7.61 - Current Rankings 2 - War Of The Wickeds

Ziek sent an internal punch at the man that had been absent-minded this whole time, 'Man, you should dust off the cobwebs of your dick. You didn't touch a pussy in like what …million years? When are you coming back and show her what monster you've become?'

Blocking the attack, Xuan Mu got out of his trance and looked at the endless space around him. Lifting his hand covered in flickering black flames, he observed his true form, 'After she finds it out herself.'

'Whatever,' Ziek exchanged his place with Xuan Mu, 'Apologise to her in my stead,' he didn't mean to raise his voice at Bing Shi, 'And while you are at it, clean up the room.'

Chuckling, Xuan Mu walked back to Silvia's room as Ezikiel and began to pick up the trash scattered around the floor, "Are you still playing in the water?"
