chapter 2- ""fightthe heat"" (M)


I don't know what gets into me, but earlier all I wanted to do is to kiss her,, her lips is soo soft and it make me wanna kiss it over and over,, Aaaaiisshhh, but its so embarrassing, right after the van parked at our house garage I run like hell and lock myself in my room,

"would lisa think that I'm weird?, will she be disgusted?, but she's the one who said that I am her girlfriend so basically that was just normal right?? UHHRGGG!! now I don't know how to approach her, I should'nt be this coward, I am jennie kim!! right!, this isn't me, I shouldn't be too shy around her, chin up jennie you got this!.

--just when she's gaining confidence a knock on her door made her jump,--

LISA: baby ni~ can I come in? I want to sleep.

JENNIE'S MIND: " she's what? going to sleep? HERE? in my room? wi-with me??,,, (panicked) wait is she serious??

LISA: baby ni~~~~~, ba- (cut off when the door suddenly open)

oh, I'm tired I wanted to sleep now. (didn't wait for jennie to respond and just enter the room then lay on the bed)

--jennie was just looking at lisa, still confused--

JENNIE: (why does it look like that she's not bothered at all about the kiss earlier?)

"wa-what are you doing? (act serious and cross arm)

LISA: (look at jennie) hmm? I said I wanted to sleep now.

JENNIE: yeah I heard you, what I mean is, why here??

LISA: because I wanted to sleep with you.

--jennie's mind-(sleep with you...sleep with you.. sleep with you)

JENNIE: (okay jennie you can handle this) alright but then you have to clean yourself first before we sleep..

LISA: okay, (walk towards the bathroom)

--few minutes later lisa came out with just a piece of towel around her body--

LISA : baby ni~ can you get me closthes please

--jennie stares at lisa from head to toe--water dripping on her shoulder from her we hair and she can smell the fresh afterbath scent--

JENNIE: (OMG lisa your making it hard for me to control my self)

""uh-hmm come here first let me dry your hair..


lisa sat infront of me "facing me" that made me swallow almost my whole tounge.. I noticed that she's staring at my lips, I'm about to ask her but I felt her lips pressed into mine,. I was stunned at the moment, then she pull away and look at me in the eye and speaks.

LISA: baby ni~~ you did not like it?

JENNIE: huh? (I was back to my senses because of her question) what? did'nt like what? you mean the kiss??

LISA just nod--

JENNIE: what makes you think that I don't like it??,

LISA: well you run away after that happen, I even ask chip and V about it, they say that you might be shocked, and that I should try to do it again cause maybe you did'nt like it. (lisa looked at her with sad face)

JENNIE: what? they say that? (haaysss those dorks really, I will deal with them later)

li-lili~~ I didn't mean to run away. I was just embarrass to what I did, and---

*paused* (she lean forward and hold lisa's nape) ""I love it. ""

(she wispher on lisas lips)

--jennie is looking all over at lisa's face and admiring the beauty that is infront of her, then her eyes landed on the towel that lisa is wearing, she forgot that lisa is not yet dressed, her eyes slowly widens when the towel is losen up and its about to seperate at lisa's body, her reflexes was fast enough to grab it and turn her head to avoid looking at it.--

JENNIE: U-uhh (gulp) li-lili uhm yo-your towel.. (another gulp)

LISA: hmmm? (she confusedly look down to what jennie is refering to) why whats the problem nini~??

JENNIE: nah-nothing.. its just that you are not wearing anything yet, you know yo-you might catch co-cold (clears throat)

LISA: but I don't feel cold. actually I feel a little bit hot when i am near you. I'm wondering

(lisa tilt her head )

JENNIE: maybe because.... uhmm ,bo-body heat! yeah its because of body heat. thats it.

he-he-he (let out an ackward laugh).

LISA: you think so? alright then maybe I can just sleep without clothes on right? I will avoid getting sweaty.

JENNIE: (eyes widen) NO! you can't! (said it a little louder)

LISA: (startled) Am I doing something wrong?, I apologized if I am, I just don't know how to imply what chip told me to do. my brain is not working properly I'm sorry baby ni~~ please don't be mad at me (look down)

--Jennie was left astonish with lisa's confession, she put her index finger on lisa's chin to lift it up--

JENNIE: hey~~ ba-baby--(clears throat) baby li~~ look at me, I'm not mad.. I was just a little overwhelmed with your actions. coz honestly I don't expect you to be like this, you know like all over me,

--jennie blushed on her own words--

LISA: don't you like it!?

JENNIE: (touches lisa's nose) I.LOVE.IT.! (smile)

but tell me about you said earlier... what chip told you to do?

(i wanna hear it first, then I'll just deal with that chipmunk for almost giving me an "'EMOTIONAL DAMAGE")

LISA: well... chip teach me how to interact with you,.. you see I was kept in my room for almost a year because of my co-condition, (feeling a little stung in her head) and when I ask them about you thats when she told me that were in a relationship and that I should do what lovers do. sorry If I am not doing it right, my brain is not functioning properly and I lost some memories, normal senses and emotion, and chip told me that its getting better when I am learning more about you..

JENNIE: (so basically she became like an innocent child, and chip already made us a couple, well she made it easy for me,, I kinda wanted to know what heppened to her but for now let me ease this pouting kid. )

--Jennie cup lisa's face, she's studying her face her long eyelashes.. big doe eyes. she can tell that there's something in it that she can't figure out yet. then her eyes went down to lisa's nose until it landed to its plump lips, in jennie's mind--"how can it be so cherry like red even without any liptint on it-- I bet it taste sweet--

LISA: baby ni~~ I have a question..

--jennie look back at lisa's eye's--

LISA: what does ""SEX means?""

--seem's like a loud "bang" hit her when lisa say her question. her mouth fell open.."" that chipmunk!! I will really gonna kill her!!""

JENNIE: Se-- uhhm "that" is something that lovers do, yeah its like.. uhm a seal .. o-or some sort of a proff that people love each other, ( what a lame jennie!)

LISA: so we can do it too? (excitedly said)

JENNIE: NO!! (not yet)

LISA: why?

JENNIE: because... (I'm not mentally prepared! everything is happenning too fast! way too fast!!) we ha-have to.. we have to bond first.

LISA: bond!?

JENNIE: like know each other more.

LISA: but we knew each other.

JENNIE: yeah but, we haven't seen each other for 10 years, and I don't know what you like Or dislike.

LISA: but your the one I like. (lisa innocently said)

JENNIE:BLUSH--(Assiiisshhh lisa your not making it easy for me!)

I-i know that. what i mean is,,..(this is hard) we have to be like. get use to each other, to be comfortable with each other.

LISA: are you not comfortable with me?

JENNIE: I am!. (jennie is now scratching her forehead , she's running out of words to tell to lisa.. she close her eyes. )

--while she's in puzzle at the moment of how she can explain to lisa that they can't do ""IT"" yet-- a wet and soft sensation invading her whole being. she slowly open her eye's and found lisa's lips in to her's..

--lisa slightly opens her eyes too, and she's about to distance herself, jennie snaked her hands to lisa's neck and hold her nape,

JENNIE:"" f*ck it""( just a little bit, it wont hurt to push a little bit)

--jennie then smashed her lips to lisa's again, jennie is about to deepen the kiss when lisa speak between their kiss

""l'll follow your lead nini"" then put her lips back to hers.

jennie lost it hearing those words from lisa. she tilt her head to have full access to lisas mouth.

JENNIE: "open your mouth baby~~(when lisa does it she shoved her tounge inside lisa's mouth) Mmmhhhh.( a muffled moan escape from her, In her mind-- "sh*t lisa how can I pull away from this!! I said control!! stupid me.!-- she's scolding herself)

--the slow kiss heated up and became a little intense that went to a make out,, and jennie's hand begun to travel on lisa's neck and traces down to her colarbone.. but before she move further a realization hits her.

--""no jennie slowdown, too soon,, --she then slightly bit lisa's lower lip to release from the kiss,. as she slowly moves away she looked at lisa's flushed face "" shackzz too sexy !! oh my""

JENNIE: this should be enough for the mean time baby li~~ we'll take it one step at a time okay~~

--Lisa just nodd and put her arm around jennie's neck.

then something fell off the bed, jennie let go of the embrace to check it and saw the towel that lisa was wearing..

--she then stuck like her world stops seeing the only thing that covering lisa's body is now on her foot and her head is creating a chaos right now,

JNNIE"S MIND: ""nonononono. all the effort that I made to relax and control myself ,, why??? stup*d towel!! I can't! I can't!.. breathe... breathe.. just grab the F*cking towel and give it to her,, okay.... yeah easy right,, ( her hands are shaking while extending her arms to pick up the towel, while cursing herself over and over.)

okay... now give the towel to her, just keep your eyes on the god damn floor!! don't look, don't you dare look!!

---she shakily giving the towel to lisa ''' he-here.. please take it""

lisa grab jennie's hand confusedly,

LISA: nini~~ why are you trembling?. (lisa is trying to search for jennie's eyes)

--jennie felt lisa's hold ,,she's trying so hard not to give in,

""no! please not now!, "" then lisa pull her hand that make's jennie hover her head ..

JENNIE: F*ck~ ( thats the only work she said right before her world became slowly became dark)





--Jennie woke up suddenly she's holding her head trying to remember what happened earlier.. ""lisa"" she whisper under her breath.. she tilt her head and look at the clock on her bed side table:

2:43 AM.


did I just passed out after seing her naked body?,. I actualy didn't see enough,, Its not that I am craving for it,.. well I am, just.. aishh!! stop it jennie your being stud*d!.. while were at it, where is she, I thought she will be sleeping with me,? --roaming her head in the dark room she found a tall figure infront of the window, that being flaunt by the light of the moon. jennie is trying to adjust her sight to recognize a window silhouette.-- her breath hitch the moment this figure turns to her direction.

a wind blows the curtain up that reveals the beautity of this mysterious being.. its like theres a bucket of water on Ice pour all over her,, her body shivers when she see's the figure smiled more on smirked at her, same face , same beauty but she felt a different kind of aura like she's looking in a total different person.

--lisa walked slowly towards the bed where jennie is still in awe of what she's seing., she is wearing a silk robe and with the help of the illuminating light from the moon. she can clearly see the lingerie underneath... seems like a slow dance her curve's are showing off every steps she makes with hips swaying left and right like inviting to be touched, jennie gulped with the scene, she lost the count of how many times she swalow her saliva, and just by the moment she was trying to gather her thoughts to understand whats happening before her eyes. a sweet citrus scent with a little bit of masculine touch lingered her nose. a familiar smell just a liitle bit heavier. then she speaks..

""are you still breathing love"'

lisa licked jennies trembling bottom lip, she sucked all the air she needed to stay alive, and she speaks again but now lisa's breath is touching jennie's neck, ""stay with me love were just getting started"" licked and sucked jennies neck that left will definitely leave a mark.., jennie was only able to close her eyes and then she hear another word,

""jennie--- (its my name)

jennie~~( its now a little softer)

jennie!! (it became louder)

JENNIE!!! for pete sake!!! wake the f*ck up!!!

--her eyes flew open--

JENNIE: V?? (confussion is written all over her face-- she look at her side, no sign of lisa, )

V: who are you expecting to wake you up ?? come on will be late !!


wait what?? Don't tell me its all just a dream? no!! it can't be. it must be real, I can still feel her touch in my skin.. this isn't possible, --jennie shaking her head like crazy-- then a pilow landed on top of her head, --(a little harder)

""OWW!! what the hell!!!!!""

V: I thought you need help to shake your head, now

move it, don't let jisoo unnie come up here for you, I'm sure you wouldn't want that.

--then V closed the door, ''jisoo unnie?? that means lisa is here too!! I wasn't dreamming! its real!! '' she happily jump off her bed straight to the bathroom,. with a smile on her face she removes her clothes , looking at the mirror she noticed a red mark under her jaw, and it makes her grin grow wider.

""my lisa""



Yellow here.

