Hello everyone huge announcement. I did recently get rejected from WebNovel and I feel that I want to restart somewhere else. I am going to Wattpad and I feel that WebNovel isn't really the best for me after being on here for a couple of years. I will finally finish this book, but it won't be on WebNovel. It will be on Wattpad one of my many projects if you have Wattpad please follow. Me @Kari_Sama. I feel for myself as a writer. I just want to focus on making my story no matter what views I have. I feel that WebNovel is very cash grabby And a lot of times I can't seem to keep up with the algorithm of the app. That's just my preference. I like to take more of my time sometimes I take too much time or something happens in my life and it takes me forever to come back. I'm working on another project. It's called the dragon and the star. It's a fantasy book. I've been writing on Wattpad and I have another one. I just honestly feel like starting over Not this novel in particular, but just everything in general. If you still have this book in your collection and you actually still try to read it I THANK YOU AND appreciate it very much and even if you don't have wattpad and you like to read what I write still follow me and thank you those for sticking with me for so long and all of my reviewers. This WebNovel will now be on Wattpad I hope all of you see this and you like this book enough to want to see it finish. Do you follow me. Wattpad Again my user is


I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year's. This will be a new year for me and new everything I feel like this year is a start over year for me.

PS: This will take me a bit of time to transfer everything on WebNovel to Wattpad because I have so many chapters and words so you will have plenty of time to reread this if you haven't read this novel already