Asta William

Sheldon and I were very silent and we did not talk till we reach certain kilometers away from University. But slowly Sheldon started a conversation and he started asking questions about my likes and dislikes. The journey was quite interesting than the usual ones. I knew the reason and it is just because of my Sheldon. I was just staring at him for the entire time and wondering how he was sculpted exactly like a statue. The perfect face and handsome figure.

I did not know what he would think about me for staring at him like a baby staring at candies. But I did not care about it. because that might be my last time when I got chance to spend time with him.

Sheldon suddenly turned and asked me whether i liked his company or not. I was scream in my head that i just loved it. But he could not listen to me any which ways.

To be my surprise, he said that he knew I loved it. Oh my God, he is too smart than what i thought.

But i did not know how did he know that i loved it. Then he started talking.

He said, "Even I loved it. It was quite interesting to spend time with you and yeah the day i met you, i felt like there is some strings attached between you and me like the strings connected the two ends of guitar.

I was running out of words and i did not know how to respond and i did not know whether to respond or not. I was just dancing inside my head and I diverted my mind and started focusing on the outside world. Suddenly Sheldon stopped the car and gazed at me. I just turned and asked him "what happened?".

He said,"I wanted to spend some more time with you and I did not want to waste this opportunity."

I really did not have any idea why he was behaving like that and what happened to him.

Even i had the same feelings like him. But still I would not directly tell him that what i felt. was he such a shameless? or seriously he felt something like his guitar and strings. Oh God, even i felt like all my imaginary strings are directly connected to his guitar.

Suddenly he just pulled my hand and held it and he was simply looking into my eyes. I felt like he had some problem in his top floor and that was the only reason why he was behaving like a shameless. Again he started talking and he said, "I am feeling like finally I am back to my home".

I was dumbfounded and i did not say anything. I had been reminded back of the song he was singing and the pain it had. I had no guts to just avoid him. I allowed him to hold my hand and i did not say anything. I was very scared what if I hurt him.

He just leaned and kissed me on my cheeks and I was feeling some deja vu. I did not know why i felt like it already happened between me and Sheldon. I felt like he already kissed me so many times and I felt like I knew this man from long time. He was not at all a stranger and he was not at all an unknown and yeah i knew him well and he was someone very close to me. But I did not know why i was not able to remember him.

Did I have memory lose or what? That is what i was thinking for the entire time.

He dropped me in my home and spoke with my mom like he knew her well and even she spoke with him like she knew him. Before he left from my home, he again kissed me on my cheeks and left. Something is flashing in my head and i did not know what is that.

I wrote everything on my diary. Whatever I felt about him and whatever he did. I wrote everything. It was a perfect moment of my life and I felt like i had this perfect moment so many times already.