Lauren had betrayed me. The newspaper headlines said that I had given up my company to my secretary Lauren and chosen an ulterior career. I looked up from the newspaper and faced them. Sejin was here today, he had come quickly after he heard what happened.
"I believe the time for an explanation came sooner than I had expected," said Sejin
I nodded and so did the others.
"Before I was a manager I used to co-own a company with Stephan and Isabella Wyatt and Ronald and Laura Rodriguez. We were doing fine for a while, until we found out about an illegal business Ronald and Laura were doing. Stephan and Ronald' families had known each other for a long time, so Stephan proposed a deal.
He would not tell the cops on them if they would give up their share of the company. Ronald didn't like the deal and murdered Stephan and Bella. The night it happened I heard something out my front lawn and came out to see. Nicole was running towards me, she was about six years old and covered in blood. She told me what had happened and I called the cops, but Ronald had already escaped. We had no proof it was him and the police wouldn't listen to her.
My eyes went wide and I gasped.
"U-uncle J-jinnie?" I stammered
Sejin smiled and said "That's right my darling, I wondered how you didn't recognize me"
I had only one question for him at this point.
"Why did you abandon me?" I asked, tears slipping out of my eyes.
"I knew it was too late to do anything and it would only be a matter of time before Ronald came after you too. So the next day I secretly admitted you to a boarding school as far away as possible from the claws of the Rodriguez family. The police wouldn't listen to my case, and so I gave up my share in the company and came here.
I knew I had to protect the only thing Stephan had left behind, but I couldn't keep you close to me for fear of Ronald knowing where you were. So I paid for all your expenses anonymously until I found you good foster care. I thought I could keep you safe and you wouldn't have to be drawn into the mess Renald had created.
Until recently I found out that the spawn of those evil people worked with you as your secretary. I knew the girl—Lauren would try something. So I drew you away here to tell you the truth in the form of making a deal; that I would find out your parents murderers' and the only thing you had to do was write lyrics"
"Why make me write lyrics though? You could have just told me, you didn't have to wait this long" I asked
"I used to secretly visit you sometimes and I saw that you weren't the same girl I knew. You were unhappy and I knew you liked writing. So I thought about this and decided I would give it a try. I wanted you to at least live a normal life before you avenged your parents"
"Then why tell me yesterday?"
"I heard you talking to Lauren and telling her about the deal. I decided to tell you right then so that you would figure out what Lauren would do. But I see I am too late, Sorry"
I gaped, the biggest one yet. My hand was unknowingly around my locket, clutching it tightly. I didn't know for how long I was quiet until Taehyung touched my shoulder with a concerned face. I walked towards Sejin and took his hand.
"Thank you Uncle Jinnie, for taking care of me all this time. I am most grateful for all you have done for me and my family."
He nodded and put his palm over mine, patting my head with his other hand.
"Stephan would have been so proud of you"
When I turned back to the others who were gaping too I smiled.
"I'm sorry for the trouble this has caused you, don't worry I will finish this album before anything else"
Jin spoke up first "Nicole I am so sorry for what has happened to you and so are the others. If you want, after this album you can still stay here for as long as you want."
"Yes, you can act as the manager's apprentice too if you feel bored," said Namjoon smiling.
"Can I see you later? I need to match your lyrics to the tune" said Slumpy.
"Ooh and you should come to check out our practices too, I know Taehyung would do his best if you were there and maybe also Jungkook and Jimin," said Hoseok.
"I already do my best, I know she'll like my moves better than Taehyungs" bragged Jungkook.
"Be careful of what you say in front of him, you know how he gets mad" warned Jimin.
"You bet, Jimin. I'll take care of you later Jungkook" replied Taehyung crunching his knuckles.
Jungkook gulped and scratched his head.
"Ha…ha I would love to Tae but I know you have better things to do like write lyrics with Nicole…Ha Ha"
Then he ran away with a chuckling Jimin behind him.
"I have to go, I guess I'll see you later," Sejin said turning towards me.
"Goodbye Uncle Sejin" I smiled.
I was forever thankful for what he had done. I guess I wasn't as alone as I thought I was.
Now that this drama was over I had something very important to do. I told Taehyung I would meet him later to work on the song since I just wanted some alone time. However, before I could leave Namjoon approached me.
"Nicole, you know how I said before that you should watch out for Taehyung?"
"I-I'm sorry Namjoon I was devastated last night and he comforted me"
"No listen, it's okay whatever you feel for him. I don't want to get in your way. I feel like if I try to keep you two apart, things won't go well. The other thing is that I realized I haven't seen Taehyung this happy since well... forever. Our group has been getting overloaded with more work since our first album. That often burdens the members more than it should, especially Taehyung. To see a genuinely happy smile on his face is more than I could ever ask for, and you also cheer up the others.
"You're welcome…I guess" He smiled and went away.
Once I was in my room I took out my phone and made a call.
"Hello, Lauren?"
"Yes, Boss?"
"What is the meaning of this?"
"I swear Boss I haven't told anyone about what we t-talked."
"Then how do the media know?
"Someone from the office must have overheard us, Boss, I-I had kept you on speaker since I was going through some files"
"And why does it say that you own this company?"
"I don't know Boss, but I'm trying to find out"
"I want this mess cleared up Lauren"
"Y-yes Boss"
I exhaled, I knew I was rude during the conversation but I was only trying to find out if she had a hand in this. After all that happened, I still couldn't process the fact that she had betrayed me. The phone call, however, proved she was guilty as Lauren only stammers when she lies. Next, I tried to remember what sort of thing would give Lauren the company—paperwork, I would have to sign papers…Then it hit me like a ton of bricks—Lauren had made me sign some papers before I had left, but I was getting late for my flight so I quickly signed it and shooed her away. Those papers must have been the ones needed to give her the company, and I signed it without even reading it. How could I have been this stupid? Lauren knew I had trusted her enough to not question the papers. She had played this game well…and now it was my turn.