Chapter 8: The Challenge

"He did what!" I screamed. Anger flooded through my veins as the Alphas had finished telling me the events of the past few days. If this was a cartoon I'd have smoke coming from my ears. My fists clenched along with my teeth, I was trying to calm down but the pure anger I felt was over casting all thoughts.

The Alpha, the shaggy brown haired one, was the main Alpha's beta: second in command if the main Alpha isn't there. The Alpha who was scared of me was the beta. He had every right to be afraid of me.

"I'm going to kill him," I growled as I started to walk to the door. The main alpha jumped infront of me, the same one who I met in the forest.

"Stop Hena," he demanded as he jumped infront of me. He had his hands outstretched towards me to stop me if I tried to keep going.

"Move Alpha," I growled.

"This isn't you," he promised, "This is your anger. You need to breathe, you dont kill people, you are gentle and kind. Be the person I saw in the forest, the girl who saved a child and protected the child with her life."

I scoffed and shook my head. "Move," I demanded once more.

"You're not a murderer Hena, please reconsider your next actions," he tried to level with me.

I took a step back and smiled slightly. "Donte," I growled, "Has someone ever killed your family? Your entire family slaughtered infront of you, lifeless on the ground as you watch their final breaths leave their bodies. And you couldn't do anything about the fact they were dying because you yourself were dying. All you had to do is crawl to them but there's too many, and once they die you can't bring them back. I'm not losing them again Donte, so move or I'll move you myself."

"They're all ready dead Hena, I'm sorry," Donte quietly whispered.

"Move," I growled.

"I'm sorry Hena, I can't do that," he explained.

"Donte-" the blonde alpha known as Jasper sighed, "She'll kill you with one touch; without hesitating, just take her to her family."

"No!" Donte yelled, "She won't hesitate to throat stomp Jason."

"And if you don't let her go then she'll throat stomp you," Alpha Jasper argued, "Just let her-"

"No!" Donte interrupted, "You're not killing Jason. He made a mistake, got in his head, killed them when they tried to escape, I'm sorry but you're not going to kill him. If you kill him you'll be just as bad as he is."

I pushed the Alpha and knocked him back a few feet, then reached for my sword to realize it wasn't there. I checked my thigh holster: nothing. Waistband: nothing. I had no weapons.

"You knew when you found me that he had kill them all?" I growled.

"No, I had Eclipse disarm you after I found out," Donte responded, "Please calm down and sit."

"If you don't move-"

"I'm not moving!" Donte growled back.

"Donte Pence, I challenge you for your title," I raised my voice.

Donte's arms fell to his sides. He looked wide eyed at me, his eyes almost immediately whelled in tears. He swallowed hard as if something was in his throat.

"Escort her to the challenger's room I'll be there in a few minutes," Donte ordered the blonde alpha.

The blonde alpha: Alpha Jasper took me by the arm and gently escorted me  down a long hallway.

"That was stupid," Jasper sighed as he brought me to a room and walked in with me.

"What I did or what he did?" I asked as I turned to look at him. I had to lean my head back since Jasper was a good foot taller than me.

"What you did-" he sighed, "Was actually really smart; what he did was even smarter."

"And how's that?"

"What you did was smart because he won't fight you. Number one: Donte won't hit a girl, especially not a Hena. Number two: A Hena has never gotten the Alpha title so if you're Hena and Alpha, nobody is above you, you rule the entire kingdom and have to answer to nobody."

I quickly looked around the room, a dinky bed sat in the corner of the relatively small room. There was nothing else but a window in the room.

My head turned back to Jasper, "And why was Donte smart."

Jasper shook his head at me, "Because by stopping you it gave Jason time to run, Donte saved his little brother. It was smart because you most definitely wouldn't have held back on throat stomping him."

"No, you're wrong, I wouldn't have throat stomped him," I said with a smile.

Jasper looked shocked at my tone of voice and seemingly happy smile.

"I would've seen how he killed my family and I would killed him the same way. Slow... bloody... and painful." I turned away and walked to the window.

"You're hurt," Jasper sighed, "I get it, but you shouldn't let anger and rage mask your true feelings. You have to mourn sometime."

"I'll mourn after I kill the brat who murdered my family just because they wanted to leave," I growled without looking up from the window.

The sound of the door closing sounded from behind me and I sighed.

"Great way to make friends Carla," I sighed to myself.

"It really is," a voice answered.

I spun around to see Donte standing by the doorway. I shot him an angry glare and looked back out of the window.

"You can have the title," Donte said quietly, "I won't fight you."

"Jasper already told me."

"So just take the title," Donte added.

I spun around and looked him dead in the eyes.

"I intend to fight for what I want Donte. Besides, I know how you guys work and I'd hate for you to be casted out of the kingdom. I think I might need you."

"How did you-?"

"Joey," I answered.

Donte's body language relaxed. He seemed shocked.

"Joey's alive?"

"Joey came to live in Lionsville shortly after he gave you the title," I answered.

Joey had told me all about the adventures of being an Alpha shortly after I brought everyone back when they died.

"He gave me the title when we were fighting. We were arguing about the death of all the Henas. Joey insisted he had met one and I thought he was lying."

"Joey met me when I was hunting one day, he started talking to me, asking where I came from, how I got there, and why I was hunting for other people."

Donte looked at me wide eyed, "You're the Hena he met."

I nodded, "And you called him a psychopath."

"Well can you blame me," Donte shrugged, "I miss my brother."

"Don't worry Donte," I sighed as I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder, "After I beat you in this fight and take your title, I'm going back to Lionsville and getting Henry to turn back time so I can catch Carter, Liam, Kathy, Madelyn, Paige, and Ryder before Jason does."

"So I won't meet you," he said with a sad expression.

"You won't remember any of this but I will," I added, "So let's just get this over with so I can save my family."

"I don't want to forget you," Donte said sadly, "You're the last Hena."

"Except I'm not. You see when I reset everything you'll find that little girl in the woods instead of me. She is also a Hena."

"She's not this kingdom's Hena, she belongs to the next Cachion Kingdom over," Donte explained, "The only reason she is still here is because she refuses to leave without you."

"I'm not this kingdom's Hena either," I explained, "I belong to Lionsville, that's my home, and that's where I belong. Not running around playing leader with a bunch of arrogant Alphas."

"A Hena needs an Alpha."

"No." I snapped, "A Hena needs her family behind her to help support her. My family is laying lifeless in the middle of the square. I don't need an Alpha to be a Hena, I just need them!" I raised my voice towards the end while pointing out the window. They didn't even bother to clean up the bodies from infront of the castle.

Donte looked down at his feet.


"It's Carla, not Atarah Ariella, not Hena, not whatever the heck you people call me, it's Carla."

Donte turned towards the door.

"Get out," I growled.

Donte opened the door and stopped before walking out.


"If you don't fight during the Challenge then I'll kill you, whether you yield or not. And I'll kill Jason, and then anybody else who raises a finger at me," I growled, "Now leave."