walked out of my room and knocked on Taehyung's door…no answer, he must be downstairs with the others. Though when I went down, there was no one, but I could hear faint music from somewhere. I guess they were practicing in the basement. After a few turns and pretty much guessing from how loud the music was, I climbed down another set of stairs into the basement. There was loud music blasting from a speaker and I recognized the voices in the song. On the middle of the floor, all of them were practicing and I was astonished. They were so good, so in sync and they looked like they were having fun because of the huge grins on their faces. I stood there for a while in awe. The music slowly stopped and the guys turned around and saw me. Taehyung gaped and then smiled.
"Come to watch me? Unfortunately, we're done for the day, maybe next time?"
"I was looking for you. You weren't in your room."
"What's wrong?"
"Oh nothing, I thought we should finish the songs soon"
"But we have loads of time right?"
"I know but I think it's better for us to get it over with"
I wanted to finish this album and go back to Australia. But the truth was that I was torn between staying and going, I knew I had nothing to stay for but when I looked at Taehyung's face my heart clenched with sadness. I was growing attached to him. But I knew I had to go back and avenge my parents. I had a company to get back too, and I had to do it as soon as possible.
I remembered the other thing pending.
"Slump—I mean Yoongi, some of the songs are ready, so can we fit in the melody?"
"Yep, just come by the studio later and we'll do it"
I smiled and dragged Taehyung with me. We went to a quiet place to finish up on our remaining songs. We were doing a chorus when he suddenly stopped me.
"What's wrong? Do you think "adore" doesn't fit in well?"
"No I think it's perfect, it's just…you're planning on leaving aren't you?" I sighed.
I hated how he caught up on things fast.
"I-I have to go back. I have to get my revenge."
"But can't you stay for a while. I don't think Lauren is going anywhere." He pouted.
"She might not go anywhere, but she may have other plans lined up, and I need to be two steps ahead" He took my hand.
"I'm going to miss you"
"I will too, but you must understand."
My voice broke. I was trying to stay strong.
"I can't say I will but I can try to" He smiled.
We left it at that. I then told him I'm going to the "slumpy" studio. He nodded and went away muttering something about practicing vocals. I knocked on the studio door and stepped into the room.
"Ah you're here," said Yoongi
"Here are the songs we have done so far" He took the book and read the lyrics
"These are really good. I think they will fit well with the lyrics" I smiled.
We worked for most of the evening. I didn't even realize how late it was until Taehyung came in saying dinner time was past. Yoongi and I decided to go out for a bite and Taehyung insisted on coming because he wouldn't boss a chance to eat. Taehyung was quiet most of the time I didn't know why, and when I asked he said it was nothing.
The next couple of weeks flew by and in no time the album was ready. I went on more "dates" with Taehyung and sometimes the others too. I loved seeing Taehyung sing the songs with that huge smile on his face. His voice was deep and melodious, it just threw me off. I started liking Korean music after all. During performances, I kept working as the manager's apprentice and I had also gotten closer to the others. They were like family now. I still had that nagging voice in my head that said I had important stuff to do and now that the album was ready there was nothing to hold me back, I had to leave. Therefore, I arranged a meeting with Sejin and the others.
"You know why I have called you all here today," I said with a stern voice
"Please don't leave Nicole," said Jimin with pleading eyes. That broke any confidence I had in confronting them.
"Let her speak, Jimin," said Namjoon.
"I don't want to leave, you all are like family to me but you know I have to do something very important."
"And you're like a sister to us—well except for Taehyung, so we understand," said Jungkook.
Taehyung went red and slapped Jungkook's back.
"Uncle Sejin, I plan on leaving tomorrow, I trust you have my tickets ready"
"I do, and also you will be accompanied by my secretary"
"What? Why?"
"He is the only other person who knows about the murder and he might be able to help"
"Oh, Thank you Uncle Sejin" He smiled.
That night Taehyung told me to come to the balcony where I had first got lost.
"Why did you call me here?"
"To say goodbye"
"You can say it tomorrow you know, I'm not going anywhere tonight".
"I have something to tell you"
"Tell me"
He came closer to me and whispered in my ear.
"I love you."
Instead of replying he pulled me even closer and hugged me. I peered up at his face and saw his beautiful features. I raised my hand and moved his hair from his eyes, wanting to see that dark beauty again. I gazed into them and this time I was struck by lightning, my voice died in my throat. He dark eyes were staring at me, staring at my soul. They were kind and captivating, they drew me with an extreme force I couldn't fight against. He cupped my cheeks and gently placed his lips on mine. I was stunned at first but the shock went away soon and I realized something. My brownie shield had taken a new meaning today, which was not only protection but also love. Love, the one thing I had been writing about for months but never really experiencing it in full. I then felt like the words in my lyrics really meant something, something that I hadn't realized I was falling into until today. All the times that I had felt giddy was nothing compared to what I felt now. Forget butterflies I could feel a whole jungle in my stomach. The feeling lingered in me as Taehyung drew back and took my hands.
"I love you too" I replied.
He smiled a different smile this time, one that showed that he loved and cared for me.
"Even if you leave tomorrow, I promise you we will be together again"
"I know". I smiled as we kept that promise in our hearts. Taehyung intertwined our fingers and led us back to our rooms saying goodnight as if it were just another night and I wasn't going to leave tomorrow.
It was my last night in this room and I smiled, I had so many memories here, bad and good ones. Oh, how I was going to miss Korea. I sighed and fell asleep.
The next day I got dressed in simple clothing and was dazed half the time. My mind was on two people Taehyung and Lauren, which was good because each one distracted me from the other.
We reached the airport and were saying final goodbyes. I hugged everyone and some of them even cried. I laughed and said that we would see each other soon.
"I will miss you so so much, don't go please don't go." said a teary Jimin.
He begged me, pulling my hand like an upset child. I chuckled and kissed his cheek. Taehyung frowned at that.
"Don't worry we will see each other soon" I told him.
"Pinky promise?"
"Pinky promise"
I giggled and we locked our pinkies. He let go of my hand and smiled.
Before I boarded my flight Taehyung hugged me again, this time longer and I put my arms around his neck pulling him close. Then I whispered in his ear.
"Remember our promise"
"Of course"
I breathed in the scent of brownies, which I prayed was not for the last time. He pulled away and smiled.
"Don't forget to call me" He patted my head.
"Of course not"
I left waving back at them. I had only one goal now. I would no longer sit back and watch while Lauren destroyed everything I had built. I would get back at her and her family who had wronged me and mine. I held my locket and made a promise.