chapter 10 ""running out of time""


-Its been 3 hours when lisa went missing,, I don't know what to feel,, I'm frustrated coz I don't know is she was just lost or if someone abducted her,,, I'm longing for her,,, I miss her presense , SAD,, coz I can't do anything but wait,,, and I am mad,, just incase that anyone may had her,, what if they hurt her,,

--while killing myself on thinking.. jisoonnie tap my back,,

JISOO: jendukei,, don't think any negative thought yet,, someone is already looking for her,, lisa is smart even with her situation,, I know she's fine (hope so)

JENNIE: I want her back unnie (sniff) I want her here,,, in my arms,, please unnie,,(burried her face to her hands)

--my emotion betrayed me,, I know its not helping but I couldn't stop myself--

few more minutes has passed,, roseanne recieved a phone call,,

ROSE: lali!! where--- (cut off)

MINO OTP: no~~ sorry this is not her,,,since my partner here Is getting out of control ~~ I will be making a deal for you if you still wanted to see her,,,

ROSE: what's you're location..?

MINO OTP: I'll message you,,

-rose hng up the call and faced us,,

ROSE: lisa is fine ,, I will go and fetch her,,

JENNIE: I'll go with you..(standing up)

ROSE: no can do jenjen.. just wait for us here,, I assure you,, lisa is on great condition nothing to worry,, just stay here okay..~~

--I just nod..



-grunting becoz of the pain on her head .. lisa slowly opens her eye's and seing a guy on his back at her,, lisa is being tied at the chair with a chain on her hands,, it chimes when she moves that made the guy noticed her,,

''-you're awake~~ feeling hurt on your head??''

-no answer from lisa and just giving her a blank stare..

LISA : you....

CHAN: yes~~~ me...

--no response lisa is just staring at him without expression--

CHAN: that face~~ that emotionless face! ''I HATE THAT!! that is the face you gave to that nurse when you mercilessly take her life away...

--chan slowly walk towards lisa-

CHAN: honestly yes,, I may don't know what she did for you to do that.. BUT I AM VERY SURE,,she doesn't have to die.  she's all I have,, do you know how I went crazy when I saw that the person I treasure the most was ""killed"" and for what? just becoz the freak who killed her just lost its mind!!

--''yes- I was there.. and I saw everything'''



01:45 AM

--chan is holding lisa's hair and intently looking at her,,

CHAN: you know, I wont deny that you have an amazing face,, like you've been sculptured perfectly ""BY EVIL!!""(slaps her face)

--his been throwing punches on lisa's body and his already getting irritated of how she can keep her self unbothered with all the torture she's getting,

LISA: so you're doing this because of that nurse,,? your pathetic.

-chan frawn and grip her hair tightly-

THAT'S MY SISTER B*TCH!!!( scream at lisa's face) .. haaah.. you look stunned? I bet you didn't remember ,, ""COZ YOU'RE A MONSTER!!""

--chan is still holding lisa's hair when door open's revealing mino,,

MINO: are you not done playing with her yet? when can I get jennie!??

-hearing jennie's name a sudden vibration like lisa felt at the back of her head and she slowly closed her eye's..

CHAN: just you wait okay!! you'll get that b*tch

(turn his head to lisa).

..he felt dizzy and stumbbled back when a strong headbat hit him--

CHAN: (holding his head ) F*CK!!F*CK!!

MINO: DUDE!! look out!!

--when chan look at where mino is pointing,, lisa is already standing and freed her self with blood from her elbows to her wrist...\

CHAN: yo-you... wounded yourself ??? your crazy!!

LISA: hmm (giggles) I tought you were already informed?? (her smile fade and swung her arms that has a chain)

--chan's body dropped on the floor when his head recieve the blow...lisa walk infront of him and crouch,,, she hold chans hair to see his face..

LISA: you said.... that you went crazy when you see your sister's body lifeless...( tilt her head) hmmm I think your not crazy enough,,

(lean closer to chan face then whisper) if you want to kill me~~you can't just be crazy~~,, you.....have.... to be.... INSANE~~(smile)

-then she slam chan's head on the floor,, standing up, lisa rotate her neck hearing few crack of her bone--

LISA: hhrrrmm.. he sure beat me hard,,

-she then bring her attention to mino,,, earning a sound of chain on her every step, mino,, lost count of how many times he haa gulped..

-stepping back he hits the door,, was very stunned that he hover his head to see the knob,,

-not knowing what happened next,, his neck was being grabbed and pinned.

MINO: wa-wait,, I wa-(caugh) I was just following his orders.. let me go!!

**in his mind** (how can she be this strong ? aside from she's just a girl she's wounded, and I can't even shove her.. )

LISA: (blank stare) such a loser~~(about to punch mino)

-door was being pushed revealing rose and sehun,

ROSE: that's enough lali-- let him go.

--lisa shoved mino and stumble to the floor, rose get closer to lisa seing blood on her face--

ROSE: oh my god! your face,, (she cupped lisa's face--glared at mino) you bastard!! 

MINO: (waved his hand infront of him) n-no! I did't do anything! its-- its him.(pointed at chan)

ROSE: (eye's widen). di-did ypu do that? .. is he dead?~~

LISA: (she looked at chan's direction and look back to rose) --what makes you think I care..

-sehun walk towards chan and check its vital.

SEHUN: his still breathing...(looked at rose)

ROSE: take care of that sehun,, and that(pointed at mino) I don't want any scandal understand.?


--ROSE walking out the door ahead o lisa and took a small box on her bag,,

lisa is following her soundless footstep comming close to rose and speak-

LISA: that thing is losing it's effect,, time will come ''that'' wont be enough to contain me,, you have to do something roseanne,,

-rose turn to face her holding a syringe,,

ROSE: I know.... I~~ and sehun is doing everything lali,,, just please stay in control,..

LISA: we both know who has the solution but you keep on denying it..

ROSE: I can't give you back to her!! what if you'll die!! I can't lose you~~( tears slowly running through her cheeks)- there should be another way..

LISA: I'm dying roseanne,,, we have a very small amount of time to try to get an alternative.. and the more you dodge the reality,, more people will die,,  and I don't want to get to the point where I will lose full control,, I don't want to hurt you, jennie and the others,,

make up your mind.. (lisa tilt her head and close her eyes)

carry on that--

-- rose walk slowly towards lisa- she touch lisa's cheeks and planted a soft kiss on it then she whispers,,

ROSE: don't worry,, I will keep my promise,,,just please keep yours-- you can't leave me,,,( pressing the syringe on lisa's neck)



--rose enters the room with sehun while lisa on his back-- shock on her pace,, jennie runs towards them and follow with the gang-

JENNIE: oh my god!! what happened?? I thought you said she's fine? and who'se this?? (pointing at sehun) can you put her down!!

ROSE: calm down jennie,, she's just tired no major injuries,, and~~~ this is sehun out cousin, I contacted him to locate lisa,,

JENNIE: oh~~ I'm so sorry,, I'm just too worried..lets go- please take her to my room..

-sehun followed jennie--



--looking at my girlfriend she's smiling a bit while answering our friends question, but I can see her eye was swollen like she just cried,, actually I expected that,, but there is still bothering me,, I have to talk to her,, I hate it when people are keeping secrets from me especialy those people who I trusted,,

-sitting beside her I touched her hands to comfort her-

JISOO: are you okay love?? (carressing her hands)

ROSE: I'm fine~~ just a bit tired and stressed becoz of what happened,,

-rose suddenly stand up -

ROSE: guys.... thank you so much for being here,,, but I have to check on her and rest for now,,, take care on your way home okay,,(smile)

--walking at the stairs rose and sehun meet halfway,, rose side eyed their friend and whispers --

ROSE: we have to move fast.. lisa~~ she confess that the syrum has been losing its effect,, we have less than a year sehun.. I know you don;t want to lose her too,, so please,, find him fast,, or~~ I have to go with lisa's suggestion,,

SEHUN: I already have a lead miss,, but I need you to stay alarmed,, the two people you were asking me to keep an eye on.. is not too dangerous,, but there's someone who'se behind them,,

ROSE: alright... I'll go check on her,, where are you staying?

SEHUN: I bought a condo near here miss-- I also have to go,, please contact me if anthing happens-

ROSE: will do--

-sehun then approached jisoo and the rest to say goodbye-- and he left,-- rose continue to walk towards jennie's room where lisa is at,, slowly openning the door, seing jennie cuddling lisa-- she enters and just in time she was near them jennie speaks-

JENNIE: chip~~ please tell me what exactly happened,,, I know~~ you just don't want us to be worried,, but I need to know,, it bothers me seing her like this, please chip~~

ROSE: (inhales) jen-jen,,,, I will tell you,, everything,, for now please understand,, all I'm asking is for you to keep lisa happy as long as you could,, she needs you~~ let me take all the burden for the mean time,,

JENNIE: you promise ~~

ROSE: I promise~~

--walking out the room ..still holding the knob she take ne last glance insaide--

ROSE: I'm not letting you die lali,, I assure you that,,

-after stating that words she take her steps towards their room--

not knowing a soul that is holding tightly on the stairs-

SOMEONE: li-lisa is dying?? no it can't be....