Valentine's Special Chapter Scape of the city

R-18 Chapter Special "Everything that happens in these episodes belongs to fiction, viewer's discretion its advice."

Derek approached the body of the security guard and began to look for some weapon, it did not take long to find a revolver and some bullets.

He also took the subject's wallet and a mirror he had.

Flavio stuck to the wall while he waited for Derek to open the way "Why it is necessary to take the subject's wallet."

Derek used the mirror so he could see that there were two guards approaching the corridor, hit the wall a little, and aimed his gun to fire twice.

"Why can't we trust Kentaro cards, think he wanted a peaceful development, and the first thing you do is kill my future date.

I understand that it made you mad at the Cursed Forest, but you must know how to control anger, you can always take revenge in the cruelest way possible in less public places. "

Derek approached the bodies of the guards and opened the wallet of one of them to see an ID and know where they were.

"National identification of the Republic of Burfine 2005.

We are in some nation of Africa, or it is an entirely different world, but it is very possible that it is a different world, or you remember a country with that name. "

Flavio shook his head. "For someone who studied history, I can be sure that this nation does not exist, so we are in a completely new world.

But the real question is, are we in a developing nation, or are we in the first world? "

Derek, who was running down the emergency stairs, opened the emergency exit door so she could see an alley that had garbage.

The streets seemed to be somewhat tidy, but no one seemed to be nearby.

"Let's go out on this site, we have to avoid the central avenue; otherwise, we will be easy prey."

While Derek and Flavio were moving very carefully, Hellena was enjoying how beautiful the city looked, it reminded her of a lot of the world of the gods.

But before she could continue observing an explosion, it was heard, and the ground began to shake.

When the three turned around, they could see that the building had exploded on the floor where they had come from.

Soon the building began to falter and began to fall under its own weight; the three ran as much as they could to escape some rubble that could harm them.

When they reached the Street, Derek could see a parked car and taking advantage that everyone was distracted. She approached the window to be able to break it and enter inside.

Using a lighter in his pocket, she broke the glass at the time the building completely collapsed, and a large amount of dust began to expand.

Flavio and Hellena woke up from their trance in which they were after Derek honked the horn of a car, the two immediately got on.

After climbing Derek accelerated to leave the place "I'm glad the driving system is manual, I never liked the automatic ones."

Flavio sighed, "Hey, the automatic cars are not so bad; they are soft, and they are in charge of doing all the work.

Except in curves and descents where it is necessary to break with the motor or the brakes can fail, and that's an excellent way to die. "

Hellena just watched her husband fighting with Derek before she turned on the car radio so she could hear what was happening in the news.

"Good morning, city of Hezia. I am Carlos Fiji, and this is the emergency news.

Today, at 3:00 p.m., continuous shots were heard at the headquarters of the K12 company before its building collapsed at 3:10.

The president declared a national emergency because, apparently, it is a terrorist attack.

Firefighters and emergency teams are treating injured people near the building while rescuers try to get any survivor out of the ruins. "

Derek smiled as he listened to the news, "Attack terrorists, those are strong words. I guess we will have to leave this country before things get out of control.

If it is a new world, we just have to go where arms traffickers and go anywhere with war to find us will be difficult.

I guess it's an affordable price for your imperial highness Flavio. "

Flavio just shook his head and could see a police car approaching from the rearview mirror.

Derek also noticed and at low speed to allow police officers to check his vehicle.

A policeman got off the patrol and walked to the car where he could see Derek, Flavio, and Hellena.

"Good afternoon, Miss, you know that you were coming at more than 100 kilometers per hour in an area of ​​only 60 kilometers."

Derek smiled and showed a little of his cleavage "Officer how careless you are, look at what I just found in this place, I think it will be some money you drop by accident."

The officer smiled wickedly and took the money from Derek's breasts but not before grabbing one of the breasts. "How careless of me, this money is what I will use to give my son an excellent gift.

Remember to drive with caution, young lady, nice to see you. "

The policeman walked to his patrol car where he got on to continue on his way, Flavio looked at Derek with some doubt.

Derek could feel Flavio's gaze and let out a small laugh "I have to take advantage of these generous attributes that Kentaro gave me.

If it is not a waste to have them, the other option was to shoot and blow his brain. "

At that moment, the policeman shouted from his patrol with the glasses lowered. "I don't know what you did, but the car they are traveling has reported robbery.

Later on the road you can see a mechanical workshop in that place you can find some help if you have the money, Miss I hope we can see each other more calmly in the future. "

Derek could see how they accelerated the patrol. "I love corruption. Just find a corrupted person to know more.

Of course, if you have money or power, everything is possible, prepare your guns because I can be sure that it will not be a quiet and straightforward meeting.

They never are, and if for some reason, it is, it is just a sign that something terrible will happen. "