A Perfect Date

He was pulling me out of the house… was what I thought. Instead, he took me to the balcony where we met that night.

"Why did you bring me here?" His lips pulled down to the corners of his mouth in a frown.

"I actually started liking you, but I was upset when I heard you lying on the phone, I thought you had betrayed us. So I'm sorry for everything—for the way I acted, for your parents' death and this deal."

"It's all right," I said, he bit his lip nervously

"You don't deserve any of this, and I know that you have no one to support you or be your friend" There it was the giddy feeling—but for some reason, my heart ached.

"From now on I will be your friend, I will support you and I will be your shoulder to cry on when you're sad—I promise you" I scoffed.

"Are you having pity on me, because I don't need it" I pulled my hand from his.

"No, you don't need my pity but you need my support, and I will happily give it to you because I care for you and we're friends" He took my hand in his again.

"Who said we are friends?"

"I did," He said and grinned.

"Fine" How bad could it be anyway? For some reason, I felt there was truth in what he said. I didn't have any friends since I was always so busy. Lauren was my only friend, and I hardly trusted anyone. If I started now… what would change?

We worked on the song for most of the evening and then went to join the others for dinner. I got to know everyone much better and I had fully memorized their names.

"Nicole, how has the song been going?" Namjoon says turning towards me after chatting with Hoseok.

"It's great, and Taehyung is helping me too"

"Oh? Well I hope whatever you come up with will be good"


I hope it would be good too.

The next day there was a loud rapping on my door. I sat up groggily and rubbed my eyes.

"Come in"

"Good morning sleepy head" Taehyung sat on the edge of my bed.


"Guess what we're doing today"

"Another performance?" I asked.

"Nope, but I'm going to give you a tour of Korea"


"You've never been here, right? So I'm going to take you around and show you some of the places."

"Fine…As long as it includes food." He smirked.

"That's the main attraction for today"

He left my room, telling me to meet him outside. At first, I thought would just throw on the first thing I saw, but then thankfully decided I would not. I mean I couldn't just wear sweatpants and stalk around in broad daylight and in one of the most fashionable countries (in my opinion anyway). I had to at least look like a woman. So I put on a light pink dress that hugged my curves but drifted at the bottom. This would ensure that I looked good and could eat like a pig. I let my hair down today letting my long chocolate waves flow down my back. I threw on some light makeup and grabbed my sling bag making my way down the stairs.

Taehyung was standing next to the counter wearing royal blue pants, a white button-down shirt, and coffee-colored pullover. His hair was swept back from his usual fringe, exposing his eyes. I never really noticed them before. They were the darkest brown and twinkled sadly. He waved his hand in front of my face and I realized I had been staring. He smiled and I blushed. What was I even thinking?

"Don't you look cute, little dreamer?" he said chuckling and I blushed even harder, not even noticing he called me cute.

"I guess I do look pretty handsome" That brought me back to reality

"Don't get carried away. Not everybody thinks about you while looking at your ridiculously handsome face"

"So you agree that I'm handsome"

I scoffed and stalked out of the house, ears bright red and flaming, while a chuckling Taehyung followed me.

"First stop…food. We need to be stuffed with energy today" He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the nearest street food place. He ordered something called "tteokbokki" which looked like rice cakes.

"Well, how is it?" I tried one and my mouth burned.

"Spicy, but delicious" He smiled and we continued stuffing our mouths.

We caught a bus to a place called "Gyeongbokgung Palace" where there was guard changing ceremony was going on, it seemed interesting enough, but then he yanked me towards a building next to it.

"You didn't think we were just going to watch the ceremony right?"


Before I could say anything he disappeared somewhere and came back with two gatekeeper costumes.

"Put this on"

"What? Why?"

"Just like that…now goo"

I put the purple garment on and stepped outside. The moment I saw Taehyung I burst out laughing… he was wearing a red garment similar to mine and was dancing in front of everybody.

"So, How do I look?"

"Too formal… loosen up" He pulled my hand and started waltzing around.


"Doesn't matter" He said and twirled me around. I got to admit it was the most fun I had in ages or ever.

"OMG" exclaimed Taehyung

"What? Is something wrong?"

"Photo time!" he squealed and pulled me next to him, clicking selfies with weird faces.

I chuckled he was such a cute dork.

The next stop was a restaurant where he challenged me to try the Korean fire noodles. It was so spicy that I lost halfway.

"Are you okay?"

"I need W-water" I choked out, my eyes teary and nose runny.

Snickering, he handed me a glass of water which I immediately gulped down.

"Seems like I won" He smiled widely and I scoffed.

After that, we walked to a cat café nearby. I had never paid much attention to animals before, so it was quite awkward when I tried to handle kittens.

"Just hold it carefully, like this"

He handed me the kitten carefully. I stroked it slowly while it nuzzled my hands… cute.

"See it's not that hard"

We were playing with the kittens when one of them bit Taehyung's nose.

"Oww that kitty is nasty" I laughed, shaking my head at him.

Lastly, he took me to a Tea House. The tea was so calming I thought I was going to snooze off in there.

"So, how did you join BTS?" I asked him.

"So basically I went to the Bighit audition to support my friend but they ended up picking me instead"

"What? Really?"


"What would you be doing if you weren't an idol then?"

"I would be a saxophonist"

"A… what?" I think my brain wasn't working.

"A person who plays the saxophone"


We talked for a while and went back home. I didn't even realize how late it had got when we reached back. I guess time really does fly fast when you're having fun.

"Oh you're back" Jungkook grinned.

"Hey, Kook" I smiled.

"Where's Jimin?" asked Taehyung.

"Speak of the devil," says Jungkook

"And the devil appears," Jimin says out of appearing from literally behind the sofa.

"So lovebirds, how was your date?"