A Long Night!

After Alexander escaped Haru's grasp, he returned to the hotel with Keanu and Vlad. They locked the door behind them.

"We need to lock every escape route," Vlad spoke up after he made sure all windows are closed.

"Yes. Make sure some men are located in the remote ports and every place they could use to get out of the country from." Alexander sat on his bed "Airports are already out of question, but just to be sure, notice our agents there. You have his picture so send it to them."

"Will do," Vlad responded.

"What about Vados's side?"

"He killed Sebastian's men and destroyed his building, his family is out of the country." Keanu spoke up " should we look for them?"

"No, they are just women." Alexander didn't want unnecessary work.

"I have dispatched a search party after them, they will bring out their location as soon as possible, and shanks is on his way. He will be here tomorrow." Vlad said as he pushed his glasses back. They were lucky again that their top priority today was Alexander's safety, or they would have been killed on the spot.

Alexander nodded, he smiled. True, he could have died today, if only they didn't underestimate his solo abilities. A teenager, yes, but a leader of the strongest family, that means something at least. "When you find him, call me as soon as possible." Alexander looked at Vlad "You're dismissed."

Both men left the room, Vlad took off to help the search party, while Keanu went to get Alfie. both of them will be standing outside Alexander's room to protect him.

In the Bell tower, Haru was angry, beyond anything else he was scared "Damn it!!!" he shouted. "One chance! that's all it takes to kill him, but no! he turned out to be a crazy driver!!" he kicked a chair send it crashing on the wall

jiren was leaned on the wall and with closed eyes, he spoke "A direct confrontation is unavailable." he said.

"No shit!"

Sakazuki sighed "I have called our men, they will be here in a few hours. some traps were deployed outside the building. We will use this tower as our stronghold."

"There is an escape route in the sewerage. if things went South, we will use it!" Jiren added. his fight was not with Alexander. Kaido is the one, he can't die unless he faces him.

"Aah." Haru nodded, There is no meaning to die on the hands of someone he hates. "Get in place, they probably can track us suing road cameras. We couldn't escape them all, airports and ports are out of the question too. They must have blocked them. Prepare to fight!" he said.

In Another location, Sebastian came back to his base of operations. And in front of him, he could only see ash and blood. His base is destroyed, burned, and crumpling. His men are all dead, their blood is still here, but the same can't be said to their bodies, there was no one here as if they disappeared in thin air. But one thing for sure, they are dead.

"Boss...Over there." One of Sebastian's men who came with him pointed at the only safe wall. His eyes indeed, fear crept in and his legs couldn't carry him. [You're next] Such words were written with blood on the wall. Most certainly his men's blood.

"Let's get the hell out of here! now!!" He shouted as he ran with his men to their cars. They took off to their emergency escape route.


Next-Day - Morning - The Beach


Alexander was working again, with him this time more men surrounding him, eyeing every customer like eagles. Pull out any strange object and you're dead, do anything funny and you're dead. Though, the customers didn't realize this and were oblivious to that. Keanu and Alfie were close by Alexander making Komatsu and Sanji question him about it.

"Some trouble came up yesterday night, they must be around me if the same trouble showed up." He said. Sanji got the news from his sister that Alexander is just like their father, but stronger. He didn't see that as strange, after all, he had his fair share of trouble too in the past. As for Komatsu, he didn't understand much but he still was kind enough to comfort Alexander, not that was needed, since it came from a friend, it must be accepted.

Reiju didn't care at all. She was used to such events, it happened to her once when she was young. She was suffocated with guards, she didn't take one step without 5 guards around her like bees. She finally was able to see such an event from outside the ring. 'So, that's how it looked like to the other!' she thought.

The day went smoothly with no trouble. Other students finished their exam and jumped from ecstasy. All of them succeeded, The site 10's booth was the first to finish. Their high speed of income mainly came from Subaru, Takumi, Ryo, and Soma who were cooking like a machine, but Subaru was on another league, the motherfucker was tracing Alexander. With him there, it was as if all second years' elite 10 were cooking together. Their final revenue was 70000 dollars. Such money came after raising their prices after they hooked the customers on the second day, so the third day was their money-grabbing day. Alice looked proud of her idea and how they made everyone bite the dust after them.

"That's how you make money, peasants!" she said toward her fellow classmates as she laughed as hard as she can making Erina hit her with a book on her head to silence her.

As for Alexander's team...They have closed. The sun was going down and customers left. There was no need for Alexander, Komatsu, Reiju, and Sanji to clean this time. In just 15 minutes, Alexander's men made this place look cleaner than it should be.

Komatsu was on the floor counting their money "98 thousand euro!" he shouted as he finally finished counting "

Sanji fist-pumped Alexander "I got 98500 Euro for my school and for you it's about...hmm...about..." he pulled out his phone and then smiled "Dude! it's 11 million and more!! Komatsu and his Chinese currency have 75 thousand and more! We killed it!" he said.

"Hell yeah!!!" Komatsu shouted.

"All good, all good!" Alexander nodded with a smile. "Well, I will invite you guys to celebrate after I am done. Be ready to comply," he said and then left with his men.

"You bet on that!!" Sanji shouted. He knows that something is up for real, Reiju had the urge to follow and watch what he does but she didn't want to risk. As for Komatsu, he was happy that he passed his exam, his nativity doesn't allow him to pick on the heavy mood and killing intent that Alexander's men and especially his uncle were displaying.

Tonight was going to be a long night. But only one side would feel its coldness.


Night Time - Airport


"Joichiro, hurry up, at this rate we may even spend the night in the street!" A very pissed off Alexandra called for her husband who was walking behind her with two heavy bags in his arms.

Joichiro ran trying to catch up with her, his lungs were killing him, his strong muscles were betraying him, and his soul was crying "Tamako, I miss you!!" he thought.

He looked at his speeding wife and mumbled: "I only came to give the kid his Blue Invitation, how did I end up with her!" One thing for sure, a universal fact...Alexandra was the worst travel companion...beware!!


Food Wars: The Golden Hands / Chapter 186 is out on Pat reon

The Lost Fruits / Chapter 44 is out on Pat reon

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