BLUE - This Is Madness

I spent half my night writing this, from 11PM to 5AM and I am writing. I will come back to correct any mistake, so forgive me if you saw any.


After ending his trial on a high note, Alexander found himself with nothing to do for 40 minutes before the trial ends and the door opens so they can proceed to the next trial. There were still many who are in their last 3rd try before they get disqualified per the rules of the trial. Alexander could only sit down with Takumi, Alice, Tsukasa, and Soma behind Lanterby while she judged the others.

Alice brought a bag of Ice cream that caught her interest from searching around the store earlier and shared it with the boys. Eating cold ice cream in the cold dark night in this old castle had a magical feeling. Alexander felt a chill in his throat "The taste is so so but its still a refreshing thing!" He said with a smile.

"You're paying for it by the way." Alice opened her bag.

"A typical girlfriend move." Takumi took a bite from the ice cream before speaking.

"Excuse me!!" Alice was offended as she looked at Takumi with disgust "...Fianceé, not girlfriend." She spoke.

Tsukasa was on Alexander's right side while looking at Takumi an Alice fighting while Soma was just reacting to them and laughing at them, he chuckled "They remind me with Ishiki and Nene with Rindo, all of them had a similar relationship, Isshiki and Nene fight and Rindo enjoying the show." He said.

Alexander looked at them and he could see the similarity, he has seen how Isshiki and Nene interact with each other, and he has to admit, they kind of look similar "...Well, Soma looks like a gender-bent Rindo, don't you think?" Alexander blurted out. " Tsukasa couldn't help it and started laughing out loud until his stomach started hurting.


Heaven's Keep - BookMaster's chamber


"Anne, report." The book master in her screened box called the girl beside her. 

"Yes, more than half of the light chefs were disqualified, as for the dark chefs, excluding the one that was found unconscious in the first trial, all of them passed.

The Book master smirked while putting her chin on her palm "Playing time is over, the true BLUE  starts now. Give the signal." She said with an amused chuckled "It's time for the true chefs to meet each other."

Anne chuckled and took out her phone and sent a notification to Lanerby.


The 2nd Trial ground


Lanterby's phone rang with a ding, she looked at it and smiled before putting it back in her pocket "Alright!!!" She clapped her hands hard for everyone to hear "Time's up, put down your tools and get out of here, the same for those who wasted their 3 chances, the door is right there." She then turned around and looked at the guards at the door for the 3rd gate "OPEN THE DOOR!! everyone with a dish over 100$, the second gate opens." On her mark, the guards pushed the heavy doors.

Alexander stood up from the ground before dusting his pants and walked with the others to the door. As doors opened. Three people were standing behind the door looking at who was coming in. A woman in a military general uniform with a chainsaw, a blond-haired and mustache man with glasses who was drinking alcohol together with a masked man with a blond hair that defies gravity.

When Alexander saw them, he felt like he recognized them from somewhere. But for them, their bodies trembled with hate as they still can feel the punches they got from Keanu and Vlad the other day on the beach.

"What?" Alexander passed by the girl who was giving him poisonous glares.

"You!" She wanted to just turn her chainsaw on and decapitate Alexander right here and right now, his servants are nowhere to be found so taking her revenge on him is easy now.

"Keep your eyes to yourself, you chuunibyou!" Alice mistook the girl's hateful glares as interest in Alexander so her defenses went max out.

The chainsaw girl glared at Alice "Shut your trap, ya cunt!"

"Wanna go, bitch, I'll tear your tits off!!"Alice retorted as she grabbed her by the collar.

Just one word and a fight would have broken out, thankfully, Lanterby came in and stopped the fight "If you want to fight  Do it outside. Or you will be disqualified" She said while coming between the two and pushing their heads away from each other.

Truth must be told, Alexander was with Soma, Takumi, and Tsukasa. The only reason they didn't interfere is that they never saw Alice like this, they were a little scared. As it goes "Beware of the silent ones."

Then a clapping sound came from the front of the crowd. Three people came in, one middle-aged man with white hair in a long ponytail, an elderly woman wearing clothes similar to a nun, and a young woman in a suit. Each one had a book of WGO in his hand.

"Well, ladies, this is a cooking arena, if you're going to fight, do it with your skills in cooking." The middle-aged man spoke.

The Nun elder lady smiled "Young girls such as yourself shouldn't indulge themselves in petty fighting, it is above your beauty and statue." 

Alice scuffed and looked the other way. The cosplay General girl also turned the other cheek and walked to her group of black chefs.

Seeing the situation calmed down, The middle-aged examiner looked at his watch and spoke: "It is time..." Before he can continue, the giant screen behind them, just like the one in the first gate turned on lighting the area.

"This is?!!" The Nun elderly lady looked up with a confused face.

"From the inner room..the book master!" The middle-aged man said.

"Lanterby..." The woman in suit looked at her junior in a questioning manner.

Lanterby shook her hands nervously "No, I don't know anything about this, this was not in the schedule at all!" She said. Since she was standing close to Alexander, she hides behind him, the woman in suit was her teacher and since she git punished by her a lot she came to fear her.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man looked at the monitor and spoke "Do you need us for anything, book master?" he spoke.

A light chuckle came from the monitor, of course it was disguised by a voice filter to hide the gender of the book master [I have just receive the report, Uptill now, half of the "light" chefs have fallen, while on the other hand, the "dark" has all but one who got caught up in a mysterious accident survived. Though I expected this...] The book master spoke with a great disappointment [so, for this gate's screening, we have a different game.]

Her words confused everyone present. No one what she meant by a game, this was a game to her?

"Would you please elaborate more, I don't quite get what you mean, book master." The middle-aged man spoke.

[Verry well...] The book master cleared her throat [Although the purpose of BLUE  is to determine the N°1 amongst the youth that will lead this generation. The reason why i make sure this happens every year regardless of how much I invest is because of a personal aim of mine.]

Alexander tilted his head, what would someone achieve from a cooking tournament? and as if hearing his thoughts, the book master continued [To find someone capable of creating a completing new dish that has never been seen before in this world.] she said.

'Huh? where is the gain in that? even if you found him, what is your profit from all of that investing?' Alexander thought. 

While he was still thinking, the book master was still speaking [The reason the lights chefs were nominated together with the black chefs is to draw the full potential o the Black chefs and act as their foil. I as the book master has already lost hope in the potentials of the light chefs.]

Anger rose among the ranks of the light chefs as they voiced their complaints toward such offense.

[I hear your complaints, then, you three." The book master called for the three dark chefs who were standing at the door [Prepare some beef!" she said.

Alexander looked at the three and sighed "We are being underestimated a lot here." he said.

"You damn right, I do not accept such treatment." Takumi crossed his arms and spoke.

"That bitch is better than me? in her dreams, this book worm is high on drugs or something." Alice didn't even hold her tongue this time as she spoke with freedom, an annoyed girl is really a troublesome thing.

No sooner, the cosplay girl started her cooking. She used a beef tenderloin and used the oven and frying pan to apply appropriate heat to the whole piece so she can draw out and strengthen the juices of the meat. 

"Well, that is the normal stuff, where is the potential they were talking about?" Tsukasa spoke with a tilted head.

"Under that short skirt maybe?" Alice crossed her arms. Alexander sweatdropped at his girl 'You're angry, fine, we get it!' he thought.

Though, the answer came real quick, as the girl took out her chainsaw and turned it on. Alexander noticed this and frowned "The hell does she want with that?"

The girl took the chainsaw and she started edging the beef on the fire "Oi! Am i seeing things?" Alexander chuckled with his eyes threatening to pope off as his body trembled "She is using a chainsaw on beef?"

Takumi beside him was no better than him "I... guess so?"

"Oi, stop it..." Alexander started walking toward the girl like a zombie. Tsukasa and Soma grabbed him and tried to pull him back but he was like a boulder.

"YOU!!! WHAT ARE YA DOING??" Alexander shouted drawing everyone's attention on him "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH A CHAINSAW?!! THAT'S FOD POISONING!!!" he shouted.

The girl stopped her chainsaw and looked at him "Don't misunderstand, I clean this 50 times a day."

"HUH??" A vein bulged off on Alexander's forehead.

"Shut up!!" The girl shouted as she took her dish to the examiner "Here is my dish."

The three examiners were enjoying the show and Alexander's sudden outburst, though, they themselves were curious about this beef dish she made. Taking their bite, they felt the beef was juicer that juice.

"Ho~ just one more second and you would have ruined the fiber of the meat and everything with it!" The Nun woman said with a smile. 

"Indeed, this amount of tenderness is unbelievable." The middle-aged man spoke.

"A very implacable dare if I would say." The woman in a suit added after them.

Hearing such words, everyone felt bad, if the top-rated examiners gave this much praise to a dish, then what about them who barely passed the previous gate.

[And there you have it." The book master's words resounded again [This time around, the gatekeeper is her, if you want to pass, make a dish that is either similar or above that.]

As if on cue, the other Black chefs hurried and started making their dish, one started using needs to such out blood from the meat, the clown played joggling with a closed pot. The rabbit girl used a mini guillotine.

"Oi! this is not real, this no more cooking, I can hear them, yes. James Beard, Paul Bocuse, Anthony Bourdain. They are rolling in their graves." Alexander mumbled.

Takumi and Tsukasa backed off away from him "What is wrong with him?" Tsukasa asked.

"I think he is having a mental breakdown," Alice said.

Before long, every noir chef passed. [This is the power of the black chefs, every single one of them is able to create anywhere by anything special class dish they only they can make no matter the situation. They possess rare superhuman abilities that the light chefs don't have.]

"FUCK IT ALL!!!!" Alexander shouted after finally reaching his limit, Superhuman abilities? in cooking? "Oi!! Book bastard!!! the hell you have been babbling about since earlier!!!" Alexander walked in the center while looking at the monitor. His behavior now scared even his friends as they thought he went crazy.

"How insulting, don't you have any respect for your elders?!" The nun examiner spoke with a frown.

"Shut it, old hag." Alexander glared at her mercilessly.

[What is wrong, Contistant Alexander, if you have any complaint about my words, please speak.] The book master spoke with a bored tone.

"Fuch yeah, i have, since while now you have been talking about black this, white that, that bitch over there just used a chainsaw to cook, that bastard is using needles that got knows where have been putting them, you said they have superhuman abilities and they are special and those dishes they made are impossible to replicate, do you stand by those words?" Alexander spoke with anger and frustration, only few times in his life has he been this worked up.

[...Of course, why?]

Alexander smirked, "Then, what if I could replicate them here and now without any of those would wreaking and insulting weapons they call tools."  Hearing his words, the dark chefs wanted to kill him for insulting them, but they know better to not do that here. But Alice really wanted them to try. 

[Fufufu~Boy you are very confident and arrogant...and a little bit crazy. Alright, what do you want from? say your aim.]

"Right now. I will make those 4 dishes at the same time...If I do that, From tomorrow onward, all-black chefs are prohibited from taking part in BLUE..." Alexander said and smirked. "...And You owe me an apology, with your head on the floor. near my feet."