What's wrong?

I woke beside him staring at the castle that was still shinning by the sun's gaze. It is almost as if the castle is a beacon of hope for the people. I bet it was in the past when the mighty ones brought peace. Eric turned over looking at me

"I see you're up early"

"yea I couldn't sleep anymore, plus the floor was getting too hot"

"oh yea, right that makes sense the sun is out".

He gets up from the ground and sits up putting his things back in his bag.

"Avalin did the fire warm you well?"

"It was, but the fire already went out too soon".

Soon after our discussion, the silence grew louder and I couldn't stand it I really want to ask him what's on his mind.

"Eric is it ok if I ask?"

"ask about what?"

"I dunno you just changed drastically since the last time I've seen you"

"oh, that is what you meant,"

"I was going to tell you anyway"

"so tell me I want to know what's going on".

He looks at me as his green eyes shine from the sun and his face becomes sad as he sighs worriedly.

"I am being chased"

"what, by whom?"

"the Darkbloods"

"Who are they?"

"you know the story about the cult that is trying to capture and sacrifice certain people?"

"oh those guys, yea I've heard".

Eric puts his gray backpack on his back and started walking. I began walking beside him from the right side. He holds the strings from his arms and looks up at the sky as if it was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.

"I feel bad that I have to dump this on you"

"it's ok Eric I mean we both have somethings spiraling"

"good point they both want you and me" he keeps on.

"Avalin, the reason I am pretty much a nomad is because of what I am"

"I am not really a full vampire" I stop in my tracks and look at him.

"Then what are you?"

"I am also a human, like those men we encountered back there"

"so your half basically"


I watch him walk ahead of me and I was not really understanding how? he could behalf. He did try to bite me and get a taste of my blood, but what I still didn't get was how is he running away from the cult when he was apart of it?

"I can tell you're confused" he smirks

"yea I am, deeply"

"They wanted my blood since they figured out what I was".

Eric spoke a lot about what had happened to him since the last I saw him before he got a beating and we left him. He said to me that he was getting sick of the taste of blood and him never really satisfying his human needs. He missed food that can be eaten on a plate and a cooked meal made by the town folk.

Now that he has realized that he badly wanted to leave the cult he was finally making a run for it. Since then they have been chasing him down ever since.

"so what about you why did I end up finding you in a pub?"

"it's a long story actually"

"We do have all day if you want to tell me?"

"Alright fine since it's only fair"

I had been telling him everything that happened to me even the part about Grith and how he is a psycho. I also told him how I got bitten which is what saved my life. Then about my recent issues coming to a pub, because I was honestly desperate and tired of the craziness that has been happening in my life.

From there Eric and I talked during our journey to the castle until we would finally reach it.