CHAPTER 8 -"" Touch me more"" (M)

this chapter has alooooot of smutss and its gxg٫ so if your not comfortable please skip this. no hate😘

""lets make love not war"""




SOMI: "'bae!!!... hey bae!! IRINE BAE!! (running at the hallway)

IRINE: "jeon somi!! your a member of SCO and your running at the hallway that is prohibited..!!

SOMI: haaah..haaaah--.(catching her breath) nag me later! this is important..hoooo~~\

have you seen pres, jennie??

IRINE: I don't know.. why what's the problem??

SOMI: I'll explain once we find her.. this is urgent.. (saw jisso and rose).. unnie!!! jisoonnie!! (run towards them)

IRINE: JEON!!! STOP RUNNING!!! aaiiiissshhh,,,,,'(follow somi)

JISOO: hey~~~ whats the rush??

SOMI: where's your sister.. miss pres.. I need her now..

ROSE: jennie?? she's with lisa...

SOMI: where can I find them??

JISOO: we don't know.. sorry.. they were in a hurry for some reason.

IRINE: tell us whats going on ""jeon"-

SOMI: (scratch her head) alright lets go jisoonnie its about 'v' .. jennie told me to inform her first if anything happen ,,

JISOO: why?? I'm their older sister! don't you think I should know too?

ROSE: love~~ calm down.. she maybe don't want you to be worried.

SOMI: yes unnie,,, but for now.. come with me.. bae- dial miss pres!

IRINE: on it!!--(dialing jennie's number) where are you! pick up! pick up!..




30 minutes ago- AT the classroom--


''' after what happened in that classroom we've been trying to have time for some intimate moment but everytime we get a chance there's always an interuption.. like when we went home that day.. roseanne ask to have a discusion with her, but I ended up fallen asleep, and when I woke up she's already sleeping.

''next was when we stayed late watching movie.. were already kissing and about to make out when "V" come to us problimatic and wanted to talk..

and earlier today was the worst!!---


""I woke up this morning feeling heavy on my side.. I saw lisa's arm wrapping around my waist, I checked the time its still too early.. I'm about to sleep some more .. then I feel her hand slowly move and went inside my PJ.. I thought she was still sleeping but.. she started to massage my tummy that make my eye's wide open,, I was about to turn my head to look at her when she speaks..

LISA: don't move~~(saying in husky voice)

--her hands move up,, and I forgot that I removed my undergarments last night that it made it so easy for her to fundle my breast.. ''mmmhh~~'' I let out a soft moan,,, she continue to massage my mound and I can feel the intense of her every squeeze,, then she whispers almost breathless

LISA: '' nini~~~ lets... do it...

--she licked the back of my ear,, that brings tingles at the center of my tight,, the sensation that I'm feeling right now is way over the top.. I turned my body to face her,..''take me lili~~~

-i saw how her eyes darken and filled with lust.. she snaked her hand to grab my waist pulling me closer.. and her other hand at the back of my neck..waiting for her lips to pressed into mine. i felt the grip on my nape..

LISA: '' tell me you love me~~~''

pushing her to make myself on top.. I caught her lips ''uhhm''

--oh I love you... she responded to my kiss, I make myself busy removing the top of my pj,, when she have the full view of me half naked,, she flip us over..

LISA: do you want me to slow down...

-I pushed myself up using my elbow and grab her nape-

'''NO!,, and you talk too much!!! """ smashing my mouth back to hers I can feel her smiling.. her tongue is pushing its way inside my mouth that I gladly allow,.


6:45 AM

--its still early but my breathing is getting heavy... the air in this room seems thinner,,clutching my bedsheet, lisa continue to slurp her tongue on my hardened tit,, ''Ugh!,, haahh~~"" muffled moans has been invading my room for a few minutes now,,'' AH!! ohh~~ go~uhhd~!""" I almost scream as she suck it hard,, openning my eyes when i felt she released it then seing her smirking at me making her way down to my tummy with sloppy kisses.

LISA: your body is to die for my love~~

JENNIE: oh yeah~~? well its all yours so don't die on me love..

-earning a smirk from her ..I'm staring at her while she bit the

hem of my underwear and pull in down.... closing my eyes waiting for her next move...

**TOOOOOOOOOT***TOTOTOOOOOT*** (alarm yan! wag kayong anu!)

--I looked over the bedside table seing the noisy thing and turn it off, looking back at lisa that is now tilting her head ''' i-its just the alarm~~keep going''' then I lean back as she continue to remove the last piece of my clothing,. planting another kisses at my tigh,,, she blow her hot breath on my center..''"ahhh,, baby stop teasing me~~ please.....'''

LISA: please what baby~~,,(brushing her nose on jennie's left tigh)

''' ugh!~~~ I-I want-- *** BBZZZZZT**BBZZZZZT** it is the phone making a ruckus--

JENNIE'S MIND: any minute from now I will break that freaking phone and whoever the person on the other line would be!!!

--lisa is about to move her head again when I stopped it

""its fine baby~~ it will go off soon,,,--- half closing my eye's another disturbance is testing my patience..




-I drop my back flat on the matress and lisa crawl up and level her eyes on me--

LISA: maybe its not the time yet baby~~(kissing jennie's nose)

-I'm about to respond when a minute of silence embeded the room..

I smiled at her.. '''well~~~ I think they are lettng us to continue..'' smirked-- lisa answered me a smile and slowly lowering her head inches apart before her lips landed to mine.--






(furriously scream)

--lisa just burried her face on jennie's neck--

LISA: lets get ready baby~~(peck jennie's lips and stand up)

-jennie close her eye's heave a long breath , picked a shirt , grab her phone and stomp her feet towards the door...

--swing the door open revealing ''V" with shocked face-

V: uhhh~~ sistah! hehe(awkward laugh) breakfa---

-jennie cut him off lifting her hand infornt of him and placed the phone to her ear-

JENNIE: ""mom''? yeah.. no I don't have a problem, but taeh have,, please cut off his allowance half,, his been going at the bar so much.. yes.. will do mom.. thank you . I love you too bye..(call ended)

V: (shocked face) wa-what di you just--

--before he finnished his satement door was slammed to his face--


--'''AAAIIIISSHHHH!!! it was supposed to be a very amazing morning!!'''

I can still hear V outside my room--""heeey!! jendukie!! you take that back!! I was just waking you up!!! JENNIE!!!--

-serves you right!!



30 minutes before jenlisa went missing--

-still in jennie's POV-

-I am so unfocussed due to being soo freaking frustrated,, I didn't know that it will be this hard...

I was about to pull every strand of my hair because of what I'm feeling when a hot breath touches the back of my ear-

LISA: nini~~ are you okay?

turning my head I was thinking if it was a wrong decision because it makes our faces an inch apart and it even brushed her nose to mine.

LISA: you look upset... did I do somethng wrong??..

-I gave her a sly smile and touch her chin..

JENNIE: no lili~~ its not your fault.. and.... I'm not upset... just~~ a little stressed..

bringing my attention back to the professor upfront.. I got startled when she places her hand on top of my tigh. I looked back to her but she's just innocently looking at our proff.

JENNIE: li-lili~~?? (gulp)

**in her mind** (noo lilsa.. I'm already frustrated..please spare me~~)

-I'm trying so hard to calm my self then she starts massagging my tigh, I closed my eyes and breath heavily..

clutching my hands on my skirt, she continue kneading me on top my flesh, I open my eyes and search for the clock,, staring how the clockhand move I can feel how the heat raising up..then it hits 12 noon,, in sync with the bell rung I stood up and grab lisa's hand and dash towards the door,,

-my head is so clouded all I'm thinking is I have to release this ,.'' I want her to touch me more '' and I want it now!!

LISA: where are we going nini~~?

-I didn't bother to answer her question, my feet is dragging me along with her, and located an empty LAB room,,, slam the door open and shut,, pulling the curtains down and pushed her on a desk chair,, and place my self on her lap, like I don't care anymore,

LISA: uhmm nini~~ are you sure about this were still at school,..

JENNIE: shut up~~ you almost do me the last time were at the empty room like this,. now let get this over with,,

-holding her nape I hungrily ravish her mouth, .""UHMMP''

'''hmmmmm'', just like electricy flowing from my every vains the contact is too hostile,, I became undone,,, I can feel her hands roaming around my body,,pressing her tongue asking for entrance, I open my mouth and felt it dance with mine,,

grabbing her hair,, she lifted my tigh and one swift she was able to lower my underware and I am now bare down there,,

HAAAAh~~ arching my back when she put her thumb on my center and slowly forming circles at my clit.

LISA: were you this wet already since earlier baby~~?

JENNIE: (leaning back near her face) its your fault.. now take responsibility..

-I lower my head and suck her neck..""ah! nini~~'' kissing her up to her jawline until I reached her lips and draw a line using my tongue ,,

JENNIE: yes baby~~~(bitting her lips)

-lisa lean me back ,, tilting my head to get full access to the length of my neck,, she's tracing her tongue from my colarbone slowly dipping into my skin,, up to my chin,,she's now nibbling my earlobe.

LISA: I love your lips touching my skin~~ but~~

I'm incharge..




--I want to get upset with the twins for keeping a secret from me but thinking what rose said,,, I know they just don't want me worried,, but I have to be worried if there is going on with them that I didn't know..

were followwing somi as she walk fast,,

SOMI: jisoonnie ..please don't be mad to pres jen. she's been dealing with this issue and I don't wanna blame no one but ''V'' has been asking her to let it be.

_I'm trying to absorb what somi is trying to say when someone bump me so hard at my shoulder that almost knock me down.

JISOO: OUCH! hey! whatch where were your going..!

-raising my voice to call her out but she didn't even take a glance at me,, but something familiar about her,,

ROSE: are you okay love??( touching jisoo's back) is that yoon-ah??

she seem's upset..

JISOO: (yoon-ah??) I'm fine.. she might be really upset,, she didn't even recognized me..

SOMI: jisoonnie!! lets go its getting worst..(grab jisoo's hand)

-somi dragged me and were getting near at the bunch of studens

IRINE: '' excuse me !! SCO!! move!!..

-I saw my brother 'V" clutching another guy's colar and looked so angry..

V: what the hell kookie!! after all that I've done for you!??

you're going to humiliate me like this?? F*CK YOU!!

JK: (exhales) you know this gonna happen ,, don't act innocent.

--I stepped forward and get close to V..

JISOO: taeh! whats this?? (holding his arm)

SOMI: (nudge irine) bae we need pres here...



BACK TO JENLISA (stay alarmed)



.,AHH!! lisaaa-- ""haah!!.. haah.. !! hmmm'' I throwing head back as she shoved two fingers through my wetness,,I'm still on top of her lap and my knees are getting weak,, she have her arms around my waist to support me..,"OH! God... don't stoo-ap!..'' she brushed her tongue on my upper breast and sucked it hard that I'm sure will leave a mark.

LISA: hmmm~~ nini look at me~~(panting)

-I lower my head with eyes half closed,, seems like I'm on drugss I felt dizziness and a little blury but her doe eyes are very clear where I can see it full of lust,,

JENNIE: baby~~ I can't take it anymore.. please ~~ take me there.. hmm..

-I lean down to lisa and planted an open mouthed kiss.. she responded with passion and explore her tongue inside my mouth.. I hear muffled moun from her that increases the intense on my body..

still ravishing each others mouth her pace became faster that made me hitch my breath,, I withdraw my mouth to hers when I feel something is raising up and tilting my head I almost tear her blouse with my grip ..

JENNIE: lili~~ I'm... ah!... I'm cumming!! haaah..

LISA: let it out baby~~ cum for me,,

-she dug the length of her fingers deeper and double the speed.. my eyes rolled up with the sensation I'm feeling.. and with last stroke bitting my lips to avoid myself from screamming I reached my peak.

.I feel like I lost half of my soul, letting my forehead drop at lisa's shoulder,

LISA: are you okay baby~~? (kissing jennie's neck)

JENNIE: yeah~~(gulp) never been better,,

--I'm still resting on lisa's shoulder when I noticed my phone screen blinking..I grab it and saw multiple miscalls from Irine so I dial her number.

JENNIE: hang on baby.. bae has been trying to call me.. (stand up and bend down to wear her undies)

LISA: ooohh.. nice view. (bite her lips)

JENNIE: ''pervert"'(smirked)

--dialed irine number--

JENNIE: yes bae!! what do you want?? I am bz.. I am in a very important sit-- ''WHAT?? right now?? sh*t!! alright be right there.. try to ease the situation until I get there ok? bye.

(looked at lisa) baby we have to go,, something happen V needs me,, come on,, (offer her hand to lisa)

-lisa gladly accepts her hand and walk towards the exit-




SOMI: soooo??~~ have you contaced her??

IRINE: yeah.. she's on her way.... god this is trouble..-- and hey,, do you know that chick beside JK??

SOMI: that's karina,.. suga said she's been like glue to jk these past week,, and jk intertain her,,


"V's"" POV:

--I can't believe that my long time boyfriend is cheating on me ""again"" in the open,, like literally outside of their room,, I was about to surprise him since I've been busy with business matters that jisoonnie asked me,, but I was the one being surprised,, I found him with this b*tch wrapping her arms around my bofie's neck and eating each others faces.. what hurts me the most is that he didn't even flintch when he saw me,,, his even angry that I reacted,,

-I am currently gripping his colar to comfrint him,, I am beyond mad,,, then I felt a touch on my arm,,

JISOO: taeh! whats this? (holding his arm)

V: unnie??? (startled) what are you doing here??

JISOO: I'm the one asking a question here "kim taehyung" what is happening ? and who'se this? (pointing at jk)

JK: great!!,, you're such a brat V! bringing you're sister to clean your mess (smirked)

-before V can responds was interupted-

JENNIE: whatch you words ""JEON"! I'm just letting you slide because of taeh,, but don't push your luck..

-Jk forcedfully removed my hand from his colar and walk closer to jennie,,

JK: oh.... I have a lot of luck to push miss pre-- (was cut off)

LISA: one more step .. and I'll break your neck--(blank stare)

-staring at lisa's eye's.. seems like his feet move on its own and it made two steps backward without breaking the eye contact..

jennie smirked with jk's reaction and touches lisa's arm--

JENNIE: its okay baby~~~ he can't hurt me...

JK: (raise his hands) well~~ whatever,, its over V.. that's it , bye loser.

-jk bump hs shoulder to V,, but was stopped with V's grip on his arm-

V: NO! you can't just dump me.. just like that,,!! I'm not a trash!!!

JK: you already are!!.. (shoved V's hands) get off!!

-due to the impact of jk's swinnging his arm off to v's grip, it hits jisoo that made her stumble and almost fall..


--jennie and V catch jisoo,, and rose dash to go beside her--

ROSE: oh my god!! love!!

-V stand up٫ ball his fist and throw it right on jk's jaw٫

while lisa is about to get near to Jk,, cracking her fingers and ready grab him ..٫٫a hand tightly hold her and speaks

"" calm yourself miss~~ you'll be indanger if let you that anger take over you''' they are whatching~~

--before lisa can turn her head to see the culprit,, the hand has lose its contact and the presense vanished.