It's Glorious

"Eric would you look at that?"


"It's amazing don't you think?". he walks past me up the steps with his mouth wide open nodding his head. I start laughing

"you look silly, don't do that"

"wasn't trying to be".

I follow him up the stairs with a smile on my face that was slowly turning into a frown. I had stopped and held to the railing breathing abnormally. He raced to me

"what's wrong"

"I-I can't bre-" ugh the pain is killing me, it was so sudden I could not even tell him what was wrong with me, but I do wish I could have seen the lower room of the castle. I keep thinking for some reason that it doesn't matter anymore.

"wake up, Avalin wake up!"



"thank god your ok I thought I lost you".

I grab eric's extended hand and pull myself up from the bed, he had placed me in. The room was pure white like the floors.

"Thank you"

"you're welcome I am just glad you're ok"

"huh, that's something he would say"


"I could never really say cause he never told me his damn name".

He stood quite hearing my response.

"Avalin one thing you didn't fully explain was your hatred towards him"

"It's not really hatred I am just angry at my confusion" I continue

"he doesn't tell you everything but when you find out for yourself then he wants to explain". Eric grabs my arm pulling me close to him

"let me show you something," he says taking me down the hallway. As I look to the left there was a rich red carpet with two thrones behind it.

"I think you know what this is," he says letting go of my arm.

"well, of course, this is where are history took place"

"yes it is, imagine what it's like to know them"

"you mean imagine what it was like to know myself?"

"oh, right I am sorry," he says as I shake my head.

I found myself looking into his gentle green eyes letting his gaze carry mines. He slowly leans closer to me

"don't," I say stopping him

"I thought you felt it...The atmosphere was-"

"just no, your falling for the wrong girl Eric"

"I-I don't t-hink I..." I cover his mouth before he keeps at it. I started suffocating in a wave of emotion so I take myself elsewhere.

Eric has a good heart but I still don't know him very well. I haven't met anyone who would open up to me, just enough like he did today. This doesn't mean I should open up my heart to him, so early in the midst of that trader running through my mind. As the days darken in a pool of evil I still cannot find the light in my situation, or room for love, yet I could be wrong.

In the other room, I was in I had no interest in the view only the ground.

"Avalin you can't miss this it's breathtaking". I still kept my gaze at the floor I refused to interrupt my train of thought. he grabs my arms again

"you have to look, at least for me?".

I did what he wanted, and the view was astonishing I couldn't look away

"you have to be kidding?". He was not, the scenery was huge in comparison to looking at the castle from the outside. the homes of the villagers were seen miles away, and very tiny. The woods stretched out until you could view the plains stop mid-way, spotting lands of green. This was caught from the ginormous window. I am in awe, there was no other word for it, but bliss. Eric, where is he? I was about to turn around to see if he was behind me. He beat me to it he wrapped his arms around my waist causing a shiver down my spine

"Avalin I have to tell you were not alone anymore"

"w-what do you mean?"

"there coming". He holds on to me, so tight that my hands began to clam

"do you have a plan?"

"were going to have to smash the floor"

"How will we know the floor will drop us down safely?"

"let's just find out" Eric gets really close to my face

"I was going to tell you before you stopped me, I don't think you're the wrong girl"

"I think you're perfect". I blush in response, and smile for his cleverness, he distracted me from the men that were after us. I had a bad feeling since we got here, and I kept thinking the sharp pain I had felt recently was a sign.

"Hey I saw them coming from behind us," I say

as Eric lets go of me, my body starts to rise, and my eyes glow. The men ran toward us, I thrust my feet downward hitting the floor. The floor breaks like a towel on a hinge, we quickly descended the castle. The ground shook violently, the castle collapse in the process.

That was the last of the castle,but nor was it over. They were still following are tracks as we made are way back home...