Lee's POV

"Remember all your training remember the drill, good luck troopers The fate of humanity lies on each and every one of us, Corporal Lee shalom!"

"Shalom red wolf leader!"

I turned off the communicator and looked around at my men. It is raining as hard as expected. The mud, the dirt, the noise. Every single one of these is essential for us to blend and become completely unseen. However underneath those thick muds. Even with some of their helmet and tribal mask on. I can still see doubts and fears on my men. I can't blame them. We had been conducting small time raids for supplies for almost months now. But this time is different. We are going to assault a military supply convoy. I had known every single one of my men. From their name, what they look like, and the worst, I know who their families are. Their wife their children. I know it all. Little did they know that I am a lot more scared than them because of that reason. But they won't know it.

We are on this mission together and failure is not an option. We need those metals, we need loads of beryllium, we even need those battle droids that we will be able to take down today. "Sir they are coming. Eta 15 minutes."

"Alright, arm the pulse cannons. Snipers, you know the drill. Let's do this. "

"copy that sir"

my men then start reporting in and took their positions as planned. These are all good men. But I know some of our blood will be well spent today. And I believe it is more than worth it.


"ugh, where the hell am I?"

"You are in a prison transport welcome to the jungle"

I am blindfolded and can only see specs of light from above. I can also feel I'm in a moving vehicle. "You don't seem much of a talker are you asleep?

or are you just scared?" I'm not minding this stranger beside me at all. "Don't you worry we won't go to prison. Willing to bet on it? Going once? going twice? haha, you just wait and see"

This guy must be crazy. I know what is going to happen once you were sentenced by the police to go to prison. It's a game over. You're already considered as a Purged. Which leads to two endings. Either you go to a lifetime forced labor or you will be served as sushi in a Nowance restaurant. Or even much worse, you get to experience both.

Rhie, Gray, I'm going to miss you guys. I haven't even had a chance to say goodbye.

"We are here heh heh" my seatmate whispered again. What is this crazy guy talking about? some seconds later I

heard and felt a huge blast so strong that it shook the ground below our vehicle my knees trembled. Immediately after that some E.M.P. blast which shuts down our vehicle and the engine was dead. Even the lights are now off, Then another blast! This time much closer to us causing our ride to flip. I fell off my seat and hurt my knees. Just one good thing my blindfold is now off. I can finally see the dreadful sight around me. Most of the fugitives like me are lying unconscious, some even have blood around them. This is really getting ugly. The onslaught hasn't stopped. I can hear gunshots and plasma blast around me.

Suddenly my seatmate moved. "Haha told you we are here!" Then he stood up. What a big man he is. He grabbed something on his pocket. Keys! He removed his cuffs and blindfold. Then threw the led light key to me. I immediately freed myself too. "what now?" I asked him. "I was hoping you would ask that, don't worry those are my brothers right there. They are stealing materials from military vehicles which happened to be following our convoy too. We just need to fight our way outta here and go to them."

Okay? So I'm a rebel now? haha cool. I knew there is something special about this guy.

"Take these!" The stranger gave me a pistol blaster he grabbed a couple of small firearm from the dead and almost dead security guard personnel. Yeah, he killed the almost dead personnel by choking him to death with a chain. Earlier, I never thought this guy could be so harmful.

"What? are you gonna help me or not?" As he was trying to open the back door of our vehicle. Though it seemed impossible knowing how dangerous this man is, I helped him with the door. However, it was of no use.

Suddenly the security lock keypad beside the door lit up.

"Great! It is back online" I said.

"What do you mean great? battle droids are back online too! They will surely kill everyone in sight on a situation such as this!"

"Save the worries later big guy," I told him with a smirk on my face. This is my thing. I grabbed a small screw from my pocket and start twitching the wires behind the lock keypad for the door. Small thing.

Then the door slowly opened. "You've got skills kid! That's great!" I felt like a squire being patted at the back by his master knight.

So we went out of the broken vehicle. It is raining hard. Muds make it hard to walk. The shootout is intense ground eruption every now and then. Plasma bullets flying everywhere. Both of us are hiding from one broken vehicle to another. Slowly making our way to the trees for cover.

"Shhh, a battle droid! let it pass"

The guy stopped me from walking further to let the war machine pass through us. Then he aimed his pistol at the back of the humanoid machine and shoot it twice.

The iron minion suddenly fell dead on the wet ground. Then we run and hide underneath a big truck.

Finally, we get a better picture of what is happening. Hiding among the trees and big rocks were rebel troopers which were camouflaged with the mud. They were raining all sorts of hell to the droids and security personnel hiding in the vehicles and a huge truck with a huge container.

Rpg's, blaster rifle shots, Pulse canons. The rebels seemed to slowly eliminate the seemingly endless droid coming from the huge truck and tanks. Their position is definitely giving them a huge advantage. In addition to that this climate has drastic effects on a typical battle droid's targeting system. So these maniacs are just spraying laser bullet all over the damn place.

"Looks like we are winning," The big guy beside me said with a smile. Seems true.


"Multiple metalheads 2 o'clock gathering around the broken tank!"

one of the scouts shouted on the radio.

"Mortar team fire at will! Coordinates pinged!"

"Coordinates received! Firing!"

Shoooooog!!! Plank!!! I can see the huge heavy rocket makes it's way up in the air then slowly turns and swiftly makes it way down to the enemy droids.

"multiple KIA'S! Good hit good hit!"

I reckon that the enemy had been down to 30% by now. I know we can definitely wipe them all out at this rate but if we wait for that. I'm sure reinforcement from the main regiment will catch us red-handed. That will be a total massacre. So we must move now.

"Extractor team! get ready! " I shouted at them in the comms.

"copy sir!"

"Assault team let's go now!"

"Go go go!" my second in command said to the men who would rush with me towards the enemies and protect the extractors. The one that would grab our objectives. The materials from that truck.

We rushed towards the enemy positions shooting some droids and enemy personnel along the way. We are closing in very fast. Snipers are also covering us from behind so everything is running as what was planned.

But then something appeared from one of the medium-sized truck. And then another one. AMT's or armed mobile turrets! These sick four-legged monsters! Why are they here? why now?

Immediately these huge devils open fired at us killing almost one-fourth of us with its automated rapid firing blasters. It took a while before we were able to regroup on some flipped tanks and vehicles.

"Our weapons are useless to those machines sir! what do we do now?"

I can't think of any way too. Even hidden, one by one we are becoming dead meat.

Then it fired its long-range missile clusters. There was so many that you thought you

just witnessed an extreme meteor rain. It flew like wishing stars right above us. Passing by. Then finally landing at our men hiding in the trees. Almost the entire view of the forested area was swallowed by white flames.

Though they are far away I can hear them scream. Asking why. Asking for help.

"Sir!! what now? I don't wanna die here!"

It was Rod. One of the youngest member of my battalion. This kid still got so much life ahead of him. Especially if we win the war.

I still have them to fight for. We are still alive! We are humans! We are far more superior than these droids!

"The five of you switch to smoke grenade launchers! You two! go to that position and shoot the AMT with rockets on my go! get in position!"

I armed my MK-VI Claymore explosive and set it to 1second explode on contact mode.

"We are in position, sir!"

"okay steady... steady... now!"

They fired their rockets on the AMT, as expected its deflector shield immediately covered it from taking any damage. Then the turret focused its head on the two rocketeers.

"Smokes now!"

Then my men shoot smoke grenades on it. covering its vision entirely. I switched my helmet to electric sensitive vision mode which can see any droids hiding no matter what cloaking device they have. I rushed towards the thick smoke. Place the explosives right underneath the AMT. Then I jumped away from it.


a huge blast that immediately cleared the smoke. And allowing us to see the AMT severely damaged. It looked like it is going to fall down any second. However, it still tried to point its gun on me. But failed since one of its legs was detached from its body

making it almost impossible to raise its gun anymore.

Me on the other hand. Can hardly move as well since the explosion is close to me. And I'm both in shock and in pain. I am just sitting and laying my back on a rock. Then something shoots the AMT in front of me. Causing it to finally kiss the ground.

What now? It was the other remaining AMT it destroyed its own teammate just to get towards me. I can feel it approaching. Those heavy legs walking against the soft and wet ground. My men are shooting on it. But no effects because of the deflector shield. I pointed my blaster pistol on it. Then pulled the trigger.

No shield deflected it. But still, the thick metal was just scratched by my shot. No further damage was done. To my surprise, the lights on the droid suddenly turned off. And it's guns pointed towards the ground together with its massive turret. Then it fell. Kissing the ground too just like the first one.

The other battle droids start falling on the ground too as if something or someone disabled all of them. Just like that.

"Corporal Lee! My friend!"

Wait I know that voice!


" dahh! who else would it be?"

I saw a big long-haired man approach me. Then pulled me in the arms to help me stand up.

"Did you do it?" I asked

"No, he did!"

He pointed at a frail-looking young man in front of us.

"What is your name young man?"

"Greg Sanchez sir"

"Well, Greg! Welcome to the brotherhood of the wolves! Thanks for saving our asses!"

"My pleasure sir!"

And we shook hands...