You Will See...

In one of the arena's VIP rooms, Azami and Tsukasa were sitting in front of each other while looking sideways at Alexander who has just defeated Nakazaki Shina. Tsukasa looked with bored eyes at Alexander while Azami was full of smiles.

"As I thought..." Said Tsukasa with an uninterested tone "This year's first years are somehow different from the past years."

Azami took a sip of his wine and spoke "Who do you think is the most troublesome between all of them?" he asked.

Tsukasa thought for a moment "Hmm...To me, it seems to be this one down there..."Tsukasa looked at Alexander who was surprisingly looking at them with a smile on his face.

"He is definitely strong, I don't know to what extent but he is an elite 10 strong." Tsukasa shook his head "But that doesn't make him the only troublesome person. If I must say, then the two dorms; The North and The Polar Star have the most troublesome people in this school."

"hmm..." Azami recalled the conversation he had Rentarō Kusunoki after his defeat on Korokiba's hands "well, no worries now...I took care of that even if they don't agree and join us until the end. I already prepared spots to destroy them individually."

"Yes...I guess so."

Azami looked at Alexander who was leaving the arena "The next fight's Stage is outside the academy, its where our best chance to destroy them is..."

"The promotion exams, huh?" Tsukasa understood immediately as a faint smile appears on his face.

After that, Alexander left straight to his company after Vlad came to pick him up. The trip was short as they took the highway.

Alexander got the missed reports from Vlad on the way, he got the big picture and understood what was next.

As soon as Alexander entered his office he met with his uncle who was playing chess with Keanu. When Keanu saw Alexander he stood up and greeted him.

Alexander saw the mountain of paperwork on his desk and looked at Alfie with hatred.

"Oh yeah, Axy, Mother called..." Alfie said without noticing Alexander's hateful glare

"Grandmother did?" Alexander asked as he took his place on his desk.


What did she want?"

"She told me to tell you to come and visit her soon, she called Alexandra and forced her to come back," Alfie said while racking his brain to try and move his chess pieces.

'Ah, I still haven't told them about Rindo being pregnant...I guess I will take the girls there and then celebrate the news there since Rindo's parents are also there.' Alexander thought as he started signing the papers "Then I will go as soon as possible."

"Don't be late or she will come flying and get you." Alfie laughed as he moved his piece

"Just shut up!!" Alexander shouted as continued to sign the papers.

After that, Alexander inquired Keanu about his investigation in China.

"From what i could tell, that man is definitely in China," Keanu said.

"Where exactly?" Alexander asked.

"Probably Beijing, I have noticed the white python gang strange movement after my appearance in their territory. I think they are hiding him."

Alexander looked at the ceiling and thought "China is out of our territory. If we try to enter we will face all of the Chinese gangs and their alleys, so our best chance is to try and get him to leave there with his own will..."

"luring him out will be hard, he seems to act on his personal plans and doesn't care for anything else and that is another reason why he is still out of our sight," Vlad added.

"Then we can only wait for him to come out..." Alfie said as he took a sip of his tea "But his target will definitely be Alexander so we must place more security on him especially during his travels."

"Anyway, after his last plan failed, he will not come out at least for another 8 months..." Alexander stood up "I will be leaving now."

"To where?" asked Vlad

"To see Koujiro."

Vlad escorted Alexander to where the Golden Tower is. When they entered the tower they saw that there were many changes especially in the decoration which Alexander didn't see any problem with. He people working inside which he concluded to be new staff.

Alexander called Koujiro and informed him to meet him on the top floor and to Alexander's surprise, Koujiro was on the top floor.

Alexander went up to the top floor and met with Koujrio.

"How is the progress going?" Alexander asked.

"I am great! thanks for asking..." Koujiro said. After leaving him for about a month to do his work, the first thing he says is how are things going.

"Kahaha!! sorry sorry, how are you doing Koujy?" Alexander laughed at Koujiro's response

"We finished preparing the tower and I will start making the ads, the chefs you recommended are on their way and I will use them as free advertisement." Kouji said ignoring Alexander's untimely question about his well being "I hope your connections are good or we will be wasting a fortune for just the ads."

"They are top-notch!" Alexander wasn't concerned about anything. He knows that this tower will be a banger as soon as he opens, it's just that because of how big it is, a long time is needed to prepare it for the public.

After discussing their next step in advertisements, Koujiro remembered something and asked: "Hey, shouldn't you be in Hokkaido by this time?"

Alexander raised his head from the papers and looked at Koujiro confusingly "Why? is there something in Hokkaido?" he questioned.

"Well, I mean, the promotion exams?" Koujiro tilted his head.

"The what?" Alexander had never heard of such a thing "You mean in my company?"

"No! I meant the promotion exams for Totsuki, the one where you are tested to see if you have the qualification to be a second year." Koujiro tried to explain, even for him, he doesn't remember much about that time, all he can remember is that they were on a luxury train and they were tasked with cooking in certain situations like the Hellish Training Camp.

"No one told me about such a thing..." Alexander said "What happens in this promotion exams anyway?" he asked.

Koujiro chuckled "Judging by your situation with Azami, I guess even for you you will have a hard time passing." Koujiro looked at the confused Alexander and adjusted his glasses "On that train and that land, Totsuki's influence reaches its peak. Their word will become the law."

"Train?! what train?!"

"You will see..."


One more chapter and we will ride that madafaking train


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