I Have to Face You

We didn't have a choice. It was either death or separation. Eric and I knew the best way was to revert to where we started. But that's the thing I didn't want to see him. Neither did I want to see his reaction from me coming back because. I was still quite upset at him. I'd rather punch his face than see it again. As I look down at my feet the door opens and I can feel his gaze burning through the back of my head.

"oh, it's you...I didn't think you would come back," he says, pulling the door from behind him. The rooms were exactly the way I left them. One thing that wasn't the same was Teresa she seemed to be struck to see me again. She ran to me with a teary smile and hugged me tightly. I hugged her a bit and slightly pulled her off.

"Sorry about that I got a little too clingy" says Teresa. Eric smirks

"haha, a little you were practically squishing the daylights out of her". I looked at Eric and with just my gaze he knew to shut up. Even in the middle of friendliness I was angry and couldn't think straight. Teresa backed away from me and she saw my face look at her master with anger.

"I am sick of this, what the hell is your name!" Eric was holding me back when he saw me langue myself at him. I tugged myself away from him and stood there in silence. He sits on his velvet chair by his ginormous bookcase, laying out a big sigh.

"Fine I will tell you, but this shouldn't be told to anyone, including you Eric since you already know". I turn around to Eric leaning by the front door.

"What you knew this whole time you son of a-"Eric covers my mouth before I yelled out.

"Please be mindful of Teresa, she hates vulgarness". I take his hand away dashing towards him in the chair. This time no one could stop me. I already had rung him by his neck against the wall.

"Avalin please stop this!" says Teresa she was right behind me, about to touch.

"Eric you better get her away for me because I can't control myself". Eric moved from the door holding Teresa down.

"Tell me your name now!".

"My name my… name is Odin." Even though he said it I wanted to choke the crap out of him so he can know how I feel when he hurt me. I let go of his throat and watch him cower down the wall. I have never seen him so afraid before, it was always me who felt that way towards him. That intrigued me.

Teresa ran to him and now I can tell she felt uneasy around me. I confused her. I didn't feel anything by it. Teresa pulled him up and I just watched her take him to his room, Eric walked to me creasing my shoulder. I shove his hand. I swear coming here has just been pissing me off. I still couldn't find myself no matter where I went I was just always frustrated. No matter what people told me it never helped. Odin's definition of me makes me wonder, but it doesn't tell me who I was before. Eric waves his hand in front of me

"Are you alright?" I lift my head and say

"I'm alright I just have a lot on my mind right now"

"I see, I understand, but you should try talking to him kindly, we still need his help". I nodded in response. I knew that I just didn't want to admit it. My anger towards him is still rowdy, but I have to contain myself. I tried discussing my difficulties with him but he left with Teresa. After Odin comes out with Teresa following behind. Eric walks into the center of the room standing on the red carpet by the dining table.

"We have no time to waste" he continues

"We are being followed".

"By whom?" says Odin

"To be honest we don't know" Odin looked at me then Teresa.

I could tell he was worried about her. But I kept thinking how we never finished speaking.

"What shall we do, master?". As soon as she questioned, everyone stood silent. We heard a loud bash suddrnly Men with, black cloaks, pale faces, and sharp teeth clashed through the windows and busted through the doors.

"Mind if I barge in hahaha". I knew it was Girth once again.

"You thought you could easily escape me, you must be a fool," he says as he walks close to us we all stand next to each other. His men were next to him ready to pounce.

"I want Avalin and just to toss in a little extra I want her too," he points at Teresa.

Once he snapped his fingers all I can remember was the word "NO!" being screamed from a distance. I can feel the floor beneath me, but I couldn't see, I blanked out. I could feel someone pick me up, and after that, I couldn't remember.

"Take her and let the others be covered before we get inside."

"Yes sir". They followed every order Grith had instructed them they were like his puppets. It didn't matter to them if they died for money they would do anything for him. It was bizarre as if those men had no soul. Grith watched them take us into black large vans heading to his precious cult. He followed along with his goons driving, while he was in the rear. He chose to be wherever I was chained up. He knew I was the bigger prize.