Chapter 5- ""TOUCH"" (M)

--2 weeks passed---


I'm at SCO (student council office) together with Irine and somi --

-we have new SC members from freshman they were explaining the duty to them while me~~ I am pissed so pissed!! lisa well she's always with chip and jisoonnie,,. sometimes with her new b*tch friend minnie,,, and she's getting a little weird --especialy when I try to hold her hand or touch her.. I'm not sure if its just my imagination but,, it seems like she's avoiding any skinship with me~~ its not that she's not giving me attention but she's always with them like always,, and if I ask her what they were doing,, she just answer ""nothing important"' I don't know If I'm being terretorial or possessive coz it feel's like they're taking lisa away from me and as of now I am so fed up--

IRINE: Uh- uhm pres?? Miss. president??~~ jennie??

pres. jennie!!??


IRINE: (startled) I don't mean to disturb you in trying to break that pen apart~~ but your scaring the new members (pointed her pen to the other students)

JENNIE: (looked at her front) oh~ sorry I'm just a little stressed.

(lean her back at the chair)

IRINE: Is it about lisa??

JENNIE: (Intriguingly looked at Irine) do you know something..??

IRINE: Oh no~ nothing in particular (waving her hand) Its just~~ I heard seul talking on the phone and I thingk she's talking to lisa..

JENNIE: what did you hear!!? tell me!!

IRINE: chill~~ alright,...well she said something about ""what if you would caught them and that to tell you nicely something like that..

(before jennie could response she added)

--and oh! she mention ''yoon'' in there conversation.

--jennie slam her hand on the table that makes other students jump in fear--

JENNIE: ""yoon!!? you are refering to ""KWON AH-YOON!!!?

IRINE: uhhh~~ I believe so... why? what's wrong??

JENNIE: '' EVERYTHING!!! (let out a heavy breath) you! (point at the three new members) your dismissed we'll continue tomorrow....

YOU! and you! (point at IRINE and somi) come with me!!

SOMI: heeeeyy~~ why do I have to get involed?? I know nothing about it~~

JENNIE: you'll get involve or I will tell ~~ jin, suga and jimin that your dating them at the same time!!

IRINE:( shocked) YOU WHAT!!????

SOMI: thats not fair!!!

JENNIE: shut your mouth and just follow me!!

(walk through the door)

IRINE: better explain to me later jeon somi!!

(put her arms on somi and follow jennie)




--Here at the comfortroom with my girlfriend and her super curious cousin lisa-- this happened last weekend when lisa caught us doing adult stuff, well it's not supposed to be a big deal but,, something triggered to lisa when she saw us in that situation, she can't barely look at jennie or she states that she was sometime's electrify when their skin touched, we can see how much she's being bothered, so here we are trying to figure it out, but I think my beautiful girlfriend already have an ""IDEA""

""love are you sure about this? you know that jennie is very jealous to yoon,, this is trouble,

ROSE: I know,, but we have to know if lali only feeling this way towards jennie or to all other women~~ or even men you know ,

JISOO: but are you okay with this lisa?? your nini might get mad at yuh,

LISA: NO! i don't want that!!

(rose slap jisoo's arm)

ROSE: no baby~~ she will not get mad at you, uhhm~ a little,, but remember were doing this to clear out your mind,, do you always want to avoid your nini?? or not to touch her??

LISA: ah- I want to touch her... but theres something unbearable inside me everytime her skin brushed to mine, I don't know what you call that, it feels like all the heat on my body is trying to escape in every hole of my skin. and it hurts,..

ROSE: uhh~~ your becoming an adult baby li~~ its called sensation- the hurt that your feeling .. believe me or not its the opposite, your feeling that way because your body is craving for her,,. and your brain can't receprocate just yet,,

""so here we are , we are going to help you fix that okay,,

(look at jisoo) since its your "unnie's fault""

JISOO: (eye's widen) whaaaat?? how is it my fault??

I was silently playing with my phone when you crawl on top of me,

--she then look at lisa--

"" if its you lis ,, jennie suddenly does that. what will you do??

LISA: uhhhhh~~

ROSE: its still your fault coz you did not locked the door!!

--silence occupied them for few minutes--

JISOO: alright,, lets stop this blame game, I still have a little doubt about this.. don't you think it's too early to push them into this kind of stuff.

ROSE: early?? love they're both adult... and besides they are in relationship this is just normal.

JISOO: but... they just met again like 2 weeks ago~~ and we are already planning how they can get intimate moments.,?

(shrugged her shoulder)

ROSE: seriously "kim jisoo""?  you ravish me on our first date, when we just met 2 days before that!!

--jisoo's mouth fell open--

ROSE: anyway,, (place her arm on lisa's shoulder) I have an earpiece here,, put this on and we'll tell you what to do.. okay. and just incase (looked at jisoo) something ""might"" go wrong.. I'll explain everything to your nini okay~~ so don't worry

--you trust me right?

--lisa just nod--




--yoon waved at lisa , rose and jisoo,-

YOON: lisa~~ here (wide smile)

--rose nudge lisa--

ROSE: go ahead sit beside her..

--lisa slowly walked aroung the table and sat on the chair next to yoon--

YOON: uhm~~ thank you for inviting me to eat lunch with you (giving lisa a sweet smile)

CHAN: correction yoon-ah she invited ""US"" not just you..

anyways.. how are you lisa-yah (lean closer) God your beautiful even your not smiling..(grin)

--before anyone could react.. chan's face was pushed by a hand--

JENNIE: (wiping her hand on her skirt) yes "chan" we all know that ""MY" girlfriend is beautiful,, (giving emphasis with the word my)

now move your face away from her..

CHAN: ohh miss president.. I did't see there.. (with disappointed look)..

JENNIE: now you do...(roll her eye's)

--seulgi break the tension..

SEULGI: uhh babe,, what do you want to eat? (refering to IRINE)

IRINE: (stand up) I'll go with you~~ how about you guys?? we can just order foods for you.

--they states their orders--


JISOO: (whisperring to rose) I really don't feel good about this love.. look at jennie she seems to be on a bad mood--

ROSE: shhhhh~ be quiet.  let me handle this. .. (clears her throat)

lali~~ (whispers)

--lisa looked over to rose when she hear her voice--

''don't get distracted okay~~ just focus on my voice, and follow my lead..

--lisa nod--

''okay.. try to talk to yoon and look her in her eyes..

LISA: uhh... yoon???

YOON: yes lisa-yah~~

LISA: (looking intently to yoon's eye's) how's your day?

YOON: (BLUSHED) uhh--uhmm i-its fine lis... ha-how bout your's?

(look away).

--lisa then look at rose..

ROSE: (talking through lisa's earpiece) have you felt something.. or any awkwardness??

--lisa just shook her head... and was startled when her chin was lifted with a hand and speaks--

JENNIE: how about me?? your not going to ask me if how is my day?? (still holding lisa's chin)

-lisa tried so much not look in jennie's eye's ,,, with shaking pupil eye she answered--

LISA: (swallowed) I-uhh ha-how's your day? ni-nini~~

(little smile)

-jennie released her hand from lisa's chin, heave a long breath--

JENNIE: I don't know, I think its getting worst.

--Not hearing jennie's retort she look again at rose--

ROSE: (jennie is about to explode) hold yoon's hand , just touch it and see if you'll feel weird--(still speaking through the earpiece)

--lisa looked at yoon's hand and placed her hand on top of it--

YOON: (startled) Li-lisa~~ what is it?

--jennie saw what happened and she fumes--

JENNIE: (grab lisa's hand) what's happenning here?? why are you holding her hands??

-and can you please look me when were talking!!! what's wrong with you!!

--lisa is too stunned when jennie grab her hands and as her relfexes gets her,, she unconsciously pull away her hand from jennie's hold-

just like a spear striked directly to her chest ,,an unbearable pain consumes her whole being and everything gets blury,, her motion was so slow,, standing up to where she was with her eyes looking left and right,, trying to understand if she is still in reality, or if there will be someone will wake her up and tell her that shes having as nightmare,,, but no, a hand grabbed her-

LISA: ni-nini ah i-i'm sorry I didn't mean to-(was cut off)

JENNIE: Don't~~I -I hate you,(sobs)

--almost whisper she was able to release those words,, slowly pushed lisa's hand and not knowing where her foot would take her,, 

she walk like a zombie with flowing tears running through her cheecks.

ROSE: lali!!! (shaking lisa's body) hey~~look at me,

LISA:( slowly turning her sight to rose's face) roseanne.. I think I have a wound on my left chest. it hurts..

ROSE: baby~~ jennie is the only one can mend that wound,, GO! you have to get her,

--lisa hover her head on jennie's direction .. she is still on sight, stumbling when she stands, rose is just watching lisa running for jennie,


--your changing lisa~~ my decision was right,, I know its too early to say this but,, I can see and feel that jennie can make you forget who you really are-- I just have to be more careful on your surroundings -- so that we wont wake you up.. I realize that this is not you,, however this version of you ,,I know is what you been wanted to be,, and I apologize for making that decision for you lisa~~ this is all I can do to repay you for everything even giving you my life wont matter a thing---

JISOO: (she's lost in her thoughts again -refering to rose) love~~? should we follow them?

ROSE: nope~ lisa can handle it.. I taught her well enough=

--jisoo just looked at her then the rest of the gang came--

IRINE: oh~ what happened here? where's jennie and lisa?

CHAN: well ~~ lisa is flirting with yoon and jennie gets mad,, she run away and lisa followed her... can I have my food?

SEULGI: here dude~~(place the tray of food on the table) I can't believe your the only guy here and you act like one of the girls,, tsss

IRINE: lisa flirted?? really~~

JISOO: nice way to tell the story chan! (roll her eyes)

CHAN: no problem~

YOON: she is not flirting with me,, i-its just a misunderstanding.

(looking down)



WARNNING!!! (M)🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞



--jennie is in a crying mess trying to push lisa--

--lisa was able to caught up with her and dragged her in an empty classroom-

LISA: who said I don't want to touch you!!?

JENNIE: ask yourself!!! its too easy for you to hold yoon's hand and if its me ,, you dare pushed me away!?? huh!!  so what now? do you like her more me!?

LISA: no!! i only like you nini~~

JENNIE: DON'T NINI ME!! your cute act wont work on me so stop it!! I'm mad at you!!

--lisa looking at jennie a little amused, and she was unaware that she is already smiling involuntarily--

JENNIE: (knitting her eyebrows,) you think this is funny?? am I someone you can just laugh at?? your imposible!!

LISA: (shook her head) I never made fun of you and never will,, but you made me happy( smiling)

--jennie paused because of what she's hearing-


--no jennie! don't let this dork have her way... your upset!

she get to flirt and touch other girls and think that its just okay?

no no no~~

--jennie is taking her moment to convince her self not to be fragile and soft to lisa ,, when she did not noticed two slender arms wrapping around her waist-- before she can react she's already trapped.

JENNIE: NO!! I told you not to touch me!! le-let go! (trying to push lisa)

LISA: I'm sorry for making you cry nini~~  I might be that stup*d enough to let that happen... but please don't hate me.. I would hate myself more if you do. (hugging jennie tighter)

JENNIE: THEN WHY!!!??? Lately its lie your avoiding my touch!? The way i saw you looked at yoon,, so intent , and when I look at your eye's you can't even stare at me straight!! And then its too easy for you to touch her but when I tried to just hold you!! YOU pushed me!!

LISA: (looking down) I'm really am sorry ,, these past few days,, something happened that keeps on bothering me,, so I have to fix it.. believe me, you don't know how much I wanted to touch you,, to feel you,, but somehow I'm having hard time doing that..

--hearing lisa's explaination jenie became a little calmer--

JENNIE: tell me what happened.. why are you being aloof this past weeks? and when did you get close to yoon-ah? you know I don't like her. (burrying her face to lisa's chest)

LISA: I was~~ distracted,,

JENNIE: of what? (raise her head to look at lisa)

LISA: there was an incident happened...(suddenly her eyes landed at jennies lips)-- tha--that uhm ( gulp)

JENNIE: what incident??

--lisa leans closer,,, dropped her hand on jennie's lower back..pulled jennie closer..

-- jennie with agape mouth and slow breathing move her head to the other side like giving lisa full access to her neck--

JENNIE: li-lisaaaaaa~~~( she breathe out her words)

--on the other hand- lisa is brushing the tip of her nose slowly on the length of jennie's neck--

LISA: god~~ jennie I'm getting addictive from your smel,,hmmmmm~~ I can just sniff you all day..

-jennie is now having hard time collecting enough air for her lungs,,

JENNIE: uh~~ i can't breate~~

-lisa placed her mouth infront of jennie's

LISA: I can you lend some air ( she whispers on jennie's mouth)

JENNIE: please~~~

LISA: with pleasure~~( she then planted an open mouth kiss at jennie).. mmmhhh..

--lisa draw a line with her tongue in between jennie's lips asking for access, that jennie gladly acknowledged, ""uuhhmm"" a muffled moan escaped from jennies mouth,, that earn a smile from lisa in between their heated kiss,,. both their tongues are battling for dominance.. it dances and ravishing each others mouth,..

--when its time to replace the lost air, both of them gasp and releases heavy breathing,, lisa put their forehead together,, and jennie place her palm on lisa's chest--

JENNIE: uh-I wanna taste you more bu-but.. were still talking lili~~

-lisa playfully poking her nose in to jennie's while smiling--

LISA: can we just talk later... hmmmm~~

--jennie trying so hard not to give in a smile looking at lisa--

when lisa leans,, she put her hand on lisa's mouth-

JENNIE: li-lili~~ no~~ we need to clear things out.. let me know whats bothering you.. I don't want this to happen again..

-lisa take jennie's hand and kisses her palm slowly.. giving jennie a heavy stare she continue to indulge her self,, jennie without avoiding the stare can't help but feel her whole body weak,,

LISA: nini~~ (kiss the back of jennie's hand) ''we'll talk later hmm~~ (went up and kiss jennie's elbow) '' chip will explain everything~~(reached jennies neck and placed another kiss) "" she promised-- (while touching jennie's cheecks give another kiss)

'''for the mean time~~(she slowly licked jennie's lower lip) '' let me do this....

--and their lips were back together. jennie just let herself gave in to the sensation lisa's been giving her..  """nini~~ I wanna touch you~~"" searching jennie's eye's ..she locked in a dark eye that's is now full of lust... not waiting for jennie's response lisa put her mouth back at jennie's neck a little more deeper,, and a sudden moan turn her on-- ""AH!.."" jennie quickly cover her mouth with her hands but lisa removed it.. "" I love the sound of that nini~~ kept it comming"" she went and dive in to jennie's neck once again.. lisa saw how jennie bite her lower lip ,, then started to move her hands,, while trailling down her kisses to jennie's colarbone..


-my mind is so coudy right now.. her touch make every hair of my body stand,,  like a succubus she's sucking all the energy that's in me.. I feel so weak,, her soft wet kisses from my neck and now shes like writting her name using her mouth down until she reached the first button of my blouse.. ""can I?"" I hear her say.. by me nodding to her request being granted she quickly made my blouse half open that reveals my lacy undergarmets,, she cuped my left brest on top of my bra with her hand.. made me a little startled and I hitch a breath,, she's about to take her hand off.. I put my hand on top of her's to keep it where it was,, ''' it's okay lili~~'' she didn't answer but on slow pacing her hand move to softly squeeze it and I closed my eyes,, '''haah... li-lili""

--its like fuel to her after hearing my moan her other hand do its part and grab the back of my upper knee tracing her fingertips up until it touched the inside's of my skirt... I swallowed hard when she start massaging my thigh.. ""oh GOD!"" her thumb touched my center that I can tell right now is already soaking...

LISA: is this okay nini~~( with husky voice)

--jennie gather all the strength she has left. to try and take control.

JENNIE: li-lili...we have to s-stop~~ ah!...we-were at school hmm..

-not bothered with jennie's statement, lisa started to rub jennie's on top the piece of wet clothing.. earning another moan from jennie a bit loader.. "" ooohh, shhh-shit!,, haah!,,, lisaaa~~''' being hipnotized with the flushed face woman infront of her lisa totaly lose the ability to control her self.. pushing the undies at the side her fingers has full contact of the wet flesh--- drawing a line back and fort jennie's clit,, that made the owner go crazy--bringing her fingers in her mouth,, jennie open her eyes due to the loss of touch,, seing lisa licked it--

LISA: you taste good baby~~(smirked)

--bringing back her hands down.. lisa is about to make her next move but a sudden sound of the moved chair made the two of them startled..

JENNIE: what was that?? is someone there?? (catching her breath)

LISA: I don't see anyone.

JENNIE: lisa come on.. someone might see us here..(fixing herself)

LISA: buuutt.. nini~~~

JENNIE: lili~~ lets goo.. we need to go to the comfortroom to wash your hands,,, uhhmm it smellss like~~~

LISA: you?? (smirked)

--jennie squints her eye's to lisa.. and slowly walking near her --

JENNIE: (tracing her finger on lisa's bottom lips) yeah.. you smells like me~~ so better wash your hands.. and~~ (whisper on lisa's ear)

we have plenty of time to finish what we started.. (wink)

--walking at the hallway back to the cafeteria, lisa is holding jennie's hand,, jennie looking at their intertwined hands,, and looked and lisa-


-20 minutes ago I was so mad at her,, but it only took a hug,, kiss and a little touching~~,,(blushing on her on words) to wipe it all away... yes I confirm I really love her.. but~~ I still need to hear what exactly happened and she said chip will help her explain.. surelly that chipmunk taught her again another weird stuff, Its not that I don't like it,, but it almost fall me into pieces...



""I-I love you"'

(lisa smile)--I love you too nini~~



Sorry if its soo lame, I tried🙈🙈🙈

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Thank you🤭😘💛💜❤️‍🔥
