
The wait is over and as I promised, I will do daily chapters for a week


"A leaf viewing? what nonsense is this!" Alexander started complaining while going up a hill with his friends

"Stop whining, this far more important than playing your console game." Said Hayama "We are meeting the elite 10 after all." he added. But Alexander didn't pay him any mind and just kept on walking.

Behind him, Alice wasn't having a good time either 'The elite 10 meeting the 10 top first years...that means Erina and Rindo will be there, how unpleasing!' The girl still got her priorities right. Displeasure is apparent on her face but Takumi and Ryo didn't understand why as they concluded it as one of her usual tantrums

Reaching the top of the hill, they were greeted with one of the most beautiful scenes in their life, a beautiful mountain was in front of them with a huge waterfall going down, trees were everywhere. And in the middle of all of that is a large sitting area with the other first years.

Soma, Erina, Arato, and the unusually large Mimasaki.

"Aniki! you're late." Soma shouted for his brother

"Helllooo~" Alexander trailed in his speech showing clear boredom to everyone else

"Alexander-sama!!" Erina looked at Alexander with a faint smile, she quickly made space between her and Soma enabling Alexander to sit beside her

"Ah!! You!!" Alice realized what happened late as she was about to curse at Erina who only looked at her innocently giving her the 'What is wrong?' face. Alice quickly pushed Soma away and sat in his place.

Takumi, Isami, Ryo, and Hayama were just looking at this with a tired expression, they soon let the go and took their place.

Mimasaki Subaru who was in the corner stood up and walked to Alexander making his shadow cover them "Saiba Alexander, it is good to see you again..." he said

Alexander with the two girls looked back, Alexander frowned and looked at Subaru deeply "...Who?" he tilted his head.

"...It is me, Mimasaki Subaru." Subaru didn't mind Alexander and just laughed it off.

Alexander looked at Subaru, the Subaru he knows has dreadlocks with a bike gangster feeling to him, but he can see the similarities if he removed the silky long hair that Made even Erina feel jealous

"Ah! what the hell man! have you been doing shampoo commercials lately or what?" Said Alexander "What's good mate?!" Alexander stood up and faced Subaru

The two boys engaged in a friendly conversation really quickly

"Tch! now I have to be jealous of boys too!" Alice Said

"Just like you said." Added Erina.

The two cousins looked at each other briefly and smiled sweetly

"Fufufu...Fuck you!" Alice whispered

"You too...fufufu~" responded Erina.

With that, everyone got to meet again, just like in the autumn election but this time as friends. The area turned lively with everyone's true personalities coming out naturally and clashing wit the others.

The boys were busy figuring the mystery behind Subaru's silk hair, for now, the suspect is aliens.

After a while, the sound of drums started echoing, everyone focused at the place of the sound and they could see a group of people coming their way

"They are here," Erina said

Everyone focused on the incoming group with interest except Alexander, if it wasn't for Alice insisting on him, he wouldn't even be here. His bad habit of sleeping is coming to him again.

In front of the incoming group was a silver-haired boy and right behind him was the huge grin wearing girl, Rindo. She took big steps and soon passed Tsukasa. They quickly took their seats in front of the 10 first years

"Hey, hey, hey, you know..." one boy with a unique hair cut said suddenly getting everyone's attention "Why don't we end this here today? and let's abolish this meeting for the next year!" he said with a smile on his face.

'That is the first thing to come out of your mouth as soon as you arrived?' Takumi thought

'How rude!' Alice thought

'I can tell...this guy is annoying!' Thought Subaru

Erina with the other elite 10 shook their heads 'Kouga-senpai...' Erina couldn't believe that her senpai was suggesting to close an event that the school has been preparing for since the start of the year.

"I mean, it is a total bother, don't you all think so?"

"It is a direct invitation from the head director personally...forget about abolishing it, we can't even not participate in it." Said the braided girl. She was a green-haired girl with glasses; the 6th seat holder Nene Kinokuni.

"Nobody asked you." Said Kouga

"The thoughtless bastard started again, huh? that man is like our sponsor so let's just go along with his wishes." Eizan crossed his hands and leaned forward and looked at Kouga

"Eizan? you're always thinking about money. You're totally boring, just hurry up and leave Totsuki, like right now, today, in one, two, three..."

"Shut up, midget," Eizan said

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY?!!" Kouga lashed out

The first years looked at the circus in front of them with deadpan expressions

'So annoying!' they thought

The elite 10 started fighting each other as this is a rare case for them to be in the same place. Surprisingly, Rindo, Tsukasa and the remaining elite 10 didn't interfere with Kouga

"Excuse me..." Soma raised his hand "I want to join the elite 10 so can any of you have a Shokugeki with me?" Just these few words caused shock to spread around with Kouga having some flashbacks.

"The hell is wrong with you and this goddamn Sokugeki!!" Alexander lightly punched Soma on his head

"But i want to be part of the elite 10." He said with a little teary eye.

"I heard you've been going around having Shokugekis left and right!!" Alexander started scolding Soma about his reckless behavior recently.

Rindo was watching with great interest, the only reason she isn't joining any conversation is she is enjoying the interactions between everyone.

"Hhahaha!!" Kouga started laughing after he came to his senses, the others too shook their head. The earlier scene was too familiar to them that they were caught off guard by it not expecting it to happen again

"Honestly, Yukihira-chi, you surprised me there..." Kouga jumped in front of Soma and Alexander "To answer your question...No."

"I guessed so..." Soma said

"And even if one of us agreed, do you think you can offer us something of value to any of the seats or the time wasted...?" Kouga added. Soma only looked sideways

"I did a bit of research on some of you, and honestly, I don't think Yukihira-chi can ever challenge an elite 10 member..." Kouga said, his words started to grow harsher and harsher

"Wait until the next year when the 3rd years leave and try to win your way up to the seats, someone in your situation wouldn't be able to be a seat holder in Totsuki except with that method."

Soma frowned "What does that have to do with any of this?" he asked. The other first years that share similar circumstances looked at Kouga with a dangerous gleam in their eyes

"And with that being said...please do your best from now on." Kouga laughed and turned to leave to his place

"Are you insulting my brother?" Alexander calm and deep voice stopped Kouga in his place

"hm? what is that?"

"I asked if you're insulting my brother? midget." Alexander faced Kouga in the middle of the seating area with everyone surrounding them. Silence descended upon the area with Kouga and Alexander like volcanoes that about to burst.


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