7.60 - Who Is Going to Babysit Stinky Bun Next? - War Of The Wickeds

A wave of nausea suddenly threatened to send Riley and Damon to their knees. Managing to remain standing, their stomach weaved but nothing came out.

Earl Fester raised his right hand at Damon, snatching the tube baby from the other man's hold, making it disappear just as he did to his daughter. Some things should not be touched by any means, for example, his baby. 

Riley opened his eyes in shock, thinking Damon was going to get killed like in the past, he used a forbidden art on Earl Fester before that man could use the same spell on Damon too.

The attack caused both of them to cough out a mouthful of blood. The weakened Riley disappeared on the spot whereas Earl Fester dropped his head to the ground, falling unconscious.

Ru Quan caught them just when their feeling of superiority started to well up, stomping it down by reminding them of that time when they thought their plan of taking Earl Fester down was perfect.