Chapter 11 "memories"



''I'm losing out of breath.. there is a girl running infront of me.. she suddenly stumbbled and looked back at me crying..

GIRL: please don't hurt me!! (crying)

''what are you saying..I'm not gonna hurt you... here take my hand I'll help you...

-I was shocked when I looked at my hands.. its full of blood.. I looked back at the girl she is now lying lifeless and also bathing with blood..

''wha-what happened!!!.. why...I was about to approach her when I saw another figure..

'''verygood lalisa.... she deserved it...

--who are you.. what are you saying?? di-did I do that??

-she did not answer and just turn her back on me.. I looked down on my hands,,

''NO~~ it can't be... I uhhh.. I didn't... he-help~~ help me!!!

--rose~~~ roseanne!!! help!!!

the lady turn her head to look my way,, she walk towards me..

I stepped back..

NO~~ don't.. go away.. ''ROSEANNE!!!!

LISA!!!-- i hear a voice but when I looked back I can't see no one..

and then two faceless figure hold my arm..

everything went dark.. i cover my face with my hands.. then a voice whisprs ''if you fall asleep i will take over~~~ tilting my head i see myself holding the other girls hand walking away anf smiking at me..

'''LILI!!-- I'm hearing her voice again,, but why I can't recognized her face,,

''LILI! wake up!! look at me!!... --everytime she's calling me a figure was being formed,, gets clearer..

''LISA!! please~~(sobs) --a girl is crying infront of me holding my face,, and slowly images are flashing back..



--I blinked sevearl times,, still calling her name... but an unfamiliar face is all I can see..



'''LISA!!! please!! look at me,,, I am a crying mess keeps calling lisa's name but she keeps on calling roseanne's name.. as if she's not seing me,.

--I came out from the bathroom when I hear her groaning.. and gripping tightly to the bedsheet,, Its been couple of minutes that I'm shaking her body and when she open her eye's its all over the place.. I am trying to hold her,, but she keeps on pushing me,, and her voice is getting louder,,

LISA: ROSEANNE!!....ROSEANNE!!! (trembling)

-few more minutes after and I hear foots steps infront of my door and harshly open it..

JISOO: hey!! why are you screamming??(looking at jennie)

V: are you guy's fighting??

ROSE: what's happenning!!! lali!!??

-as soon as lisa saw rose,, she stumble her self running towards her..

-jisoonnie and V comes to me and confusedly look at lisa --

V: are you okay ~~~??

-I just nod and still have my eyes on lisa and rose-

LISA: roseanne??? (cupping rose face) your here... !! (hugged rose tightly) I'm scared... please don't leave.. they want to hurt me...(burried her face to rose chest)

ROSE: shhhhh... I'm here lali.. I wont let them take you..(looked at jennie)..



2: 35 AM


-all of us was gathered in jennie's room, I called sehun to bring the syrum and to stay on guard just incase anything would happen,.. Lisa fell asleep on my lap and she stll gripping my clothes,,, Jennie with swollen eyes keeps staring at lisa..

JENNIE: rose~~ wa-why didn't she recognized me??(sniff)

-rose collected enough air she needs before answering jennie-

ROSE: I'm not sure if this is the right time for you to know jennie,, and I know it is important for to be aware of lisa's well being,, its just,, its too dangerous..

JENNIE: I need to know rose.. you promised~~

-rose looked at lisa and start carressing her hair,,

ROSE: Lisa is not well,,.. but were trying to keep everything normal for her,,, and it may sound crazy but ,..did you see that syrum that I gave her earlier,. its not a simple tranquilizer or just to make her relax,, she..(clears her throat) that's to keep her in control and I need your help to keep her on that state..

JENNIE: if your giving her that---thing'' what happened to her earlier-??

ROSE; her brain capacity is increassing,, to make it simplier,, her other self is taking over her whole,..honestly I don't know how to elaborate what exactly happenning on her mind,, all I know is the lisa that we are seing right now is a total opposite of the lisa that is trying to escape,,

-jennie is trying to absorb everything that rose was explaining,, and rose is about to continue , when lisa suddenly speak up.

LISA: roseanne~~~?,

ROSE: yes lali... your awake.... how are you feeling..

LISA: tired.... I want to see jennie... can we go to her??

-- rose smiled and looked at jennie--

ROSE: why don't you look behind you~~~

-turning her head lisa found her lover that starting to cry again...


--my heart skip a beat when I hear her say my name and look for me,, I thought she already forgot about me.. I can't stop my tears from escaping my eyes,, she slowly turn around and face me-

LISA: nini~~~?(get close to jennie) why are you crying?? did someone hurt you??

JENNIE: hmmm,,,, (shook her head) a-are you looking for me??

LISA: I am~~ I miss you and I feel like hugging my nini~~

JENNIE: (wipes her tears) then what are waiting for? (opens her arms to accepts lisa's hug)

--I'm too puzzled.. confused,, I honestly don't undertsnd everything.. what i do know is that roseanne is asking me to be always there for lisa.. and I'm not planning to let go..

-we lay on my bed,, lisa with her eyes closed keeps her ams around my waist.. chip and jisoo unnie went back to her room,, taeh is still standing at my bedside.

V: Is she going to be okay???

JENNIE: I hope so....

V: how about you?? are you going to be okay??

JENNIE: as long as she's with me I am okay taeh~~

-taeh is now leaving ,, and as jennie watching him close the door,, she noticed her cousin that is been quiet the whole scene and stayed outside of her room..

few minutes of silence,,.. I still can't take myself drift to sleep.. I felt a carress on my arm,,,

LISA: nini~~~..did I made you cry?

JENNIE: No~~~.. I cried because I missed you,, .

-lisa sat up and pull me to sit aswell.. she's fixing my hair while holding my hand ,,I am waiting for her to talk but she just simply looking at me.. after tucking my hair on my ear,, she trace her thumb on my cheecks.. I closed my eyes to feel her touch..

I felt her soft lips to mine,, took few seconds before she start moving,, it was slow and gentle,, I feel like I just want to let her, I want to feel her,,

LISA: your lips are the sweetest....(looking at jennie's eyes)

i just can't get enough of it...

-she snaked her hand at the back of my head and tug my hair,,,that maske me tilt my head,,.

LISA: open your mouth baby~~.

-following her request she,,once again attached our lips together ,,, a litte more deeper than earlier.. playing her tongue around my mouth..

-after a couple of minutes of us exchanging saliva- she move her hand to unbutton my pj ,,i hold her hand-

JENNIE: baby~~ your still tired.. I don't want to exhaust you..

-lisa take my hand and kiss the back of it-

LISA: I have enough energy for you my love.(wink)

-Aaaiiiissshhh lisa stop being so adorable.. how can I resist her.. she keeps on kissing me through my neck..''hmmmm''

LISA: do you want me to stop~~..(licking jennie's neck)

JENNIE: ugh...! baby~~~

LISA: (smirked) I'll take that as a go signal--(undressing jennie)

-and that make our early morning filled with love and lust-




J: hello??

YOON: do you know something about lisa's illness??

J: so you know already?? who told you?

YOON: it doesn't matter.. so its real?? is she dying??

J: she is if.... you wont take her away from them.. we have the cure and if you want to be with lisa longer,, do the part and I assure that I can help you secure your place at lisa's side..

YOON: I will do anything just to keep lisa alive..

J: thats good to know then.. I'll expect that.

**call disconnected**

'' how is she??~~

J: the syrum can't contain her anymore..

''does that mean .. I'll be expecting them back here..

J: it's not sure yet.. roseanne has been working into something..

""I am expecting you to fix that,, unless your letting that girl have her,,

J: NO!.. we have a deal,, I bring her to you to cure her and you'll let me have her... .. not to that lowlife being not to anyone.. LISA BELONGS TO ME!!!..



--jennie is already awake forming circles at lisa's naked back..

JENNIE: hmmm~~ I think I make her tired-(smile)

-the door suddenly opens..

JISOO: jendukie!! wake up let go dow--OH MY GOSH!!( turn her back) what the hell kim jennie!!

JENNIE: what!??? as if your not doing this with chipmunk~~

-another person came in-

ROSE: hey ~~ what's the noise?? --oh so you had a very early excercise--(walk near  the bed) how is she??

JENNIE: hey! chip... let us wear clothes first! (covering lisa's body)

ROSE: (laugh) don't worry jen jen.. I have seen lisa naked several times.. so there's nothing to hide....

JISOO: YOU WHAT!!??? I mean i will understnd when you are still younger but don't tell me untill now??

ROSE: uhhh yeah~~ she has this lazy days and she's asking me to rub her body and---

JENNIE: STOP!! chipmunk!! it doesn't matter, from now on your not allowed to rub lisa in anyway posible!!

ROSE: ooohhhh.. so possessive( laugh)

JISOO: jennie's right roseanne.. you're not kids anymore to rub each other.....

ROSE: Oh my god!! you really are sisters..(laugh)

JENNIE: enough of this you two get out,... we'll be down in a few.. now go!! shoooo!!

-few minutes after chaesoo left--

LISA: hmmmm( streaching) hi baby~~(smile at jennie)

JENNIE: good morning baby~~(peck lisa's lips)

LISA: wow.... that a sweet way to start my morning--

--jennie went silent,, and just looking at lisa's face--

LISA: whats wrong baby??( rubbing jennie's cheecks)

JENNIE: promise me~~ that you'll never forget about me...

LISA: why would I forget you??

JENNIE: just promise (pout)

LISA: (smile) I promise that I will never forget you jennie kim..

--lisa lean close to jennie and before thier lips pressed to each other--




JISOO: JENDUKIE!! that's enough!!! go down now we'll be late!!

JENNIE: aiishhhh... she's too noisy--

LISA: (giggles) lets go baby,,, (kiss jennies forehead)

''' I will make sure to fullfill that promise baby... we will stay together.. I wont let anyone break us apart.. if I have to be stronger for the both of us I will.. it may sound crazy but.. I could... or better yet I would ''KILL"" whoever that will try to take you away from me.. you are ''MINE"" (smirked)