CHAPTER -7 -"" Reborn""

Annyeong chingossss!!!!😘

Welcome to chapter 7💚

were still on time travel...

all medical languages included here I haven't researched enough. so I apologize if everything is unreal.. thiw is all running through mu head🤭

but still hope you likw it٫



--the day before the sudden confrontation--

morning --

LISA: I'm telling you chipmunk! if you'll gonna be late or ditch me at our dinner --I will order all available avocado in the city and put it to your room!!

ROSE' : yeah! yeah! stop nagging me.. its too early!!..(placed the mug on the table and sits) ohh.. anyway.. a girl named ji-eun..?

I think.. has been trying to talk to me lately and one time she asked if I can arrange a date with you two...hmmmm.. are you cheating on jennie now??

LISA: (gasp) me-me? cheating!? not in a million years!!, jennie is the love of my life ..and this right here(placing her hand to her chest) only belongs to ""JENNIE KIM""!!

ROSE: that's what I thought..(smiles) but ~~what if she finds someone else?? you know.. your too young back then and its been 4 years.. are youguys still talking??(playfuly smiles at lisa)

LISA: she wouldn't!! she promised!! and yes were calling each other.. its just not too much now... I mean she made a lot of friends..

ROSE: see what I mean... so ""WHAT IF"" she don't want you anymore??

--rose is about to tease lisa more when she noticed a sudden change of her aura..

ROSE: but~~ your right.. jen jen wont do that.. from what I heard she still keeps your monkey picture at her bedside table.. and that she's been nagging jisoo if when will be comming back..

--rose study how lisa's expression change back to being jolly..

LISA: monkey!!??? yah!! you chipmunk!!.. I'm outta here.. don't forget the dinner or else...(pointing at rose)

ROSE: ""ALRIGHT!! now shoooo!!


--let out a breath,,""" wew- that was close.."" she almost lost it. .her mother was right,, her mental capacity is still undefine and I'm not sure if she can control it.. one thing is for sure I don't want to see a monster out of her..

--while in her thoughts,, two guys in suit stand behind her--

ROSE: ""hmmm.. is it already in time??..( not looking at them,, )

one of the guys answered. --""dutchess is expecting you to be there on the said time..''' rose just nod..

'' I guess I wont be able to make it at dinner... hayyss , that monkey will be mad at me..''


-still struggling to escape... lisa called out her mother..

LISA: why do you have to do this??

""I told you.. this is very important .. and your delaying th--

(cut off)

LISA: NO !! tell me ""WHY""!!? your willing to sacrifice a person for this STup*d experiment???,, are you still human mother???

""Don't make me a villain here "lalisa" when you should be the one lying there and not her..

-you asked me to find myself a replacement remember??

LISA: she's your niece!! your bloodline.. how could you do this?

--I don't have time for this... take her away...(waved her hand then face the people with white gowns)

"" I'll do it.. ''--the older lady turn her back,, seing lisa almost kneeled down while being held by her arm...

lifted her head--

LISA: ''mother~~ ta-take me.. just don't touch her,, please mother.. I'll do as you say.. let roseanne go...

--getting no response she pushed herself up, .. heave a long breath...and retrive her arms to fix herself..

LISA: sehun~~.. take roseanne back to the mansion..

--while sehun is placing rose to a wheelchair,, lisa slowly walked towards her mother that still can't utter a word--she stopped at her mother's leftside not looking at her she speaks..--

LISA: I want you to remember this ""mother'"" this will be the last time that you are going to involve the people I love or else--

''LALISA!! I am still your mother,, you don't get to threaten me--!

LISA: who said It's a threat??..(tilt her head meeting her mothers eye) should know better--

-continue to walk,, crouch infront of rose--

LISA: (touch her cheecks) I'm so sorry~~ I didn't know... I failed to protect you... ( gazed at sehun) make sure she get to the mansion safe.. are we clear?

SEHUN: yes miss~~~

LISA: (turn her attention to he mother) '' lets get this over with..'''

--sehun continue to push the wheelchair until they reached the outside of the facility--

SEHUN: are you sure about this?-- what if.. were making a wrong move? ,, what if your decision is a mistake.?

ROSE: (stands up) from what I observed ... she really needs this medication.. and if you really care for her make sure that you keep an eye to whats happening inside the facility ... make sure that she's not harmed and I will take care of her mother..

SEHUN: can you take care of her?? you do uderstand who'se were dealling with right..?

ROSE: I am very much aware... I'm not gonna lie,, I am terrified of the dutchess...however~~ I'm far more scared of losing lisa.

SEHUN: then you got yourself a deal~~


2 months has passed--

ROSE: still no luck?? (running her fingers through her hair)

SEHUN: (shook his head) nothing.... and they also lessen my access to the facility... how about the dutchess when will she comming back?

ROSE: ,,tomorrow evening.. I talked to her already and she promised that I could see lisa when she came back,, that will be our chance to check on her,,


one week after lisa accepts the experiment,, her mother flew to paris without a word.. and after that we've been guarded,, I'm sure that she's smart enough ,, and it seems like she's always two steps ahead of us.. we havent seen lisa since then.. and Its making me worried so much,, I really have to see her,,, I have to make sure she's fine.. I have a bad feeling about the dutchess being carelessly left ..



ROSE: ma- mom~~? your back...

""you look excited to see me~ (smile)

ROSE: I'm here to get the part of the bargain..

""of course"" ~~ I am actually planning to go there now.. wanna see her ??

ROSE: YES!!! (clears throat) yes please~~

-the older manoban just smiled and walk first.. excited and nervous.. rose secretly sent message to sehun..




--something is not right,, every corner of this places had tighten the security... and being armed.. I got confused when we passed trough all the decent rooms and went down to the underground..

I was about to question the woman beside me when she beat me to it.

""don't be too surprised roseanne.. all needed procedures needs to be done here..

-the door is slowly opening.. a cold breeze that came from the room welcomed our presence,, ,, a wide room supressed with gray light, a strecher, bunch of monitor with people in white gowns infront of it.. and in the center ..there i saw a girl on a metal chair, chained in both hands. ,feels like my whole body is being squeezed at the same time numb,, coz it hurts but my brain can't receprocate.. my steps became slower, blury eyesight but the cold miasma seems like guiding me.. I can't tell if I'm still breathing coz my heartbeat became slomo I can hear it loud enough,, louder than the sound of my footstep..

--after a thousand miles like journey from the door of this room.. I am now standing infront of the girl-my hands are shaking, but was able to lift it up to touch her face to look at me.. my tears burst when she stare at me like I'm a total stranger.


ROSE: what's happenning why is she in chain?? mo'm? I thought you were giving her medications??

-""this is her medications.. ''

ROSE: but your hurting her!! -

-a man in lab gown.. walks towards lisa - holding a tray with sets of syringe-

ROSE: YOU!! what are you doing?? ( runs towards him and shove the tray) stay away from her!!

-rose touch lisa's hand that was tied on the metal chair and full of bruises--she starts to cry and placed her thumb on slisa's cheecks--

ROSE: I'm so sorry if I let them do this to you--(wipes her tears) were getting out of here- (trying to release lisa fro the chair)

--the older manoban inhale and exhales deliberately--then glaces to the people working on monitors--

""leave us""

--she walked towards a table and lean placing her two hands at the eadge of the table--and begins to talk.

""when I was on my 20's~~ I am a struggling apprentice of the well known "marco manoban sr." he taught me alot.. like everything that he has to teach me.. however something is missing... of all the achievements and awards we gain,, I don't feel like I have reached my goal.. and sir marco perceive that.. one day he brought me to one of the room in ths facility.. and there I met the young ""marco manoban jr.""

--lisa's father~~'' rose breathe out--

""yes!. his 18 years old when i met him.. he looks eactly like lalisa... they have the same doe eyed calm but fierce,, and smile that all people adore.. and I'm not an exception.. sir marco, assign me to monitor him,, at first I was very curious why his being kept underground, when looking at him he seems fine,, he talks normaly he act like a normal person...

one more thing that they have in common.. their brains.. her father has a very powerful mind that amazed me.. some people call him crazy or insane., do you understnd what I'm trying to say??.. its facinating how one person can be a whole different persona in one body..

ROSE: they have a mental disorder,, they are becomming the opposit of the person who they are!! and its not normal thats why they need help.. to be cured,,

''no~~(shook her head) your missing my point roseanne,,.. not all people can get to use their brain like that..

--rose can't utter a word while looking at the woman who is like a mad scientist that just found a very rare species,,

ROSE: with all due respect ma'am.. I think it will be better for lisa to get a proper medications.. please~~ if you really love your daughter you will let me take her out of here...

-a few minutes of silence-- the older woman sucked up a long breath and smile-

""alright.. you can take her.. (pressed the receiver) I need two guards here and a wheelchair..

-before leaving the facility the lady left a statement-

""make sure to take care of her,, I need to go back to paris tomorrow-I just went back to check on her. . (inhales)

"you maybe thinking that I'm a bad mother.. but soon you'll know that all of this,... I'm doing it for her..

''one more thing.. don't let your guard down roseanne... keep an eye on her... never loose sight on lisa... I trust you.




--at the bathroom of lisa's room.. rose is carefully taking off lisa's clothes,, revealing small scratches,, bruises on her wrist,, shoulder and at the back of her knee.. rose can't help but shed a tear,,

hovering the shower head with warm water at lisa's back.. the weak girl infrom of her speaks.

LISA: roseanne?~~

ROSE: yes lali~~? are you cold?

LISA: (did't answer rose's question) do you believe of what they say about ""MIND OVER MATTER""? --when you think that its not cold.. even if your inside a freezing room, wont even make you shiver-

--when you think that it doesn't hurt.. you'll feel numb.,, feelings~~~ are all checmical reactions of you body-- its all in your head...

--rose is just silently listening to lisa.. her voice is low and flat.. it like listening to talking machine that does not produce any emotion..

LISA: this is the real me roseanne... I was just reborn



Sorry if its taking too long for the flashback٫٫

let me here yuh٫٫ 😉
