CHAPTER 9 - ""Finders Keepers""



-jisoonnie has been nagging us for 20 minutes now,,I can see that she's trying to control her anger at us.. I'm a little scared of the way she nag V- and turning her attention to me for tolerating his doing,, I don't wanna wash my hands but. I've been trying to convince him that ,, that guy was no good,, trying to think how to ease my sister's mind when she point her finger at me.

JISOO: and you,,, you let this happen??

JENNIE: no unnie~~(lower her head) but--

V: it's all my fault unnie~~ I just dragged jennie to this,, she- she's

been trying to convince me to drop him over and over but I was being stuborn,

JENNIE: you don't have to take all the blame taeh.. its me who decided to let you realized what you really want..

JISOO: look here you two, I adore how you whatch each other's back but, if its putting you into trouble I have the right to know you hear me?? stop keeping secrets from me coz "'I WILL KNOW IT" one way or another.. it doesn't matter who you wanna be with as long as you're not hurting..but if you are already being st*pid in a crucial way.. that's a NONO.. without our parents presense I am you're guardian,, so treat me like one,, are we clear??

JENNIE/V: yes unnie~~~

JISOO: and~~~ speaking of secrets.. (look at lisa and jennie) where did you two went earlier? you just took off even before the bell rung..

LISA: oh- jennie bring me to the LAB room to have s--(cut off)

--lisa is about to announce infront of my two siblings and SCO members that we just had sex.. its dangerous to let her speak without informing what should or should not to tell.. while covering her mouth I looked back to jisoonnie.

JENNIE: uhh-- unnie we- uhmm,,sssss--se-- search! yeah research at~~~ the LAB room..

JISOO: (knitting her eye brows) reseach?? at lunch??

SOMI: but the facilitator of the LAB room is out for vacation pres.. that's why its been empty for awhile..

JENNIE: well~~ the empty room is you know-- quiet... and. easy to we reasearch there becoz its quiet.. hehe (awkward laugh)

IRINE : you stumble on words pres..(smile)

JENNIE: shut up bae (whispers)

JISOO: whatever- just make sure you don't do anything that will make me upset again.. and go easy on lisa mandu,, you don't want to see a chipmunk comming after you... speaking of which,, where's my girlfriend???

SOMI: I saw her talking to a white tall guy,, his kinda handsome you know..(wiggles her eyebrows)

JISOO: she what?? i have to go,,(went out side the SCO)

JENNIE: you have three boyfriends jeon! stop flirting,,

-lisa looked at somi all confused and speak out of nowhere-

LISA: why do you have three boyfriends somi-ssi?

--somi get close to lisa and place her arm around her shoulder,,

SOMI: you see lisa -ssi~~you can have as many boyfriends or girlfriend as you like,, as long as you are willing to share,, (wink)

-lisa frawn her eyebrows ,, looked at me and looked back at somi

LISA: but I don't want to share nini~~

-all was shock and look at lisa with an awe-- (sana all)-\

I can feel my cheecks getting hotter,, I know I was blushng already,,

walking towards lisa and somi's--when I got near them, I removed somi's arm and sat on lisa's lap.

JENNIE: stop it "jeon" don't put dirt in lisa's mind.. she's .. no we are not like you...

SOMI: come on pres.. lisa is too precious to keep all by your self..

JENNE: ''EXACTLY"" she's to precious .. then why would I share her? (raising her eyebrows)

--while bickering with somi, I noticed taeh still too quiet, I can't blame him,, being dump infront of a mob was very humiliating,,.

I stand up from lisa's lap and walk towards my brother,, I'm about to speak when the door flew open,.

-all of u s was startled,, and looked at the person who is samelessly enters,. but what startled me the most is this "B*TCH"" walk staright to where my girlfriend is and hold lisa's hand and do a hand shake.

KARINA: "hi hotty~~ I haven't get the change to intruduce myself earlier,, I'm karina~~ you are???

-lisa was just staring at their hands, I harshly pull lisa's hand and went in the middle of them,

JENNIE: ''hey~~ karina. I heard you're the new cheerleading capt.. what brings you here??

-she hover her head and pointed at lisa.

KARINA: I actually wanted to talk to that hotty right there so if you don't mind miss president,.

--she's getting into my nerves-tilting my head and look pass my shoulder--

JENNIE: oh~~ well unfortunately ""MY GIRLFRIEND" doesn't talk or miggle to strangers.. nor to those people that is very aggressive.


KARINA: really?? hmmm,, that's really unfortunate.. alright see you around hotshot, (winked) oh- one more thing (lean close to jennie)

**if I were you keep an eye to ""YOU'RE GIRLFRIEND"" someone may snatched her--

-just then she turn her hills and went out side-- I turn to face lisa and sit back on her lap.

JENNIE: lili~~ listen to me okay?.. stay away to that Bi- woman.. I don't want to see you near her okay....

LISA: yes nini-- is she arguing wth you?

JENNIE: no.. don't worry about it, just do as  I say~~ (tracing my hand on her jaw) or else I have to punish you~~ (smirked)

--I can see how lisa swallowed,, it really excites me everytime I saw how she's being affected to anything I do,, I was enjoying myself, when other people in the room reacted.

IRINE: oh my god! pres , I didn't know that you're so bold..

SOMI: yeah. get a room will yuh..




--I was following lisa and the gang towards the SCO when a hand grabbed me, I noticed that somi saw what happened and I just signal her to continue-- looking back to the person who is now standing infront of me,,  It haven't surprise me that much coz lately I've been sensing a presence especialy around lisa,

ROSE: since when you've been here ""SEHUN""?

SEHUN: miss-- the dutches is on the move, please becareful to the people that's approaching miss lalisa,,

ROSE: I am aware sehun,, but I have other thing I want you to check,, there is a very suspecious person that is on their circle that is bothering me, I need you to keep an eye of this two person,

SEHUN: on it miss---- (sehun saw jisoo comming their way)

miss kim jisoo is approching,.(whispers)

JISOO: love hey~~~ oh I know ypu.. (pointing at sehun) If I remember correctly your always with lisa 5 years ago..right?

ROSE: uh.. this... uhm his one of our cousin,, I mean me and lisa's cousin.. sehun..,, sehun this is jisoo..

SEHUN: hi,, mis-I mean jisoo..nice seing  you again..,,(bow and smile)

JISOO: yeah~~~ what brings you here? have ypu seen lisa already??

ROSE: we actually discussing some business matters,,, sort of,, and his kind of busy right sehun,?

SEHUN: yes mi- rose,, please send my regards to la-lisa (smile)

see you around jisoo.

-after sehun has left, jisoo didn't ask anymore question, though I know Its bothering her,, they can't be involve further..even if they were already are simply by just staying around lisa..

-few minutes after the rest of the gang went to us,, and wanted to grab snack somewhere.. I saw how clingy jennnie to lisa and seing lisa smile makes me relax and go on '' keep smiling lali.. even if that's not the real you,, I'd prefer to keep this version on of you '''



M; -So~~ you want me to just lure her so she will go to this place ..?

and how would that benefit me?

C:--you want to have miss  president right?,, well once this freak disappeared... your all free to claim your woman without no one to bother you..

M:-hmmm.. that sounds fair... when do we do this?

C: tomorrow night, I can't bare to see that devils face no more, (balling his fist)

M: you seem very upset, what did she do to you?

C: you don't have to know just do as I say,. I can't no longer wait if she won't do the part of the deal then I will make my own move.. It's time to collect the debt she owes me.. (smirked)

--looking from afar to lisa's group.

C: keep that smile freak, I soon will replace that tripple the sorrow you gave me when you took the most important person in my life, (gritted his teeth)



--stabbing jennie's picture with her pen..

"" how dare you lay your dirty hand on her!!! SHE.IS.MINE!! I'll make sure to make you pay for it,, just you wait...

--while she crampled the picture someone tap her on her back..

""you sure adore lisa that much??

-=turning her head... an unfamiliar person standing infront of her,,

'''what are you saying? I LOVE HER!!! and who are you!? are you an enemy too??

--raising both her hands she responds--

""oh no~~ I am here to help you.. I am you're friend..(smiled) I will help you get rid of that (pointing the picture) trash that's been stopping you to be you're beloved..

--standing up,, other girl knitting her eyebrows,,

"" and why would you do that?? who are you anyway I haven't seen you before,... are you a new student??

--after giving  a piece of paper to the other woman,, she slowly walk her way while waving her hand,

'''you might just saw me,, but I've been whatching you,,, ALL OF YOU'' so if you want to accept my help, dial that number anytime,, bye~~

-after she was aout of sight the other girl look at the paper intently,, and was startled when was called out..

SEULGI: hey! yoon-ah!!  we've been looking for you..

YOON: uhh.. seu-seul~~ how long have you been there,,?

SEULGI:  huh? well I just saw you like a minute ago.. that's why I called you.. are you comming or what..?

YOON: oh okay~~ uhm we-where are we going??

SEULGI: well~~ the couple wanted to have an eatout.. and rose is also wanted to introduce their cousin,,

YOON:  **couple my a** (whispers)

SEULGI: what's that??

YOON: nothing lets go .. they might be waiting for us..

--as soon as they left the are, one soul lurking on the corner was silently watching the whole scene..

SEHUN:.. how can they use innocent people for this..


--after they were gathered and decided to meet up at bristo,, jennie went back to SCO to get her things and asked lisa to wait for her near the parking lot..

-while jennie is walking at the hallway towards the parking lot.. chan approached her.

CHAN: hey~~ miss pres..

JENNIE: what do you wnat chan??(continue walking

CHAN: chill~~~ I just came here coz lisa asked me to..

JENNIE: (stop on her track) you what?? lisa asked you?.. and what did she told you?

CHAN: she said to tell you that,, she wanted to meet you at your house first before going to the bristo,..

JENNIE: hmmm~~ really.. alright,


--lisa standing at the hallway waiting for jennie--

CHAN: hi lis~~.. uhm.. jennie asked me to tell you not to wait for her here.. she said to go straight to the bristo and she'll see you there.

LISA: okay~~(turn around and walk away)

CHAN's mind: that was easy,, okay now the b*tch press,,(smirked)



-all has already order each for their selves, while waiting for JENLISA-

IRINE: what's taking them too long??

SOMI: maybe they wont make it,,

IRINE: and why is that..?

SOMI: well~~ you know. they moght just prefer to spen time just the two of them,.

IRINE: .. whatever jeon! your mind is really working in a different way..



--lisa was walking towards the entrance when a guy pulled her- lisa's reflexes made the guy pinned on the wall and have her elbow to his neck ,,

-the guy tap her arm-

MINO: hey!! (choacking) le-let go!

LISA: what do you want??

MINO: je-kennie needs your help!! can you let me go first!!

--lisa released mino and looking at him while kneeling down and caughing.--

MINO: F*CK!! you really have to do that!!

LISA: what about my jennie? TALK!!

MINO: (clear his throat) yeah~ she's uhm she needs your help, come with me I will bring you to her.

LISA: lead the way....



--still waiting for jenlisa... rose phone rung and seing jennie's caller ID,,

ROSE: hey~~ jen jen where are you !?? we've been waiting!!

JENNIE OTP: I'm just going to ask of lisa whereabouts, I've been waiting for her here, she told me that she'll be metting me here and we'll go there together..

ROSE: huh? what are you saying she told me that you want her to wait for you here... whats going on..??

-rose hung up the call and dial sehun..

ROSE: sehun,,? track lisa now .. update me right away!!

SEHUN: yes miss...


--is this her doing?? it can't be.. it doesn't feel right. where are you lisa... ?

ROSE: love~~ we have to go .. there's a situation.. (whispers)

JISOO: is it that bad??

ROSE: I don't know yet,, hope not... let go..

--we left the bristo and bring everyone at the ""kim's'' house..

we found jennie on the couch and hurriedly stand up when she see's us..

JENNIE: chip~~ tell me you know where lisa is please~~

ROSE: were. trying to figure that out jennie... lets calm our selves-


--lisa is still following mino.. and currently on a near park from their last loaction,,

LISA: we've been walking far enough tell me whe--

--lisa was cut off with hit on her head and left her unconcious,,

had her body lying on the ground, mino gets near her

MINO: shoot man... that's a female... don't you have mercy at all??

CHAN: shut up and help me carry her before anyone would notice..

--with that lisa was being carried to a near car--