Chapter 9: The Author Gave Up On Naming This Chapter

I stayed up all day and all night thinking about how I would situate the kingdom considering I'm going to have sworn enemies living amongst each other. The Cachions would have to listen to their Alpha/Hena. I would inevitably be in control because I'd be both head Alpha and the only reining Hena. The girl is too young apparently. Well I don't think I'd put a five year old in charge either, so I guess it's not a stupid decision.

She had come into the room in the middle of the night.


The door slowly creaked open while I sat on the rickety of bed; in my own mind space. The motherless girl I saved in the forest came into the room, shutting the door behind her.

"Hena?" She said in a rather quiet voice. She was clutching a little blanket tight to her and had tear stains running down her face and down her neck.

I jumped up, running to her and slamming my knees into the ground. My arms immediately laced her against my chest in a tight but tender hug.

"What happened baby-girl?" I asked, "What's wrong?"

I loosened my hug, taking a few inches back so I could look her in the eyes, and pulled her hand into mine so she wouldn't be scared.

"I had a nightmare," her voice shook; I knew she was scared.

"Do you want to sleep in here?" I asked quietly, "It's not that comfortable."

"Can I please?"

I nodded and let her over to the bed. I sat down and pulled the three pillows close together so she could sleep on two and put one under her head. I smiled at her, and in an instant she darted to me and embraced me.

"Thank you," she whispered before climbing into her new pillow bed and laying down. I just smiled as I tucked the blankets on either side of her. She was already sleeping.

I clicked back into my mind space, thinking of every situation that could make this hard or impossible. I thought about the letter and immediately grabbed it to read it.

I looked at Kaida, the girl I saved, with eyes like fire. They burned so bad from unshed tears. I didn't remember this girl's parents until now. The mother, came to me looking for help. The father wanted to kill Kaida because he couldn't smell that she was a Hena, he thought the mother had cheated.

... the mother and I threw his body off a bridge into the water. We parted ways, saying that if she got asked any questions that all she saw was a girl with a head of red hair leaving the castle with her husband.

What was more strange was the powers that the mother described Kaida had. Some words I didn't even understand or they had only been talked about in the bible. I shook it off as she was scared and was just writing stuff down.

The mother described a scene of her and Kaida running for their lives through the forest. The alphas were scent tracking them and a rogue alpha helped them make a scent blocker. I smiled: Joey really does help anyone and everyone.


Kaida's head laid softly on her pillow. She slept soundly behind me all night long, never waking up.

The sun started to peak through the window curtains and I knew it was almost time. Even though I knew Donte wouldn't hurt me, I still had a fear of the whole situation.

Jasper pushed the door open, his eyes landing on the little one sleeping soundly behind me.

I shook my head. "Don't wake her," I whispered quietly.

Jasper nodded. He pointed his index finger at me for a few seconds and then flicked his finger upwards to signify I needed to follow him.

I got up softly, making sure not to wake up Kaida as I walked to the doorway and past Jasper.

Jasper left the door cracked and then we walked down to the dining hall.

"I'm sorry you had to sleep in that horrid room," Jasper apologized. He had looked down at me as he spoke.

"It's fine, I know the protocol for challenging," I answered up at him with a smile.

Jasper stopped right before the doorway and grabbed my arm. I stopped walking and he let go.

"He's actually gonna fight, he won't kill you but he said he'd fight," Jasper warned me, "I'm rooting for you princess." Jasper put his hand on my shoulder. "Bring him to his knees."

Jasper must've had some resentment towards his big brother. For what I understand, Joey and Donte were fraternal twins. Joey was more liked then Donte. Joey spent his time helping his people and his family. He always loved the smile it brought to everyone's faces. Donte however, doesn't come out of the castle gates unless they're going to war. He hides within the castle walls almost all the time. I guess Joey was Jasper's favorite.

We walked into the dining hall to eat our breakfast. While Donte was eating, a woman was putting war paint on him. When I walked in she immediately looked at me. She seemed older, possibly a friend of their dead Hena mother. Alpha Flynn was Donte, Jasper, Joey, Jason, and Blake's dad, he sat quietly and watched Jasper escort me to my seat and then take the one next to me. Donte immediately shot Jasper a glare. Nobody had sat next to me before since I've been here. Everyone was too afraid that I was unstable. But Jasper had come in to visit me throughout the night. He reminded me a lot of Joey: calm, sweet, generous, empathetic, etc. He really did pick the better brother for a role model.

I quietly and quickly ate my food. Upon finishing, a small, slender woman rushed over, grabbed my plate, and took it to another room.

I stood to my feet and started to walk out of the room, Jasper followed beside me. I got about halfway before Donte decided to say something.

"Where do you think you're going? Come sit back down," Donte growled.

Jasper bowed and started to take a step to walk back when I grabbed him by his shirt and yanked him behind me. He looked shocked and worried.

"I'm going to go talk to the locals and get used to my surroundings," I declared with a smile on my face. Donte growled and glared at my open disregard for his Alpha tone.

"You're not leaving this castle," Donte raised his voice, almost yelling.

"You cannot and will not stop us," I sneered as we started walking out the door.

"Please dont ever do that again," Jasper pleaded as we got to the front door.

"Jasper he won't hurt you, I won't let him." I opened the door and Jasper walked outside; I followed.

Nobody was in sight. Nobody tended to the castle garden, nobody waited outside the gates, nobody was on this side of the wall.

"That's the first thing that's gonna change," I mumbled under my breath as we started walking down the steps to the gate. I unlocked it with my powers and pushed the gate open. Jasper pushed it shut behind us.

I walked down throughout the town. People lived in decent houses, had large farms, and wore decent clothes.

It reminded me of Lionsville.

"I need to go home after the challenge," I told Jasper with a half smile.

Jasper nodded.

A crowd started to form around us, they knew who I was, but not what I was.

"You're a monster."

"I'm going to kill you."


"You're too small to have killed my husband."

"I'm glad I voted for them to be murdered."

My head jolted to see a woman, fairly young but older than me, who held a baby in her arms.

"You voted on what?" I growled.

Jasper tried to pull me away but I didn't budge.

The woman shook in his shoes as I took a step closer.

A man approached from behind her and stepped between us. "Leave her alone," he demanded.

I tried to push my way past him and he grabbed me by my upper arm. In one swift movement he landed a hard knuckled punch into the side of my face. I fell backwards and hit my head on the pavement. Immediately trying to get back up in a dazed motion of colors I saw Jasper grab the man by his throat. "Touch your Hena with such intentions again and I will rip you limb from limb."

And the crowd went silent.