Halloween and Dia de muertos Special Part 1

When Max opened his eyes, he could see a girl with black eyes and golden hair looking into his eyes curiously.


The little girl seeing that the young redhead opened his eyes, greeted him, "Hello."


Max got up from what appeared to be the ground and returned the greeting to the girl. "Hello, little one, can you tell me where I am."


The little girl spread her hands. "This place, I think, is the author's gathering area."


With his small hand, he scratched his head. "Although I'm not sure since I think I did not participate in the special on love day."


With a look of disbelief, Max looked at the girl for a moment before sighing and lowering his head. "Answer me something, little girl; I'm dead."


"You're not Max, stop being depressing," A voice that came out of nowhere interrupted.


Max moved his head, trying to find the origin of the voice until he felt a hand on his shoulder; when he turned his gaze, he could see a man who was wearing a white dinner jacket but had a horse mask on his head.


"I introduce myself; I am your author, the creator of your story, Marie's and Flavio's, which, for some reason, has not yet arrived."


Max was stunned for a little while before attempting to hit the perpetrator.


"Damn, son of a bitch, you killed my family."


When the fist collided with the author's face, he only went through it as if it could not harm him.


"You can try to hit me all you want, but it will not change your destiny at all.

Believe it or not, it is something that even I did not control.


But you can always get together with Flavio and plan your revenge against Amatlein or the stupid goddess who freed him. "


At that moment, a young man with golden hair and blue eyes came out of the darkness while clapping, "It's a great idea, but how can I plan revenge or something when you have not written my story and Marie's for months.


You are a bastard. "


At that moment, the author felt real terror.


So he calmly took off her horse mask that he was wearing and showed a somewhat haggard face. "They're only detained momentarily.


Many things came up, but I think that corresponds to the author's comment area, since how can you observe the readers want to read action not yet the author complain about life. "


After saying that, the author coughed and spread his hands while changing his appearance to a skeleton dressed as a Mexican revolutionary.


"Thank you very much for reading this episode, dear readers, and thanks to you, my precious creations, for allowing me to make this special one.


The rules will be simple. I will publish an episode of the special Day of the Dead and Halloween in each of your novels. If you dear readers want to see how this plot unfolds, just look in my three novels.


The order is simple. Nova Roma, Marie, and The Sage of Einar will have these specials in their special chapters section.


Remember, dear readers, that the plots of the specials will not affect the main story and that I am not a typewriter, so I could vary the day of publication of part 2 or part 3 of the special, but you can be sure that they will be published before November 2 and even before.


Now without further ado, let's start with the stories I'm going to tell today. "


When Flavio got up from his bed, he realized that he was in a wholly messy and dirty room.


On the walls, he could see grease stains and, in some places, even areas completely destroyed by moisture.


He got up from the ground with great care and tried to use his powers to know what was happening.


But his eyes widened with some fear as he realized that he did not have any kind of power and that he could only remember that the last thing he did was play chess with a woman while he was in another plane.


"Hellena, Miyuki, or someone."


Flavio started to scream, but there didn't seem to be anyone in that empty room, so he took some old clothes from the bed and a wallet that had some money on it.


After putting on his clothes, he walked to the door, which he opened and was able to go out into a corridor where some people were lying on the floor with syringes next to him.


"So I did show up at a drug booth, but what am I supposed to do in this place."


At that moment, the tires' noise was heard, and some soldiers entered the building, who began to shout.


"Get on your chest, or we will have to shoot you; we are members of the Mexican army, and you are all under arrest."


Some people with firearms came out of some rooms and opened fire on the military.


Flavio only frowned and ran to his room to see if he could get away from the place, avoiding the confrontation between the two parties.


When he entered his room, the first thing he did was run to the window where he could see that he might not be able to escape from the place.


It was on the fourth floor, and from what he could see, there were about twenty army trucks, so the building was completely surrounded.


After seeing the horrible panorama, he only searched his room for a weapon, but he could only find a gun that was on some drug packages.


"My luck to appear as a damn dealer, but it's better than being in lava for centuries."


With great patience, Flavio took the gun and, using the liquid to refill lighters, set the drugs and the department on fire.


He only had fifteen bullets in the chamber of the gun, so he had to decide to escape the building in some way, avoiding a direct confrontation with the military.


The first thing he did was leave that room and walk towards the cubicle on the stairs to see how some soldiers on the lower floors killed dealers and drug addicts alike.


So Flavio began to run up the stairs until he reached the roof where he could see the door closed with a chain, when he looked back at the stairs he saw how the soldiers were already climbing the stairs.


Taking the pistol in his hands, he opened fire on the chain; only three shots were enough to break the chain, and after that, a kick opened the door.


On the roof, Flavio could see that the only nearby building was a bit far away, so he decided to look for something that would allow him to take enough momentum to reach the other side without his body getting muddy on the street.


As he saw what kind of object he could use, he heard an explosion and felt the building seem to shake.


When he poked his head around the edge of the building, he could see that the explosion had been on the side where the fire had started, so he could assume that perhaps the fire had burned some dangerous chemicals in another room.


Flavio didn't have time to keep thinking when he felt that the building seemed to wobble with more force, so he decided to take advantage of the building's erratic movement and jump to the other building.


Using all his strength, he took a safe distance and began to run; as he ran, he could feel the ground start to collapse under his feet.


So he had to jump a bit earlier to avoid falling into the ruins of the building under his feet.


Unfortunately, he could not reach the other building roof and ended up breaking the window of a room.


After rolling on the floor of the room where he had fallen, he got up and, enduring the pain of some glass that had pierced his body, walked to the bathroom to find a medicine cabinet.


When he was looking for a medicine cabinet, he could hear two girls' voices, one who seemed to be crying and the other who became familiar. "Dad, there is a bad man in the bathroom, and the building next door just exploded.


I'm scared, don't worry, Mr. Max, I'm taking care of Erika so nothing will happen to her. "


Flavio, who was listening, was surprised when a loud noise was heard in the apartment, and after this, the two girls stopped listening to each other.


So with some haste, he removed one of the glasses that was on his arm and used alcohol directly to clean the wound.


After this, using dental floss and a needle, he began to sew the wound. 'I guess I was lucky since the glass did not damage any artery.


But what happened to those two girls? I have to hurry. '


After a few minutes, Flavio came out of the bathroom with all his wounds stitched up; the first thing he could see was his daughter Marie and another girl tied up.


This made his blood boil, so he walked towards where his daughter was, and at that moment, he could feel that something was dangerously close to his head, so he moved it.


As he moved his head, he could feel a metal baton brush his face, so I hope the attacker's hand will go down due to inertia.


When the attacker's hand came down, Flavio turned his body, and with a punch, he broke the nose of a man dressed in black.


Taking advantage of the fact that the man in black lost his balance, Flavio pushed him, and he fell to the floor of the room where there was a lot of glass.


When she got ready to go with her daughter, she could feel someone putting the barrel of a gun on her head.


"Quiet, there is Bruce Lee's attempt, this beauty of my hand can fill your brain with lead before your hands can do anything."


Flavio just frowned and raised his hands slowly.


--- Continue in episode 2 that you can read in my Marie novel in the special episodes section; thank you for reading this episode .----