Jax walks down the main hallway of Mercy High. First-period Gym, Jax was always more athletic than the other students. Em thought it was the fact that he was always going to concerts and moshing all the cardio in the movements kept him in at least in good shape. But did that make him like Gym; no it didn't not in the slightest.
He steps into the Gym and sees a row of students. It was a mixer of freshman, sophomores, and juniors. Jax already knew it would be a great start to his Junior year. Jax runs his hand throw his black hair. He sits down at the end of the row.
"Okay everyone my name is Mr. Craig. I do not care if you call me Coach Craig, Mr. Craig, or just Couch. That will be up to you."
Coach Craig this year is going to be great. It was like he had a grudge agent every student in the school.
"Alright, roll call like always say here when you hear your name. Will Forester, Randle Dillow…"
One after another, every student would raise their hands and say 'here.'
"Jackson Dromon," Coach Craig looks up and sees Jaxs hand raised and saying 'here.'
"You can just call me Jax Couch."
Roll call finishes up first, second, and third-period speed by in a flash. Lunch rolls around, and Jax wants to be alone like most days, but today he has a good reason. He and Melisa broke up a week before school started and he knows that she will be looking for him to explain why he just broke her heart. Jax knows why, but he doesn't want to face the fact that he feels for her faded away. He never knew how to talk about his feeling with anyone, although there was one person besides Em; that Jax could let his emotions run out and that was Alex, but she left three months ago. Jax didn't know why he started to hate her for leaving, but he did, and he hates himself for it.
Jax walks down the alleyway between the music building and the tennis courts as he rounds the corner he hears a familiar voice. It is Melisa; she is talking to her friends. Jax hides around the corner and listens.
"Melisa, why did he break up with you? You two are good together," Melisa's friend asks her holding Melisa. She was crying because Jax is a dumbass a wave of guilt fills his body, and he looks at the ground.
"I don't know why he did it he just called me asking if we could meet up and after we got together, he just told me. 'We need to break up. I'm sorry.' Then he just walked away," Melisa's voice was shaky and her tears it felt like Jax could see them falling off of her cheeks.
Jax feels a lump form in his throat, and he swales down the lump. He turns and walks past them and avoids eyes contact, but he can feel their eyes on him.
"JAX!" He turns and sees Em running at him "You stupid asshole."
Em stops and slaps him she breaths heavy, Jax doesn't speak; he turns around and walks away. Em tries to stop him, but, he keeps walking to his car. Jax opens the door and sits in the driver seat and closes the door; Jax takes a deep breath and punches the steering wheel and screams in anger at himself; Jax couldn't help but think. What is wrong with him? Why is he like this? When will he change? So he can live a normal life.
Jax starts his car and hears the engine turn over; he puts it into gear and drives out of the parking lot. Em watches him leave and sees the hurt in his eyes and the regret written on his face. Jax gets up to speed and feels the power of the engine rush throw his body and the speed even if he is only going the speed limit. But the only thing on he can think of right now is a habit he kicked four months ago but it was the only thing running throw his mind and remembering the feeling of euphoria. Jax didn't know where he was going he was driving, but he couldn't help but drive to the one place he could get this spell to make him forget and make him feel happy. He pulls up in front of an old house that the homeless and the gangs call home. For a small town, they had an awful neighborhood, but Jax didn't care; he just wanted the one thing that will make him okay.
As he gets out of the car his old plug walks up to the car he and Jax exchange hello; Jax gives him some money, and his plug gives him a dime bag of magic dust. Jax nods and gets back into his car and drive back to the high school; Jax looks down at the bag and smiles. He pulls into the parking lot of the high school Em sees his car, and she runs over to his parking stop after seeing the smile on his face. Jax sees her but doesn't care. He pulls out a straw that has been cut in half he opens the bag and puts the straw in it. He breathes in the sweet powder; he feels the magic fill his body, and a wave of happiness washes off of him.
Em sees him smile and sees him throw a small bag away; she feels her heart drop. She knocks on the car window, and Jax steps out and closes the door. "Jax what is wrong with you. You just kicked that shit," Em's voice goes from calm to yelling at him. Jax is half listening to her and half seeing the wooded area around the school move and morph into grotesque monsters. Em slaps him to make him focus on her "Jax you need help you are going to spiral into the drugs again, and you will most likely not come back out…"
"Stop talking. I don't need a lecture from you, Emily."
Em looks at him and sees that he is gone and lost to the high "Jax I'm taking you to my place you are going to sleep this off there," Em grabs his hand and pulls him over to her car.
"Why do you even care about me?"
Em slows her step and looks back at Jax, caught off guard by his question. She takes a second to mull over his question "do I need a reason to care about my friends; Jackson you already know that you are the most impotent person to me but, you should already know that I will not stand by and let you self destruct. So does that answer your query?"
Jax nods and lets Em led him to her car; as Jax slips into the front seat, his mind kicks into overdrive, and he starts to panic. Em sees this and buckles herself in; she gives Jaxs hand a squeeze trying to comfort him. Jax visibly calms down, but this panic will stay until he starts to sober up.