Chapter 3- """Vow of protection""

10 months ago""



""I can't bare to see lisa like this.., right now all I can hear is her screaming and sobs she's asking for my help,, '' roseanne!! roseanne!!,, I don't want to be here! let me out please!!

she's a crying mess like me,.. but I can't do anything. doctor said she's having a breakdown, they told me she need help with a psychologist, and might need to be placed in a rehabilitation, I don't wanna accept that lisa has a problem in her mental..

--after almost two hours of crying lisa finally settle a little. she's still awake maybe tired of crying. i sat on the chair beside her bed.

"'baby li~~, (i'm caresing her checks, it still have stains from all the tears earlier.. she holds my hand that was on her checks and look at me,)

LISA: roseanne,, lets get out of here, I wanna go home, please-

(her eyes are starting to build tears again)

--my baby li~~ you don't know how much I wanted to drag you out here,, but this is for your own good,--

lisa is still holding my hand when a nurse came in-

NURSE: ma'am sorry to disturb you but we need to take her to the lab. doctors order.

-the nurse excused herself to get near to lisa, I am about to stand too٫ to give way for her , when lisa suddenly hold my hand tigher, that cause us to bump to each other, and since I was about standing i tripped at the chair's foot that makes me slump my butt on the floor, I was wincing in pain when I looked up to lisa,

--I feel shiver trough my spine when I saw her eye's she's looking at the nurse like a monster, I can sense the urge to kill in her eyes, I don't know this person,.. never in my exitence saw this kind of lisa.--

-when I was able to stand up, lisa is already closing her eyes.

I'm not sure if she noticed me looking at her.

few hours later lisa is now back to her room,

she became quiet. I sat beside her.

ROSE: lis~? (combing lisa's hair) please get well very soon, I am just here for you, (getting teary) I'm not going anywhere I promise. (then she kiss lisa's forehead)

LISA : just staring at the ceiling--"" I am well chip"". (then silence)

--hours passed I am feeling my eyes getting heavy, I looked over lisa and she's already asleep, I leaned my chin over my hands thats on top of lisa's hand, and slowly driffing to sleep.--


--A weird kind of feeling shaken my soul and it wake me up, I rubbed my eyes, then look at the time at my watch. "oh sh*t!!"

its already 2 AM , when I checked my phone it has alot of missed call from jisoo and messages.. I looked at lisa before responding to jisoo's message. she is still sleeping, I touched her cheecks,

"" please get well baby~ and kissed her forehead before going out from her room,--

--While walking at the hallway of the hospital, I dialed jisoo's number to update her.

"" hello love?? sorry I dozed off, but I'm about to leave now , she's already sleeping. I'll see you, bye""

call then ended-- as I continue to walk I saw the nurse that assisted lisa earlier she's alone at the registrar, I waved at her then continue walking outside until I reached the parking lot.

-I've been looking for my car key's for like 5 minutes now, so I decided to go back at lisa's room, I might find it there.

passing trough the registrar, I noticed that the nurse is not there anymore, I just shrugged it off ,""maybe she went to check other patient "" I'm finally back at lisa's room, I'm about to open it when I hear a whine, sounds like a muffled cry. I harshly open the door and I didn't see a sleeping lisa.. I'm pressing the pager to call a nurse for help when another mysterious sound I hear and its now in the direction of the window,

-With unsure steps I slowly went near the window, and pushed my head out. thats when I saw full view of a woman kneeling infront of a girl with tall frame wearing a hospital gown, she's holding the womans hair with a tube like steel on her other hand-

A cold wind brushed over my face.. I slowly wet my dry throat, the girl tilt her head to my direction , her eye's meets mine,

--pitchblack emotionless orb--


seems like she heard me calling her name, the girl that is so familiar to me smirked,.

thats when I pushed myself far from the window and pull my feet through the door.. I was running down the hallway while battling with my head.

""is that lisa? nonono, she's a total different person, her eye's ,, it gives me chills, but thats ,,, "" haaaaaahhh"" shaking her head and before she can finish what she's going to say, she is now infornt of the girl that is now kneeling with blood on her hands, while the other woman is now lying on the ground lifeless,

--almost tripped she run and sat infront of the girl,

""li-lisa~~ look at me.. what did yo-- what happened?""

she looked up ,,but now owning a gentle and scared eye's..

LISA: roseanne~~(sniff) I-I'm so sorry~~ sh-she hurt you..( tears flowing on her cheecks) I can't forgive her. I'm sorry (she burst out crying)

-I hugged her tight, my clothes are getting wet with the tears on my chest,. while rubbing her back I looked over the lying woman that is full of blood.. I feel pity of her situation I don't even know if she's still alive, all I am thinking right now is the trembling girl in my arms, I can't see her like this it's breaking my heart.

-my head gets cloudy all I think of is to take her far from here.. then I came up to a decision.

maybe because of being exhausted lisa fell asleep, so I dragged her to the parking lot. I'm still unable to find my keys so we just sat on one of the bench.

-I dialed the number that I thought I wont be needing just yet--


S: took you long enough"

R: watch your words I am still part of the family and the legitimate guardian so better pay some respect,!

S: my apologies miss,, how can I be of service?

R: I need you to come down here at the hospital, I'll send you the address, fix and clean everything, I need all records of lisa desolved in this facility.

S: would that will be all miss?

R: we'll be coming back at the mansion and make everything in private. no information should be leaked about lisa's whereabouts. am I making myself clear?

S: certainly miss:

-after the call ended- i dialed jisoo's number-

R: love??

JS: hey~~ what happened I thought you were going home?

R: something came up, I need you here. please hurry.

JS: I'll be there, hang on.

--staring at lisa's face I made a promise more like a vow-

No one. and I mean No one will ever hurt you or make you cry-

-I am willing to "kill" just to protect you...

and I placed a long kiss on her forehead.




I am currently leaning at the counter making myself a coffee while looking at rose , she's preparing lisa's breakfast.

I was still thinking bout what happenned earlier today,, I woked up in the middle of the night longing for my girlfriend's presence, I already have an Idea where she might be,. pulling myself up I went outside my room,.. and I was right I found her infront of jennie's room where lisa is staying,. she always does that, I know how important lisa for her, especially now that she's still not well, though she don't want to talk about it, my only concern is that she has to always do it every after 2 AM,

--while she's standing there I can tell that the door is slightly open , and she's looking intently to whatever is inside,

I was about to approach her when she pull the knob and close the door. I quickly get inside my room and hide myself under covers,

as I hear footsteps getting closer the grip I'm making to the sheet gets tighter. then I felt something sink into bed, my breathing started to get heavy, I close my eyes to relax my self

then she speaks--

""don't soffucate yourself love~~ rest well , we have bz day ahead of us,"

even without looking at her, I can feel that she's smiling,..

I don't know how long it took before my eyelid slowly closed up, and the next time I open my eye's the light from the sun greets me,.


7:50 AM

--jisoo placed the coffee she made at the table and sat beside rose and lisa, --but the uneasyness didn't get unnotice to kai.--

KAI: jisoonni are you okay? you look tired.

--rose curiously look and checked on jisoo,

ROSE: haven't you get enough sleep last night love?

--before jisoo can answer rose V beat her to it--

V: ooohhhh, does someone make you tired last night unnie??

(with big grin on his face)

--jisoo facepalm herself-

JISOO: Yah! too early for your dirty talks ""KIM TAEHYUNG""

(she fires back)

V: Uuuunnniiiie!! its V!!!! V!!!,

JISOO: what??? its your name, don't tell me your neglecting being a "KIM" if so I'll let our parents know.

--just then another voice intercepted--

""No unnie.,, infact he is very proud being a "KIM" but that "V" thing is gevin by his "VERY LOYAL" boyfie.

JISOO: why does in seems that there's something from you emphasizing the "VERY LOYAL" word..?

JENNIE : I don't know unnie, lets asked~~ "V"?

V: yeah right jendukie!! just because you have lisa here now, you get to talk, (roll his eye's to jennie)

JENNIE: what!? its true, "kai how many times did his super dupper loyal boyfiee cheat on him" tell jisoo unnie!..

KAI: uhh,, four~~ (aiishhh why do I have to get involve in this tsk)

V: (gasp) "KAI!! I can't believe this!

JENNIE: SEE~~~ (giving v a teasing smirk)

V: shut up! dimwit!

--Rose and lisa was just looking at them amused,- then jisoo finally put a stop on it.


V and JENNIE: " sorry unnie"

--lisa gesture jennie to come beside her--

LISA: nini~~ come sit beside me,

--jennie while smiling obeyed lisa's request--

JENNIE: goodmorning lili~~, you were not beside me when i woke up (pout)

LISA: oh sorry nini~~ chip dragged me for morning excercise.

(she leans over jennie and peck her cheeks) there am I forgiven?

--jennie just nod and hug lisa's side--

KAI: hey, couple of the century.. finish your breakfast we still need to register lisa for school remember.

JENNIE: that's not a problem couz, "I'm not the student council pres for nothing"

--while finishing their breakfast,, lisa poke jennie's side--

LISA: nini~~ nini~~, can I ask you a question?

JENNIE: sure anything lili~~

LISA: what does ""cheat" means?? I heard you say it. do I have to do it too??

JENNIE: nononono!! that's one of the things that you "CAN'T DO" do you understand, cheating, is when you flirt, kiss, hug, touch,talk and get intimate to a person, other than me.!

LISA: oh! well I don't want that, I don't like cheating, I only want to kiss , hug, touch, talk and get intimate with you.

(said with serious expression)

JENNIE'S MIND: Aaaiisshhh lisa. you realy can coplete my day without even starting it yet. I'm going to look like a tomato again..

ROSE: ohhhkaayy.. I think its time for us to get going, before I get diabetes,,

JISOO: huh? you got diabetes love?? since when? have you talked to a doctor about it?

--V,KAI and jennie mentally facepalm their selves--

ROSE: No! silly, haaaayysss,, remind me again why I agreed to be your girlfriend?

( said while grabbing her bag and went out side)

JISOO: uuhhh because you love me?? ( following rose)

now tell me how did you got a diabetes,, hey love!!

--the four younger was following behind--

jennie grab V's arm,

JENNIE: hey~~~ don't tell me your mad at me? I'm just concern about you, your my twin brother, and I somehow felt your pain,

I hate it how he taken you for granted.

V: I know~~ and I'm not mad sistah, I have used to you being a rugrats,, but you see I love him, what can I do, maybe one day when I finally bump my heard hard enough, to realize how I am being stup*d under his spell--

JENNIE: well you don't have to wait for that day,, I can just bump your head right now, our house have a thick walls you know,

V: (squinting his eyes) you really are a B*tch are yuh.~

JENNIE: you know its one of our, ""twin thing" (smirked)


--kai and lisa was fallen behind when they are near the vehicle two strangers on lisa's eyes approached them,

""kai! wait up!! "

KAI: (turn his back) oh hey!! chan, yoon, .. were you about to go to school too? you can join us,,

CHAN: (ignored kai and stepped near lisa) uhm Hi~~? I'm chan,.. you are??

YOON: ~~LISA~~ ( with teary eyes she throw herself to lisa and wrap her arms tight to lisa's neck) I missed you~~

--lisa was stunned not knowing what to do٫ she just stand there with confused face--

--but the scene did not go unnoticed to the cat-eyed figure that is now accelerating towards them with dark aura--

""would you mind removing yourself from

""MY.GIRLFRIEND"" before I seperate you myself--


two new characters: bang chan

Kwo. Ah-yoon
