"Heya boss, how's the fashion event going?"
Oh no, what should I tell her? Should I tell her the truth? No no, what if it drives the company in panic? I must keep it a secret.
"Boss? Are you there?"
"Yes, I am here Lauren. The fashion event is going really well. I'm getting to see potential designers for the future"
"Oh, that's really great! I hope you come back here soon, we miss you a lot!"
"I will soon Lauren, how's the company? Is handling it too much for you?"
"Not at all Boss, though I must say it gets tiring, it's a wonder how you handle it"
"I couldn't have done it without you Lauren, for which I'm most grateful for. Might I suggest getting a secretary for yourself while I'm not there to make things easier for you"
"Thanks for the advice Boss, I'll see you later. I have to go now"
I exhaled having pulled off the phone call properly. I walked back in and smiled at the others saying it was a call from the office- which it was. I noticed Taehyung scowling and walked over to him.
"What's wrong?"
"Okay, are you free after this?"
"Sure" He smiled only slightly and walked away.
When we returned back I changed into more comfortable clothes so I could work with Taehyung. I grabbed a book and went downstairs. I looked around and no one was there. Then I noticed Taehyung and he waved me over to a table.
"So let's start with a theme"
"Okay, what's your album on?" He suddenly scowled.
"That's cool I guess…"
Then there was an awkward silence. I guess I should first clear stuff with him. He seemed pretty upset about something.
"Is something wrong?
"You," he says bluntly
"What do you mean?"
"I want the truth"
"What are you talking about?"
"I overheard you talking with your secretary and you were saying that you were at a fashion event and something about potential designers when actually you are writing lyrics for a band. Tell me, Nicole, what are you hiding?"
I gaped. What should I say now? Should I tell the truth? If I don't he won't help me with the lyrics. Then I will mess up and they will send me away. Then I will never be able to know who my parents' murderers were. Besides, he deserves to know.
"I will explain"
" I actually came here for a fashion event but Sejin offered me a deal to write lyrics for you and in return…in return, he would find my parent's murderers" as soon as I said it I felt the gaping hole in my chest. My hands automatically closed around my locket.
"Your parents were murdered? I'm so sorry"
"They were shot. I took shelter in one of my family friend's house and was then shipped off to boarding school"
"How old were you?"
"Oh… how did you cope?"
"I poured my feelings into writing, I was very good at it too"
"Why are you a fashion designer then?
"I was very ambitious and talented in designing too so I took it up, and now have my own company. The main reason I created it, was so that I would find the people who murdered my parents and take revenge"
"Is that why you lied to the person on the phone"
"I never wanted to lie, but I couldn't tell anyone about this deal because word might get out. So yes I am a liar and a cheat or whatever you want to call me, but I only did this so that I would find my parents, murderers."
I released my locket from my sweaty palms and let out a breath. I felt so much relief in telling him—like a huge weight off my shoulders. I looked up at him and met his gaze. He was gaping at me. Then he recovered himself and pulled my hand making me stand up with him.
"Come with me," he said sharply and pulled me out of the house.