But I did not know what to say. Even thought I wanted to go with him, it is too early for our friendship to spend time alone. So I was about to say no, But Sheldon just dragged me to his car and made me sit inside his car. I did not know what to say. He started driving his car before giving me opportunity to talk. It would take 45 minutes to reach my home usually. Anna and I used to drop other two girls in their home and leave. Anna was staying near to our home and it would take 10 - 15 minutes to reach from my home to her home. So Today I might reach bit early. Because we did not need to drop anyone. But I did not know that Sheldon had different plan and it actually took more time than a usual travelling time.