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having a tendency to protect someone, especially a child, excessively.

"it may be that parents are just being overprotective"



--I am so mad with jisoo unnie and kai right now, they let this b*tch ride with  us tsss, after she shamlessly throw herself to ""MY.LISA"" clearly lisa don't remember her but she keeps on insisting that they were super close back then,..

~~well they are but I am WAY closer to lisa and since before she always makes a compitition with me to be with lisa, and I always win coz lisa always choose me and I'm not planning to change that trend..

-- she is still wearing her b*tch face right now becoz she can't sit next to lisa.. (in her dreams) I look at her and she still staring at my girlfriend,..

-- on the other hand chan seems interested aswell to lisa, (another pest) from the time they hop in until now I can still hear him asking too many question about lisa to jisoo unnie,, and my stup*d unnie (just kidding) keeps on intertaining him..

--I might have been staring at yoon so intently coz I hear lisa speaks--

LISA: nini~~?? were you mad at that girl??

--I am too focused with the two intruder that I forgot lili is beside me. maybe I need to educate her so it wont happen again--

JENNIE: yes lili (pouting, act sad) I am mad, not just to her but to you too~~(sniff)

LISA: (shookt) yo-your mad at me?? why? what did I do nini~~??

--no nothing my love--I'm just trying to make sure that nobody can get your attetion--

JENNIE: "coz you cheat on me., (wiping an imaginary tears)

Ah- I hate you. --"

--then she cover her face with her hands--

lisa was just blankly looking at her.. few minutes of silence.. jennie tilt her her head to again look at lisa and she is so  confused because lisa's eyes are darker and jennie can't find any emotions on it-

JENNIE: uhh.. wha- (clears throat) what?? why are you looking at me like that?.. (raise one eye brow)

LISA: you hate me? (painlly said)

--rose that is beside them curiously looked at lisa when she hears her stern voice. then she noticed her fist are clenching

--Rose then put her hands on top of lisa's hands to try to calm her-

ROSE: hey~~ what's going on? hmm~~

LISA: she hates me-

ROSE: who?

LISA: jennie--

--rose tilt her head to look at jennie--

ROSE: you hate her jen jen? why?

jennie playing with her fingers she side eye lisa

JENNIE: i-its ...because I'm jealous~~ (lowered her head)

--rose just smirked and tap lisa's hand..

ROSE: ohh~~ baby li~~ you made your girlfriend jealous.. did you happen to like someone other than jennie??

--lisa looked at rose confused--

LISA: ''jealous''? what is that? (look at jennie)

is that your reason why you hate me?

JENNIE: (mentally faced palm herself)

--i forgot that i'm talking to a not 100% adult lisa..--

""well yes. I mean you let her hug you""

(moved her head on the other side to aviod lisa's stare)


-Its not true that I hate lisa-- I am just trying to see what would be her reaction but seems she took it seriously,

--rose tap her shoulder and whisper something at lisa, I knit my eyebrows,.. when lisa suddenly looked at me with less serious face but a little arrogant, --she hold my hand and just sit comfortably.. she didn't say a word until the vehicle stops at school gate.

--it got me more confused when rose look at me and smirked before she let herself out the car.

--lisa is still holding my hand, were walking in the hallway when my friends approached us,

IRINE: miss president!!! we have a situation,. come on,""

SOMI: yeah! lets go, pres! we can't handle them!'

--they just dragged me away, and because lisa was holding my hand she was stunned when her hands was frocefully seperated from me--

JENNI: I'm sorry lili~~ I'll see you later okay""

(I waved to them and let Irine and somi pull me towards SCO--

""hey pres who'se that?? she'e hot!! ( i hear somi giggling)

JENNIE: who are you refering to? don't tell me your talking bout lisa??

SOMI: lisa?? is that the girl who'se beside you??


SOMI: oohh her name is lis--(was cut off)

JENNIE: stop! you are not having a "crush" on my girlfriend. are we clear?


IRINE: since when? I havent seen her around you until today.. how did you kept her from us,,?

JENNIE: haaaaashhhh.. long story. end of discussion!! now bring me to those trouble makers because I wanna see my lisa now!

-- there might be some other ''somi'' eying on her.

SOMI: ooohh soo possessive,,

JENNIE : shut up! lets just go..




JENNIE: "V"!! where's lisa??

V: she's outside with jisoonnie and chip, they were talking with MR. kang.

--jennie just nod--

few minutes later...

MR. KANG: Alright!! settle down!!... well~~ we have three new students that will be added.. two of them is one year ahead of you, however due to some circumstances they have to be in one class..

--gestures for them to go inside--

MR. KANG: please come in and introduce your selves.

--went infront and face the students--

JISOO: hi'' I'm "kim jisoo" nice to meet you (bow )

ROSE: heyahh!'' (smile) I'm park chaeyoung.. you can call me rose'..lets be friends.. (bow)

--oh one more thing'' please be kind to lisa"" this is not a request' (smile)

STUDENTS: (gasp) yes understood!!

V: (little laugh) chip is scary when it come to lisa..

JENNIE: ye-yeah,, I'm kinda afraid of my life now (ackward laugh)

--just then a commotion has started--

student 1: ohh my gosh!! is she real??

student 2: hey baby~~~ can I have you!

student 3: your too hot!! OMG!!

--jennie hover her head to look infront and saw who'se getting all those admiration--

LISA: I'm Lalisa manoban., jennie's "girlfriend" (said in mono tone)

ALL: (looked at jennie) HUH!!!????

JISOO: aiisshhh.. lisa.. I'm sure jennie is having a mental breakdown right now..

ROSE: (giggles) yeah I can see that..

JENNIE"S MIND: di-did she just announced that she's my girlfriend??..

V: (shaking jennie's body) heeeeyyy~~~ jendukie!!

--the class is creating a chaos . then the proff speaks--

MR. KANG: alright!! alright!! enough rukus!! you three go find your own seats,

--lisa walks towards jennie's chair-- but the seat has been occupied.. lisa stands beside the guy sitting beside jennie-

LISA: I want to sit there.. please move-(looking down at the guy)

--jennie is still in trans at the moment--

MINO: say what?? you want to take my chair?? HAH!!

f*ck off!

--lisa's eyes darken--then their professor call them out--

MR. KANG: what's happening there? miss manoban why your still not on your seat..?

LISA: (not looking at the professor) I am already on my seat, but this weasel wont move..

MINO: what did you just called me?

(about to stand when a hand hold his shoulde that make him sit still)

ROSE: (gripping mino's shoulder. looked at mr.kang)

-I'm so sorry mr. kang just a bit of misunderstanding,

(give her attention to mino with evil smile)

""I will be asking very nicely my friend,. incase you didn't hear my introduction (smile) will you be so kind enough to find yourself another seat.""

-mino is about to protest but V stopped him--

V: dude for your own good I suggest you play along--

-- with heavy feet mino stand up and before he move to another chair he get closer to lisa's ear..

MINO: feeling lucky punk?,,,..let me tell you something

""jennie is mine""(smirk)

--lisa tilt her head and stare at mino's eye's then she smile-

LISA: I dare you repeat what you said,, I might heard you wrong-

--a sudden shiver in mino's spine that kept his mouth shut and make him step backwards with a bit stumble-

lisa just looked at him--

LISA: thats what I thought--(she close her eyes and sit beside jennie)




I can't believe that I was lost in thoughts because of lisa's announcement earlier and alot already happened-

--V told me that mino and lisa was almost get into rampage but he said mino was too scared that he almost stumble on his feet while talking to lisa-- well that's funny, coz his been claiming me since school year started even I had dump him like a million times.. he scare away anyone that shows any interest in me , like DUH!!

were currently at the cafeteria,, me and Irine is waiting for our ordered food-

IRINE: hey~~ pres I heard what happened,, I can't believe that mino back off to lisa., whoa that's new.

JENNIE: yeah.. me neither.. wait you were not there?

where were you?

IRINE: I went with suelgi to the guidance together with your brothers boyfie-- have you told him already??

JENNIE: no~~ let him fix his own trouble..

--while walking back irine noticed three guys that is walking towards their table.

IRINE:~~speaking of trouble.. prepare yourself pres

(smile and walk ahead of jennie and sat)

JENNIE: (saw mino and his two friends standing infront of their table) ""great" what do you want mino--?

MINO: you~~ (smirk)

JENNIE: is it not clear to you yet?? (raise one eyebrows)

I~~ have~~a girlfriend!! so you better stop this nonsense

--mino move closer to jennie and about to place his arm around jennie's shoulder when a grip stopped him,, he looked back and saw a deadly orb staring through his soul--

LISA: 'touch her'' and that will be that last thing that you can get to use you arm..

--mino pushed lisa's hand and before he could throw a punch,, an unbearable stung he felt on his head caused by a canned juice that flew towards his head.--

MINO: ARRGGGG!!! what the F*ck! (he place his hand on his head)

CHANWOO: (one of mino's friend) dude your bleeding!!

MINO: F********CK!! who was it!! (pick up the canned juice) who threw this!!

--they were in sync when they hover their head to the person who throw it--

--lisa took a deep breath and smiled ,, like she became calmer when she saw roseanne raising her hand smiling at them --she grab jennie's hand and sit--

ROSE: ooppss~~~ sorry it slipped from my hand-

-=right then she slowly make her way near them like making a catwalk--

MINO: you!! B*TCH!! ( streached his arm to grab rose )

JISOO: MINO!!! ( runs over and stand infront of rose)

what were you about to do huh?? (glare at mino)

--rose cling her hands to jisoo's arm--

ROSE: love~~ i think he was trying to hurt me~ (making a sad face)


JENNIE: uhhh.. lili~~ don't you think we should help them??

LISA: nope~ chip is there she can handle it (placed food on jennie's plate) here nini~~ lets eat (smile)


I hope so~~ she became calmer when she knew that chip is there seems like she know that nothing will go wrong if chip is around..

--she is just now staring at lisa eating like a kid,, while theres a scene near them--


A/N: please let me know of what you think about the story..

anything will be appreciated--