The DarkBlood’s Plan Part 2

The fire was still burning in the Dome and the buildings surrounding it, there were bodies underneath the rubble lying flat and lifeless. Expect for Grith and his goons, they rose from the ground like zombies

"Quick! help me up you buffoons" They rushed to his aid before he tumbled back down to the ground. Grith rests his arm on one of their shoulders for support to keep his balance, His goons ushered him slowly leaving the devastating site aflame.

"Sir Grith, wait for us!" says a man with a couple of others injured following behind him. "Those of you alive come, and follow me," Grith says pointing to a green spotlight in the distance "the dome may be destroyed but our many hideouts still stand, we must relocate to our master's Domain" all of them nodded in response and followed Grith towards the strange green spotlight. They finally make it to a gray city like building, the double doors burst open as they walk inside behind one another,

"Ah welcome, I knew you weren't dead hahaha," says the man from the cult's last meeting only this time he was wearing a black suit with a red Tye, and his everyday lady wearing an elegant red dress. "This is surprising dear, that fool is still alive," says the woman. Grith transfigured a new cane from his dark essence causing the filled building of vampires to create a pathway for him. The two masters stood at the altar side by side waiting for him to come close.

"So, what is it this time, why do you laugh?" Grith mocks as a clown-like smile is drawn upon his face, the man raises his hand in the air for everyone's attention

"You see Grith you told us this plan wouldn't fail but the master above us was unpleased" and the woman stops him to address him as well "not only is he unpleased with you, but he has also reconsidered putting you in this position". Girth became filled with rage as he spoke and stepped foot onto the altar "he what! it wasn't even my fault that wretched girl ruined everything!" the man gets into Grith's face "enough know your place! "The building shook slightly as he yelled, and the room fell deathly silent. Grith cowers to the floor "how was I to concur that she had this sort of power, something I have never felt before?" She moves from her position kneeling down in front of Grith's face, lifting him up.

"Oh Girth, hun you mustn't fall but lift your gaze there is still so much to be done" he stands to his feet, and she helps him walk onto the altar" wait I don't understand, why cast me aside then pull me to your presence".

"Because you told us what we needed to know, you must prove yourself to the great master again but if you fail, we will not hesitate to cast you aside". Grith was still confused as to why they allowed him to stand next to them after his so-called failed attempt, what he didn't know was they were waiting for Grith to confess to them that Avalin's power had grown tremendously. The great master had required the two elites, which Grith calls the two masters, to gather that information.

"Now all of you gather closely," she says boldly everyone in the building walked close to one another and stood solid like soldiers. The man grasped his lady to his side and begins to speak,

"Listen, things have changed now that we know of Avalin's new profound powers, we must make haste,"

"She has used these powers against us and caused casualties, The mighty ones may have ruled once but they can rule again" all the people in the building start chattering

"What! she is mighty one?" says an old man

"That woman is a menace! how can a mighty one have more power?" The woman frowns" now hush all of you! Bickering won't get us anywhere; we must prepare for what is to come and that's wa..." the people cut her off and began chanting together

"War! War! War"

All the vampires in the building, young and old, pumped their arms and chanted as Grith and the two elites stood tall watching them, as they smiled evilly in satisfaction at their loud declaration.