The Escape Into New Grounds

Mathias walks away from the soliders camp. He settles himself down a small flight of stairs leading further into the mountains, vast nature.

"Good morning, Sir!"says a man dressed in white overalls holding a clip board.

"Ah yes, good morning"Mathias replied.

"Everything is counted for sir, all the patients are in there assigned rooms" says the man pointing out the different buildings in sections.

"Not to be rude, your doing a wonderful job, but I need to get to the Queen. Its urgent" said Mathias.

"Oh uh- my apologies, sir. She's in section C, please come with me." The man takes Mathias along through the outside of the plain gray buildings.

"This way"he said while opening the doors for Mathias.

"Thank you, I will get back to you in a moment once I am finished here. I'd like to see the report you got there." The man looks at his clip board, then smiles brightly

"Of course! oh and sir turn to the right once you make it down the hallway, to the last door". Mathias nods in responds. He strides down the hallway pausing for a moment, then takes a deep breath. He knocks on the door

"Excuse me?" Mathias awaits as he tugs on his tie.

"Please,come in!" Teresa said while opening the door.

"Ah, good morning sir" Eric extends his hand torwards him, Mathias gladly reciprocates.

"I am sorry to intrude" he says bowing. "But, it's urgent".

"What seems to be the problem?" I reply scrunching my face.

"Its the earth, its shaking… the ground is breaking apart." I can sense the concern in his tone.

"Sir, are you alright?" He looks deep into my eyes after I asked.

"No, I'm afraid we must take our leave, my Queen…we can't stay here" he says grabbing my hand. Odin walks over from the bed room window, he gets close to me, then takes my left hand pulling me up.

"Avalin must I carry you?" I nod in response. Mathias lets go of my hand, as Odin carries me in a bridal position. Eric holds the door open from behind, allowing us to all follow Mathia's lead.

Odin looks at me

"Avalin are you comfortable?".

"Yes, I feel awkward, but I'm comfortable" his eyes scan my wounds.

"Are you sure?" He claims.

Eric rolls his eyes "she said, she was fine" said Eric. Teresa giggles at the sight, commenting with a smart remark

"Why don't you both hold her, if that's even possible" she scoffs.

"Tch!, what the hell?" Eric says giving her a stank face. I laugh, I find it cute that, Eric was jealous.

"Whats so funny" Eric says crossing his arms.

"Come on Eric, I'm only messing with you" I say as he keeps his arms crossed still pouting.

"Whatever" he rolls his eyes.

Mathias leads us out of the hallway and now outside, through the same path way.

"Where are we going excatly?" Said Teresa, Mathias looks behind him for a split second veiwing her

"Back to camp, where Erza and her men lay at rest".

"So…I felt the shaking, what was that?" said Eric picking up his pace.

"Did you not hear me boy?" Mathias says annoyingly, hurrying along small steps. Eric slows his pace, feeling embarrassed.

"Alright, here we are" he gestures his hands torwards a camp site on rocky ground.

"Look over there!" points Teresa. I turn my head veiwing the old battel field.

"I see, is this what you were concerned about Mathias?". He nods at my words.

From a distance, you can see the rocks formed mutiple cracks,were our battle took place.

"The shifting, of the tetonic plates are rapidly increasing by the hour" Erza utters as she steps out of her tent.

"Sorry to wake you"I said as Erza comes close to me.

"I see your guardian is making sure you save you're strength".

I blush from her comment

"Oh no- this he's just-" I say flustered. I tap on his shoulder, gazing at his face.

"You can put me down now" I said, odin slowly lowers me down to my feet.

"Thank you" I pat his back. Erza walks over to me with a bright smile on her face.

"My Queen, were are my manners!

are you're doing well?" she says bowing.

"I promise you, Erza, I'm fine".

"My Queen, with all do respect can we focus! We have to leave before everything comes to ruin!".

Everyone froze, then stared at Mathias as the ground,quivers

"My godness!" Says Erza as she holds me tight.

The men from their tents, rush out hearing the growling of the earth.

"Hurry all of you!" Mathias yells.

Erza's men quickly storm from there camp torwards Mathias. The ground, rattles causing the pavement to crack underneath us.

"Oh shit!" Says a few of Erza's men falling behind. They fell in, the earth swallowed them whole, Erza's eyes widened in shock.

"Oh god!" She cowers to her knees.

"We don't have time, run to higher ground!" Said Mathias. A few tears alleviate from Eraz's eyes.

"Keep going!" Odin shouts. He pulls me back into his arms leaping high between the trees.

Eric lowers his back infront of Teresa

"Get on!" He says.

She throws herself on his back as he carries her, following Odin from behind.

"Erza snap out if it, this isn't like you!" Erza doesn't say a word she finally started to run but her armour was slowing her down. Mathias takes off his suit and tie throwing it, shoving his pocket watch down the front pocket of his trousers.

"Take off that wretched armor!". Erza unhinged her armor as fast as she could, she was scared, running for her dear life. Even thought she seemed to be far away from the rocks colliding into eachother, it was catching up with her.

"MATHIAS!" Erza screams in fear.