Bound Together

I entered inside quietly as the home was silent. Out of nowhere, Eric was in the room. "Avalin how did your day go?" Eric whispered.

"It went well" I took his hand swinging it back and forth.

"I see you're happy, that's good". I let go and began to walk up the stairs to my room. "Avalin?" Eric was right behind me "Yes?" I speak

"Never mind, just get some rest," he says following me up the stairs. 

I went into my room and noticed a door wide open. It was Odin fast asleep with his woman Teresa I frowned at the sight of them, then rolled my eyes. I closed their door and approached mine shutting it behind me. 

The Next morning, Bang! Bang! Bang! " you're Highness I beseech thee!" says a woman heard outside of our door. I awoke startled and ran down the steps as quickly as I could. Everyone ran down the stairs behind me "What seems to be the problem, Ezra? She walked up closer to me "The vampires started attacking our front lines, I brought my men as you asked and they are holding them off as we speak". I see Mathias from a distance, "If I may we need you at the moment". "What is it Mathias" he doesn't say anything, he pulls me with him in a hurry as Erza follows. "He's here," he says. "Who's here" I look at him, and we come to a halt. Grith stands in front of me with a nasty grin, his goons beside him forming an army. "It's you, I should've known I say gritting my teeth, as soon as I saw him, he enraged me. "Long time no see, you little devil" Grith slowly steps closer with his Cain in his left hand. "I came here to give you a warning if you don't leave soon, I will come in full force". Mathias took a stand " Ha- I am not scared of you, you're just a joke," Grith looked at him laughed then grabbed him by his throat. "Let him go! I yell he laughs again "Or what" he similes.

He lets him go, and a woman from within the crowd begins to cry. He turns around with his back facing me "I warned you I am coming; I will come for you but this time I won't hold back". I clutched my hand into a tight fist feeling my veins flex underneath the pressure of Girth's words. 

Mathias pulls himself up dusting dirt off his clothes. "Erza takes the people to evacuate". "Yes sir!" She leads the people away from the scene guiding them to higher ground. Both of Mathia's bodyguards have a hold on him as he's stumbling to walk "Hehe... I thought I had myself there, thanks boys". I scanned around my peripheral and frowned, Parts of the undercity were in flames and had crashed into each other. Some people were lying on the ground weeping, waiting for medical attention, I knew how everything would turn out but I didn't accept it. I felt empathy towards the people after all I did to lead them here, I turned around and walked away. I even ignored Eric, Odin, and Teresa, they were behind me, watching me walk past them but I didn't care at the moment I was in my head. I returned to our home sweet sitting on the dining room table by the window where Eric had sat with them yesterday morning.

"Odin, I don't think I can do this; I know they call me their queen but isn't it too soon?" I looked down from the table distressed with my hand covering my face. He pulls his hood down as I look up, his chiseled jaw gleaming in the sun's light glaring through the window. I can finally see him, "W-why are you letting me see you?" He takes my hand and squeezes tightly "Avalin I-". Both Teresa and Eric bust in

"What's going on?" Teresa butts in sitting between me and Odin. I get up pacing around the dining room moving my hands frantically in frustration. Eric takes my hands and presses them down in his chest "Avalin relax, just breathe". I look into his eyes taking a deep breath " I'm sorry," I feel helpless and strange. This was the first time I actually felt the pressure of something trivial, I felt hot tears well up in my eyes flowing down from my cheeks. "Odin stands up from his seat, walking over to me "Avalin the reason why I have allowed you to see my face was for you to finally see how I view you" I frown clenching my fists. "Odin, why does it matter how you perceive me?" I observe his face, he looks lost and worried. "Avalin what I told you may be a burden to bear-".

"SHUT UP!" I scream at the top of my lungs" What you told me isn't the burden I bear it's what you haven't told me". He just stares at me without a word spoken, now that I can see Odin's appearance, in my heart it feels like there is something missing from it. His eyes are still a light delicate orange, his chin strong, unshaved, his skin a fair brawn, his hair as dark as the night, he was handsome, except his emotions were dull, and his motives were always unpredictable. I pry away Eric's hands from my own. "Avalin I know you're angry at me but what's happening is more important" He's right, the thought infuriates me so. "Odin, why are you here?" He stands up " I'm here to stand with you Avalin no matter what it takes" I nudge him " Then why are you clinging to a girl that has no purpose?". Odin looks at Teresa, he doesn't get mad at my words neither does she. " Avalin, I can tell you are upset at my actions; I want to clarify that I can't be who you see me as". I held his hand "How so?".  He lets go

"Avalin, I just can't I have my reasons" He sits back down next to Teresa. 

I can tell he's not telling me everything he preserves; I thought if I could break the ice, he could tell me. Eric taps my shoulder "Avalin please save your tears; we have your back". Teresa steps over to me then hugs me tightly "Avalin I can tell you're frightened, I believe in you" she says.  I know I made a fuss about something so childish; Teresa made her point, I am afraid.

"Grith controlled you in the past and I had risked part of me to save you, I will do it again if I have to," says Odin.

"You have us this time Avalin" says Eric. The feeling of fear alleviates my body and their words of affirmation help my head stay clear, except the thoughts; and flashbacks of Grith taking over my mind and body cause me to be blind. Deep down I want to make a path for myself including the people around me.