The Beginning Of War

"ERZA WATCH OUT!" I grabbed her off of me and threw her to the side. A large tree was uprooted from the ground and fell over on us causing damage to the home we stayed in. The house no longer with held a foundation; half of the building was busted in due to the tree falling in our direction. "NO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was afraid that the building had caved everyone in. Ezra stood at her feet "Avalin I can help," She rushed into the home lifting half of the roof. I was in shock of her Strength. "ODIN, ERIC!" I called their names. I can hear Eric's voice from within the house, "Avalin were alright". Eric pushed through the debris, where Erza lifted enough room to allow them to squeeze through. Eric had Teresa on his back, then I saw Odin follow behind him lowering away from my gaze. "How's Teresa is she ok?" I said, placing my hand on Eric's shoulder. "She's fine, honestly, she clasped in shock". 

  The siren finally stopped; then silence settled for a moment. Not a word uttered or even the city itself made noise. But from a distance, a battle cry was heard. Ezra looked into my eyes with determination, she then nodded her head. "There here my Queen, I think our time has been brought thin". Erza began to run towards the screaming army that Grith brought upon us. She screamed a battle cry loud enough for her standing men to hear. I watched them clash from a distance.

I couldn't bare the sight, Erza's men where falling one by one to Grith's demise. "KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!" Grith screams. I have to stop this there's no way Erza can do this alone. I ran to the battle unarmed, and stupid. But I didn't care I was going to stop him no matter what it takes. I didn't look behind me as my comrades followed. Grith halts his army to my arrival.

"Ahh…yes finally you-" he stumbles back. I charged at him.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed.

"Attacking me blindly won't save anyone sweet heart, you can't even land a solid blow" he laughs. I moved extremely close to his face

"Say that again you piece of sh*t" I feel myself enraged.

My hands began to shake uncontrollably, I can see an aura around my body as I lift my hands to my face in confusion. Grith seems nervous by my sudden obscure power flowing throught me.

"Forget this- ATTACK!"says Grith.

Odin starts fighting with Erza in the battel field and Eric stood back holding Teresa to his whim, still passed out now in his arms. I Charge at Grith once more striking him with my right hand. He bleeds out through his arm with a scar I have now embedded into him.

"Ugh..ahahah is that all you got" he takes his staff thrusting it into the ground shaking the earth. Our armies fall in the mist of battle due to the underwhelming shake of Griths power.

"You idiot you killed some of your own army"says Odin.

"Ahahahaha whatever sacrifice it takes, to take you down even if I have to take you with me!"Grith states for all to hear. I Charge at Grith once more, with a pounding heart, and opened mind. Grith deflects my attack he draws a circle with his staff pushing us back with a sonic wind.

Erza pulls herself up

"MY MEN RETREAT!". They rush to the mountains fighting some of Grith's men on there way back. Erza looks deeply into my eyes.

"My Queen I must push my men back,for the battle between our foe is to treacherous for them to wistand.

"I agree, Erza fall back with your men to safety, make sure Grith's men no longer stand". She nods rushing back to lead them.

Odin leaps in the air throwing his fist into the ground. Causing Grith to fall on his back.

"Odin step away I want to kill him myself". Odin didn't move he stood there still ready to fight.

"I SAID MOVE!" I pushed him out the way.

"Wow now thats a scene, look how angry you are, this makes this more gratifying," Grith presses the front of his top hat tugging it tightly. His eyes illuminate green as he grins.

"Now Avalin we have finally come to this, a battle of strength and foolishness, I love it," he laughs devilishly.

There was no more words I felt to utter. I've grown tried of Grith, over powering me. He stole my sanity once again, I want to end him, devor him even. This will be the end of his tricks, and his games. I want to finish what we started in the Dome of the vampires wits.

Grith lunges his body swiping his staff against my head. I dodge his staff grabbing his wrist upper cutting him In the jaw. He stumbles with blood dripping down from his mouth. Grith on his knees

"Arraghh!" Then he leaps into the air striking my head.

"Ugh!" I place my hand on my head, everything started to spin. Grith grabs my wrist swings me close to the edge of a cliff.

"You little prick, you don't have what it takes to stop me, your weak". He pounds his left fist into my stomach with his emence power, continues to meanlesy beat me into the ground. Cracks start to form, drawn to every impact "Rrrragh" I can feel my body shaking. It was hot and I saw my blood flowing down from my wounds.

"Ahhahah this has been the most I have laughed all day, you yell for me to die but look at you!" Says Grith.

His face says it all he seems to be enjoying this, enjoying me suffer. I am not done, I can't die like this my life would be worth nothing. I can't become what my parents may have wanted ,whoever they are. My fate doesn't lie just yet, I can't, and I won't.