Etsuya Eizan!

this chapter still needs to be edited


After two days of Alexander looking around the school for a teacher who can find free his schedule for a few hours so he can take his tests.

Unfortunately, so many teachers were busy all day long with the preparation for the autumn elections. Alexander was basically begging one teacher to do him a favor but even then he couldn't.

Alice who was hanging around with him in his quest of finding a teacher, she never realized why he was doing that but just tagged along.

When she realized his situation, all she did was just pull her phone and make a single phone call and one teacher appeared to hold Alexander's tests but on the condition, he has to cook all the 50 dishes in a span of 4 hours.

When that happened, Alexander slapped himself for not realizing that his girlfriend is the granddaughter of the head of this school.

The tests weren't that hard. All but just simple dishes that Alexander cooked them all in 3 hours in a large Kitchen together at the same time.

The teacher who witnessed this trembled from disbelieving as he saw Alexander running around the kitchen every few minutes he would present him with a dish that can put all students to shame.

Alexander passed the test with flying colors. Alice gave him a towel to wipe his sweat from all that running.

"Good work, Honey💖" Alice was enjoying spending some time with her boyfriend as this is their 2nd day as a girlfriend and boyfriend

Some Totsuki magazine's journalists were spying on the both of them and took a picture of Alice handing Alexander the towel. This was their next title for the newest version[The White Princesses caring for her Black Prince]

Many people were interested in Alice and Alexander's relationship and the Totsuki magazines are willing to milk this topic to the last drop.

"Let's go, Alice" Alexander wiped his sweat and took Alice's hand exiting the kitchen leaving only the teacher to finish the paperwork for his tests.

Alice and Alexander left the classes area and headed to the North Star Dormitory in Alice's car

"Now your participation in the autumn election is guaranteed♪" Alice said to Alexander who was holding her in his arms while she snuggled in his embrace

"Yeah! I almost played myself" Alexander said with a sarcastic voice as he laughed it off

"Say, Honey..." Alice looked at Alexander with a teasing smile "...If we faced each other in the election, Will you go easy on me?" She asked, Alice was just playing around, she didn't mean to ask for a free pass from him, it's too embarrassing to do that.

"Of course not..." Alexander ruffled her hair and continued " If we met, I will make sure to destroy you!" He said with a deep voice

"Scaryyy♪" Alice shouted playfully before she responded too with "Then I will make sure I do the same to you too." She said

Alexander smiled and kissed her softly which surprised Alice, she wasn't ready for it.

"Then, Make sure to give it your all cause it won't be that easy," Alexander said to Alice was touching her lips with her fingers, her face was red from Alexander's antics before she hit him softly on the chest

"Not fair, not fair, you cheated!" She was supposed to be the playful one in their relationship so the surprise attacks from Alexander are her weak point.

The both of them kept on teasing each other from time to time while the car drove to the dorm. When the car stopped in front of the dorm's gate, Alexander and Alice got out of the car and entered the dorm where they found Hayama and Ryo in the kitchen making lunch for them all.

Takumi and Isami are reading Totsuki's magazine while having a blast of laughter.

"Pfft!! look at this, hahaha!!!!" Takimi showed Isami the picture of Alexander and Alice with that exaggerated title. Isami smiled but didn't laugh out loud as he saw Alexander and Alice passing behind them.

"They're idiots! Prince and Princess! hahaha!!!" Alice leaned from behind him "What is so funny?" She asked causing Takumi to freak out.

"WHA!!!!" He fell on his butt "Alice! Alexander! Since when?!" he asked. Alexander gave Takumi a cold glare for a moment before he decided to ignore him

"Do you find it funny huh?!" Alice started the poor Takumi as she took the Magazine and flipped the pages before she showed him a page about him winning a Shokugeki the other day, "Then what is wrong with this pose? do you do it always? is it like a habit?" Alice was teasing the red-faced Takumi who was cringing at himself while Isami is now free to laugh at his brother who was being uncool right now.

"Did you perhaps want to look dashing...Eh? perhaps you thought this was cool?!!" Alice covered her mouth and looked at Takumi with petty in her eyes.


"YOU STARTED THIS!!!" Alice retorted.

While two of them are arguing, Alexander is in the kitchen with Hayama and Ryo.

"Just what are they being noisy for?" Hayama closed a pan to heat up

"Who knows?" Ryo was still working on his dish "But most importantly, Alexander, what happened with your tests, are they done,...And stop eating the prepared food." Said Ryo.

Alexander looked back at the both of them with his mouth stuffed with french fries "EH?! ah!! Yeah, I'm done with them, everything is okay!" he said after taking a bunch of french fries in his mouth.

"Honestly, I can't believe that you were about to get expelled because of this, even if you have a business outside of Totsuki, at least take the exams in time. That shouldn't be a hard one." Said Hayama. When he heard about Alexander's situation, nothing could express how dumbfounded he was

"Mannn~I was really in a pinch you know! Everyone was so busy and they kicked me out saying I should have taken the exams earlier!" Alexander put his hand on Ryo shoulder who waited with Hayama for the dishes to finish heating up. He and Hayama were listening to Alexander's story with funny faces.

After some time, Natasha came to the dorm, she entered and saw Takumi and Alice fighting, she could only sigh at these two's antics. She rubbed her head and called "Alexander, you got maile!!" She said. She found the mail in the mailbox when she was coming back

"Yeahhh~" Alexander ran to her and took the mail. He read it with a casual face but it didn't last long as the sender is no one other than Etsuya Eizan himself.

'It didn't do anything but he requests a meeting with me? I wonder if he got the news about his two little birds?" He thought. He ripped the paper and throw in the trash can. No one paid any attention to his expression or what he did. They were busy with their own thing.

Eizan requests meeting Alexander tomorrow noon. It was a good opportunity for Alexander to see the man who thought he could just get rid of him easily. Let me test your metal, he thought. Alexander grinned as he can't wait for tomorrow so he can see this person and decide if he should live or die.

Alexander and co ate the food after Natasha came back.

Natasha, Hayama, Isami, Takumi and Ryo. The poor ones, they had to witness the new love birds feed each other in front of them.

The thing they all share is that all of them are single and they couldn't help but feel they were being bullied at the moment.


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