
Jax and Alex step out on the other side of the door, and Jax opens his eyes and sees bright neon lights. Alex pulls out her phone and looks at the map; Jax looks at the map too, and they both read that she transported them to the middle of Architects City. Jax looks up from her phone and looks around, and the street was devoid of people; this was odd. "Why are there no people," they both locked eyes and Jaxs looked away.

"Well, Jax we not really in the City right now we are in a place that is kind of like purgatory," Alex walls over to a door and opens it. Jax can see a light at the end of the hallway the door opened into.

"If this is purgatory, then where are all the souls that neither goes to heaven or hell?" Jaxs asks as Alex walks done the hallway. Jax follows suit, Alex doesn't speak for a long will trying to think of an answer.

"This place is like it, but it's not. It more like a loading bar in a videogame you have to walk from point A to point B," Alex looks at Jax and holdout her hand. Jax looks at her hand for a second, then he grabs it, and they both walk throw the door of light. When they step out, Jax sees a room this large mirror and a toilet and a sink.

"Why are we in a bathroom," Jax asks, putting his hand in his head trying not to look in the mirror. Alex looks at him and laughs softly and grabs his hand and pulls him out. They both exit and they enter into a bar; a guy sees them him and Jax lock eyes. He smiles and gives him a thumb up like saying, nice job kid. Jax snaps his head forward, and he feels his face get hot in embarrassment. No matter what his feeling to Alex was, he has to admit she is very attractive.

"Don't worry the girl that owns the bar will help us and I think you to might know each other but, I'm not too sure," Alex gives the bartender a wave, and he moves his head in the direction of the back door. Alex drags Jax to the back door, and she swings it open and yells out, "Linda, I've brute you a gift."

Jaxs looks on confused his jaw locked unable to speak he sees a woman pop up front the back side of a desk. Her eye opened wide, and a big smile paints itself on her face "Jax is that you, you cheeky dog it's been too long." Linda walks around the desk and hugs him.

"Aunt Linda I thought you were still overseas," Jax steps back and looks at her.

Jax could feel the weight of his body; he starts to take deep breaths his head feels tight like someone is seizing it with full force. He falls to the floor and holds his head; he sees images of a clearing but the man that was sharply dressed and covered in flame. Has changed to a masked man with a large sword, it looks like it was from the crusades it had a cross engraved on the pommel of the sword. Linda rushes to help Jax from falling over Jax leans up agents the wall and slowly slides down it and sits on the floor.

"Okay, Jax what do you see right now. If you are anything like your father, you can see the future and the changes that happen," Linda looks at Jax and tells Alex to get the bartender. Jax tells Linda what he is seeing as Jax stops talking, and his head stops hurting, and he can regain his balance. Alex and the bartender enter the room Linda pulls the bartender to the side of the room. She tells him something, but Jax can't make out what they were talking about the bartender walks over to him.

"What's going on kid. My name is Isaac from what Linda has told me you are to see Abraham," Isaac grabs Jaxs shoulder and smiles. Jax nods and Linda looks at all out them and gestures them to come over to the desk. They all walk over, and Jax and Alex look at each other, Alex shrugs and walks over. Jax hesitates but walks over everyone is quiet for a while

Jax breaks the silence "What am I doing here? Why do I have these powers? Why can I see the future? Why can I manifest fire?" Jax asks them, realizing how all of this started with the death of Em. Jaxs faces falls to a look of sadness and anger, his throat dries, and his heart feels heavy.

"Okay, Jax to put it simply you are a Nephilim your father is one too, and he has been the strangest one in our history. So the oldest and youngest of us think you are going to be stronger because your mother well is a little more than human, but we are not sure what." Linda says, trying not to mess up the information.

"And your father's power are future sight, flame, and strength," Isaac chimes in telling Jax what power he will need to master. "But without knowing what your mother is we can't know what other power you will have," Isaac looks at Jax then looks at the floor trying to think of what his mother might be.

"So at the risk of sounding cliché you are the chosen one," Alex puts her hand on his shoulder as she spoke. Jax looks down at the floor thinking about his whole life and can't but wonder why his mom lied to him for his entire life. She probably had a good reason, but why did she tell him.

"Okay, what do you need me to do," Jax asks, looking up and looks at Linda with a determined excretion which surprises Linda. The air in the room turns thick no one spook for a minute.

"Don't you want to know where your father is," Isaac asks.

Jax looks at his and speaks his word full of venom "I do not care about that Goddamn bastard," he didn't mine for his words to come out so angry to Isaac. It wasn't his fault for his father walking out on his mother and sister. "Now what do you want me to do," he gives Isaac an apologetic look.

"What we need you to do is learn how to use your power and work on your skills as a human-like strength, stamina, and knowledge," Linda tells him softly everyone nods their heads in agreement.

"So where do I start," Jax asks as a smile slides on his face. Linda tells him to go upstairs to the apartment, so he and Alex can get some sleep because they have a long road ahead of them. Jax moves over to the stares and Alex stay behind to speak with Linda and Isaac about the plan moving for word. As Jax walks up to the door of the apartment, he opens the door and sees a bed and a couch Jax walks over to the sofa. He lays on it and closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep.

Jaxs sleep has always been restless and full of nightmares but, sometimes, Jaxs sleep has no dreams, and with no dreams comes no nightmares. That night Jax had a dream, but it wasn't a nightmare it was just him lying in a field looking up at the starry night sky. He was looking and talking with Alex, but he could not hear what they were talking about it was like listening throw water. The field was very familiar, but he couldn't place it, he didn't give it much thought. The dream faded from his mind, and Jax slowly opened his eyes, and he looks around; he sees the apartment room and sees Alex sleeping on the bed.

Jax looks at the clock and sees the time 4:00 am Jax throws his head back and he sighs softly trying not to wake up Alex. Jax gets up and walks over to the kitchen and starts to put out pots and pan he knows how to cook, so why not make breakfast for Alex and him. Some time has past Jax finishes cooking and sees Alex on the other side of the kitchen "How long have you been up cooking," she asks tiredly.

"I haven't been up to long, what time is it," Jax knew what time it was he could see it on the oven, but he was trying to make at least a little conversation before she eats and forgets that he is even in the room because, in her mind, food is more impotent than anyone else.

"It is 5:45. So what did you make," Alex sits at the table and looks at Jax hoping for a grand breakfast.

"It's nothing much just pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Don't eat all of if it, I still need to eat." As Jax finishes speaking, Alex reaches out and grab as many pancakes as her plant can hold. "And you are ignoring me."

As Jax sits the door opens, and he turns his head and see Linda in the doorway about to yell get up or something like that but, she sees them at the table. She walks over and sits "This smells great is it your mother's recipe," Linda grabs Jax's plant and grabs three pancakes.

Jax gets up annoyed and grabs himself another plate "Yes it is. Hey Linda, can I use your phone I need to call my mom to make sure she is okay," Jax returns to the table Alex still eating all the food on the table.

"Sure, here you just have to make it fast you start training today, and it's going to be long," Linda hands him her phone and Jax looks at it and feels a pit in his stomach like something terrible is going to happen. Jax stands up and walks to the other side of the room and calls his mom it rings for what feels like an eternity.

The phone connects, but it is not his mom's voice at the end of the phone, it was a man with a deep voice with a thick Italian accent. "Hey Demon, why did you run away after punching me in the throat I got lucky," Jax's entire body fills with anger, but he remains calm.

"What did you do with my mother and my sister," somehow Jax could feel this man's crooked smile throw the phone.

"Your mother is safe but your sister, on the other hand, well she put up a good fight. I took great pleasure in killing her life," As the man finishes speaking, Jax could feel his soul snap in half, and his heart followed. Jax hangs up the phone and walks back over to the table and puts the phone next to Linda's hand and walks out of the apartment.

Jax finds himself in the stare well and walks up to them to the roof. He steps close to the edge. He looks out to the city and focuses on the sound of the wind feeling it move around his face and body. "Do you feel alone, Boy? Are you tired of losing your loved ones?" Jax turns his head and sees a man with a large frame, mostly muscle and a low, gruff voice. "You let your mother get capture, and let your sister and that girl Em get killed," the man slowly walked to him and pulled him away from the edge. The wind stopped, and the sky that was once clear is now overcast.

"Who are you," Jax pulls away and looks at the man with the eyes of a broken man.

"I'm here to help you. I will train you and make you stronger," The man's voice gets lower and somehow gets more serious. The man looks at Jax just waiting for Jax to ask which god are you, but Jax did ask he looks at him and they can feel the air cool and the clouds slowly move away from the sun.

"When do we start oh wise one…" before Jax could finish the man strikes him in the stomach. Jax tries not to throw up. He falls to the ground.

"We start now Boy; you are too weak. Your power is useless if you can hold your own in a fight. You need discipline, control, and a calm mind." The Man pulls Jax up and pushes him back. "Now hit me, Boy."

"Okay if I land one hit on you, you will tell me your name and power," Jax looks at him waiting for The Man to speak. The Man says nothing he focuses on Jax his eyes look hollow. Jax rushes him, but the man steps to the side and Jaxs hit the wall with his shoulder. A loud smack rang out; Jax turns and sees The Man right in front of him. He picks Jax up and throws him against the wall, Jax feels two ribs break. Jax gets up and focuses his mind and feels his body heat up, and the heat crosses his body to his hands. Flames start to appear on his hands, Jax looks up and sees The Man rush him Jax steps out of the way. But something is different about this dodge time slowed down Jax looks am his running fist cocked. Jax slams his fist down onto his back and the time returns to normal The Man hits the down with a loud thud.

The fight was over, and Jax has won he gets up and speaks with a more light tone even with his low voice. "You win boy my name is Aetius, and yes I know that name is a little dated, but I am an ancient man I was born during the golden age of Greece, I am Aetius of Sparta," Jax looks at him there is no way he is that old he looks like he is in his twenties. Aetius grabs Jax by the shoulder "I bet you're wondering how I knew about your mother and sister and that girl well I can read your mind and well I'm also not human boy," Aetius pull Jax back into the building.

Jax ponders what he was just told If Aetius wasn't human. What was he? Was he a vampire or something else but if people like his live in this world it can't be too crazy to think that vampires live with every other things on this planet. Jax wants to ask him if he is one as they both descend the stairs, but he thinks it would be rude because they did only meet. "Don't worry, Boy, it is okay to ask if I am one, and the answer is yes, I am. To be honest with you son I think I'm the oldest vampire in history," Aetius is so sure of that fact Jax thinks he would put his life on it. They reach the door of the apartment Aetius opens the door, and they are stared at by every person in the room Linda, Isaac, and Alex.

"Jax what happened when you on the phone that made you leave you've been gone for an hour," Alex says, throwing Jax his phone that he thought he left it back at his house. Jax explains what happened, trying not to look broken because he now had a job to do.

"By the way, Linda what is the name of this organization that wants us dead," Jax words slam down on to the group like a hammer.

"The name of the group Boy is The Knights of The Sun," Aetius voice grows quiet and cold, and so does the room.