Finding What was Unexpected

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I couldn't believe him, everything he told me I thought it was true. I believed that if he kept so many secrets they should have at least been true. I couldn't be around them anymore after what I learned today, so I just ran not looking behind me. I was so angry mostly at him that I ignored him and I decided, for now, to just keep my distance from him.

During my walk, I had thought that this whole time I have been there I was safe. Even though I was supposed to be safe since he was there, but instead I ended up being controlled.

I notice I didn't bring anything useful with me, so I feel kinda screwed. I look around the village trying to find something to cover me from plain sight, but all I could find was a pub. Everything else was stores that are filled with different kinds of fabrics but nothing related to what I need. I decided to walk to the pub for the hell of it. I had a bad day as it is and nothing started to matter to me anymore. Before I brought myself in I hear noises of men with their loud conversations

"ah-ye knew I couldn't wait for ye lass, but that was when I bent down and ripped me pants"

"and that's when ye really couldn't wait!" says another man

and all the men at there table started laughing there heads off.

As the door sways behind me, they all stopped laughing putting on a serious face. I did not even look at them they were already intimidating as it is. I pass by them in silence while they watch me walk by

"oi, lassie what is a beautiful woman like you doing at a bar?"

"I agree," says the other guy from last time I notice he is slightly bulkier than the first guy with a black beard. I ignore them in response to wave at the bartender for my drink

"why can't a lassie just hang like all you other folks?" I did not turn around to look at them.

Some stranger in a gray cloak with his hood covering over his head got up from his seat sitting next to me.

"I agree with the woman"

"Why can't she?"

We all stood quiet looking at him getting up from his chair as he pulls his hood down

"Hi, Avalin remember me?". I opened my mouth so wide, I was a goner I thought, but I thought too soon because Eric suddenly whispers to me

"I have a plan to get out of here"

" these dudes are huge"

"Just follow my lead alright?"I shook my head in response.

He grabs my hand in front of them as my other hand has my drink

"were ya think ya going sir with the missy"

"I have to run with her you see she's lil tipsy"

"but she was just fine a min ago I am no fool".

The man with a black beard stops the two guys in his group

"leave em, lass they youngins gonna best be doin their thing"

he says winking at me and Eric.

"wait that's not what we are..."

"Just go party you willy and have fun" they all laugh.

Eric and I were out of there even with that misunderstanding. We just couldn't bear it anymore and I still wondered why those men were interested in me maybe they thought I was older. Either way, I am hundreds of years old and look young. I kinda find that funny and I can't help but think if it is the same for Eric. I just have a sense where he might be a little bit different from someone I know. Not only do I want to ask to be sure I am not assuming anything, but I recently thought about how "my protective stranger" bit me because I was expecting some change in me by now.

I realize I should just focus on Eric and the fact that I have no idea where we are going.

"hey, Eric where are we going exactly?"

"well I'm glad you asked because it was little to quiet"

"oh I am sorry a lot has been on my mind lately"

"it's alright, Avalin I am walking north"

I look up and see the castle.

"Eric, we are going to the castle right?"

"Yes, actually I am". Eric pulls his blonde hair back with his hand and smiles up looking at the castle. I start walking closer to him now that I feel a bit more comfortable with him. Eric looks at me then smiles and I couldn't help but smile back

"I know I have apologized before and a lot has changed since then and...I was wondering if you still forgive me?"

"of course it's all in the past".

After that, it was silent Eric did not say a word until he stopped and told me to rest here. I look to the left of me and there were two wooden logs and that was it.

"Avalin, hello?" he waves his hand in my face

"whoops sorry I was daydreaming"

"I just have to tell you I am going to grab some wood"

"oh ok".

He leaves as I just sit on the log and watch the moon glow. I will say Eric changed since the last time I saw him and I will say I am quite curious about what made him change so much.

"hey I am back," he says as he starts a fire from the wood he brought.

"Oh good cause I was getting bored"

he snickers at what I said

"what's so funny?"

"I am just so surprised how you didn't fall drunk drinking while we got here"

"yea me too and I never drunk anything in my life"

He stops and looks at me then begins to laugh as I join in the laughter.

"Who knew you were this funny"

"cut it out I am not, but you might be".

I laid down on the blankets Eric brought in his backpack he did bring a lot of things with him. He seemed prepared for the wilderness as if he was running away from something. I realized there is probably a lot going on in his mind so I am willing to ask him tomorrow. He really does seem different I was even surprised he didn't wanna bite me this time and have me for himself like the last time we met. Eric was still looking at the moon he could have fallen asleep but I couldn't tell where I was laying.

"I want to tell you everything by the morning, Avalin there is so much you must know".

I had been asleep by then and only heard mumbling from what Eric was saying. Hopefully, I can fully understand him in the morning.