Chapter 10: You Don't Know Me

Jasper helped me up, I could barely see through the blurry vision that the concussion gave me. He had one arm that stretched behind me and under both arms and the other was gently holding my wrist, probably checking my pulse.

My vision cleared and I looked around. Everyone was kneeling, head faced down, apologizing. Even people who hadn't said anything were apologizing for other people and things they did that had nothing to do with the situation.

I cleared my voice, "Can everyone stand up."

And immediately after saying that everyone stood up.

"I'm truly sorry Hena," The guy who punched me apologized.

I looked at him with eyes that burnt like the sun, "Listen to me when I say this. I am no different a Hena then the person you hated so much you were willing to punch them. Don't treat me differently just because I'm someone you look up to."

"Yes Hena."

Jasper helped guide me away from the crowd and into a medium sized building.

Kids ran to hug Jasper as he let go of me. I insisted I could walk on my own; the concussion had healed itself.

"Jasper!" The kids squealed as they hugged him. Children of all ages surrounded him and I. They all hugged him and the smile he was wearing could shine through darkness. He was so happy and full of joy.

He whispered something to them and they all simultaneously looked at me. Each of them smiling just as bright as he did.

They all ran over to me, asking questions, hugging me, or just wanting to be near me.

Jasper smiled over at me as I started hugging all the kids. I smiled back.

"Why are we here? Why are there so many kids?" I asked him as I kept bending over to hug child after child. Each one jumped and danced with joy after I so much as touched them. There was easily fifty kids between the ages of two and fifteen.

"These are children without parents," Jasper explained, "Either they were dropped off on the steps or both their parents are dead."

We're at an orphanage.

Suddenly I had a crushing feeling in my chest, all I could do was hug these kids and they'd be happy. I started hugging more of them, taking a few seconds to appreciate the love they were giving out. These kids who either never met their parents, or lost them were happy just to be near me. They were ecstatic and loving even though they'd never been loved or lost the love they once had.

I continued to hug them, kiss their cheeks, highfive them, pretty much anything to have them smile at me the way they were.

And I realized something: Some of these kids never knew their parents. I never knew my real parents. I had been taken in by Lydia and Steven; they weren't my real parents. Same as Kate wasn't my real sister, she was my adoptive parent's child. I wasn't even close to Cornelius, my real brother. Grant's real parents died of the flu, I just took him in as a brother. I've been surrounded by orphans my entire life.  These kids had a happiness I rarely had, all because of a hug.

I looked at Jasper who immediately weaved through kids to get to me. He threw his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug. My arms snaked around his neck as I buried my face into his shoulder.

"I never appreciated their hugs and now they're dead," I cried.

"Hey it's okay, it's okay," Jasper said quietly, "After you beat Donte, we'll go find Jason."

"Killing him won't bring them back," I responded.

A bell rang out in the distance.

"The challenge bell, it's time," Jasper explained, "You ready?"

I nodded, "Yeah I'm ready."


We walked to the ring, it was a stone circle big enough for us to brawl on: close to 50 feet × 50 feet.

Jasper escorted me to the ring, hugged me, then left. It was nice to have an allie, truth be told it felt like we'd been friends for months since he reminded me so much of Joey.

There were two tables, one on his side one on mine. They had shields, knifes, and swords. No bows.

Donte examined his weapons before turning to me, he stayed on his half. I picked up a lightweight sword and rolled my wrist to feel the weight. It was a little light but it would do. I knew I'd be quicker with the lighter weight one.

I put the sword down and walked to the center where Donte was standing. He looked down at me with a guilty look.

"Don't go home," He quietly told me, "Just stay here."

"Donte my family is there, I'm bringing them here after I win this."

"What makes you so sure that you'll win?"

I smiled, "Oh you haven't seen even half the things I can do."

His worried expression switched to fear and then content.

Flynn got up to a pedestal and looked down among the crowd that had formed, he then turned his attention to me where he gave a sad expression and then to Donte with a disappointed one.

"The bell has been rung, such as on numerous other occasions, to observe the fight between your Alpha and the challenger. As always, both contestants are given the same weapons to choose from as well as what they have on them. Projectile launching weapons are not permitted as always because if you miss then you'll hit a civilian. Do not leave the circle area for any reason until the other opponent has died or yielded or you will be disqualified. That being said, this battle is for the Head Alpha title. The winning Alpha will chose the fate of the losing Alpha. Are there any objections?" Flynn explained, ending the statement on a question for the crowd. I noticed people being moved by a group of people. Eclipse was the first to emerge, followed by Kaida and an army of orphans.


"No objections?" Flynn asked and then paused for a minute. When nobody answered he continued, "Let the battle start when the bell is struck. Get to positions, and let the almighty God guide your weapons."

Almighty God... these people are Christian.

I walked to the table and grabbed the lightweight sword and then turned to face Donte.

Flynn looked at me and nodded. I nodded back and then he struck the bell.

The ringing was louder since I was closer to it this time but the sound didn't affect me. Donte had grabbed the heavy weight sword, just as I had predicted when I grabbed the heavy weight sword.

He trudged toward me and yet I did not move. I looked to him with a blank expression that seemed to confuse him. He swung the sword by my head and I ducked. I started walking, still facing him as I continued to stay out of the way of his sword swinging. When I got to his side I kicked the table over, launching. All the weapons at least ten feet away from the edge of the circle. I turned and used my sword to block an attack. His attacks were starting to get more and more slow.

My plan was working.

However when we got back around to my table he did something unexpected: he grabbed two knives.

"Didn't your mom ever tell you not to bring a knife to a sword fight?" I asked mockingly with a slight laugh.

The crowd was cheering but I couldn't pin what they were all saying. It was mostly hoots and hollers.

I slung my sword down at him, the sword sinking into the flesh of his arm.

Eclipse's voice rang out above everyone else's,  clear as day I heard him yell, "That's my Hena!"

The word Hena echoed throughout the crowd and then outbursts of angry people started yelling.

"Get her out of there!"

"I object!"

"Why did she challenge him?"

"Kill him!"

The shouts angered Donte which triggered him to pretty much launch himself at me. My sword slid across the rock, too far away for me to grab it. Donte started pushing the knife to my throat. I had his wrist in my grip, trying to keep the knife off my neck.

"Hena please yield," Donte pleaded angrily as he pushed the knife closer to my throat. He had me throughly pinned. Only one of my legs were free but his bodyweight pinned the rest of my body.

I shook my head, "Never."

"I don't wanna kill you," Donte answered.

"That's the only way you're winning this fight," I growled. I let go of his wrist, lifting my head so my throat was against the knife, "Do. It."

He hesitated.

I kicked my knee up into a sensitive spot and like a chain reaction, he turned the knife and plunged it through my neck.

"Oh my gosh," he cried as he scrambled next to me, "I swear I didn't mean to Hena."

I took a breath and immediately started coughing blood up.

I start to sit up when Donte tried to push me back down, "Touch me again and I'll cut your fingers off."

I sit up and pull the knife out.

"No stop! You'll bleed out!" Donte pleaded.

I sit on my knee and look over at him. I throw the knife across the rock and stare at him.

"Go get it," I demanded.

He got up and walked over to get the knife. I pulled my knife from my boot and threw it into his calf. His knee smashed the concrete with such intensity that I heard the bone break from the other side of the ring.

I walked over to him, grabbing the knife he plunged into my neck and then sitting on his back. I lifted his head up by his hair and held the knife to his throat.

"Yield or I won't hesitate to cut your esophagus out," I growled.

"I yield!" Donte screamed.

I stood up and threw the knife across the stone. I put my hand on Donte's shoulder and healed him before I helped him stand to his feet.

"But I broke it-"

I shook my head, "I'll explain later."

I pulled Donte in for a hug, "I wouldn't kill you."

We pulled away from the hug as Flynn started to speak.

"A celebratory ball will be held in the castle at 6:00pm tomorrow for our new Alpha, our Hena, our new Leader. Long live Hena Atarah Ariella."

All I wanted was to go home.