Wake Up!

Mathias comes into the room with his men still holding him up "I think that's enough boys, I can take it from here". He approaches us in the middle of our cry fest. "Your Highness, our people need your guidance". "And what guidance would that be?". "The guidance of a queen, a mighty one at that". He studies me "Perhaps if I told you a bit about me, you wouldn't take my words so lightly". "That would be great if I knew who you actually were, how willing you are to welcome me with open arms," I utter sarcastically.

"Don't worry your Highness I'm saving you from a sob story" he mocks. "I used to be the royal advisor to the mighty ones, who once ruled, and to the family that buried their daughter," he says. I look at him with a puzzled expression. "What I am saying is I know you Avalin, I always have I just didn't know if you were alive, until now". I place my right hand against my chest "So you knew me all this time, why did you not tell me?". Eric looks at me and then views Mathias with concern "I don't understand, the only person who truly knows me is Odin-" I point at him. Mathias looks at him with a blank stare "Even if he may, he's not the only one, Erza also knows to some degree" he continues " Her parents were once great loyal knights to the mighty ones, just as their generations were long ago".

The room goes silent; "Then who are you?"  I glimpse at Odin. He says nothing but exhales deeply. "My queen if I may? I shall leave this matter to you". Mathias exits the building, with his men beside him. I repeat the question once more " Again, Odin who the hell are you?". Eric stays next to me and he seems just as concerned as I am, Teresea herself gets up from the dining table, backing away from her now untrustworthy master. Odin backs into a corner feeling the pressure of my unwilling question. "You've asked this before Avalin this won't change my answer," he says keeping his gaze. " It should very much so, I feel I'm being played coy by you" I begin walking closer to him.

" I promise you're not Avalin, but now isn't the time to figure me out, but it's to figure out yourself". " I know, I have secrets but right now, I have to hide them until the time comes" he comes closer to me holding my arms to my side.

" I have done enough damage to you, and the image of myself, but for your sake including my own, this war is what's concerned". I take his hands and then hold them; I choose not to mention anything further. "Please Avalin, I know you hate me and I know this is nothing I can do to change your mind about me," he says lowering his gaze from me as if he were ashamed. I chose to say nothing, in the midst of our endeavor, a siren rings from within the city. It's bustling loud and obnoxious causing everyone in the room to hold their hands up to their ears.

Teresa screams "MAKE IT STOP!". The siren grew louder making me nauseous, I fell to the ground as the ground began to shake. The sound was heard within and out of the city making it shake violently. Bright lights were beaming outside the windows, the building was swaying. I push myself off the ground stumbling in my steps, Odin grabs my arm guiding me to the door. We exchange glances and in return, he nods in response. I shove the door open with all my strength before my balance left me. Odin holds me still but with his body 

"My queen, what do we do!?" says Erza outside the front door, she grabs ahold of me bringing me close so she can hear me. " I don't know, I don't even know what's causing this. We both look outside blinded by a bright beam of white light. Odin falls into the house, and the doors close behind him. I can barely feel my legs, I crouch on the ground. Erza held me closer to her body allowing me to be embraced by her shining Armour and wild red hair, it was the first time a fellow woman was trying to protect me. I was so used to mysterious men bringing me to safety.