Demon's Gate Cult?

After Ling was done testing some 'medicine' on the man. She looked at the pitiful state of the flustered man in front of her.

"Hey by the way what's your name again?" She asked while still arranging all the herbs that she used.

Tsk, such a waste.

The man stared at her with disbelief "My name is too precious for me to say it to you!"

I swear to whoever thought that transferring me in this world and meeting this arrogant asshole is a good idea-

"Yeah yeah, whatever. You're lucky you have a handsome face or else I would've dumped you somewhere " Hearing the words of the woman infront of him, his eyes widened. He touched his face for sometime and quickly shouted which made Ling jump to her feet


Mask? What mask? Ling looked at him like he was a psychopath.

The man withdraw a sword out of nowhere and pointed it towards the dumbfounded Ling "You saw my face so you must die!" Before he could kill Ling with his terrifying aura that could easily make every human being tremble. Unbeknownst to him, Ling didn't even feel a sense of threat after sensing his aura

Useless system, why is this man shouting and moving frantically? He looks weird

[This useless system , has no idea. Wait a minute, I'm not a useless system!]

"Hey, stopped acting like I just killed your whole entire family, ah? I just saw your face, no big deal. You aren't even that attractive" That was a lie, the guy in front of her has a face that could easily cause chaos both in Earth and in Heaven.

The man thought about something for awhile, he then lowered down his sword and his frightening aura that could make, even an Emperor, tremble on their toes was surpressed. He thought it was not proper for him to bite the hand that feeds.

"You should not tell anyone about this! If you do I will surely find you!" After threatening the clueless girl the man disappeared into the outskirts of the cave without any trace, as if he was never there.

'What a weirdo he didn't even thank me' she thought to herself,

[Rewards obtain!]

Ling rolled her eyes "by the way, how do I address you?" Asked Ling, the voice then replied

[My creator had bestowed me the name referred me as AR-1009/wqy ver.2, but you can call by my nickname 'FuFu' ]

It was already nighttime when Ling finished clearing up the herbs when she noticed a somewhat rectangular shaped name tag that was made out of Jade, on the side of a huge rock in the cave. A beautifully carved 'Xiao Yun' was written on it. The back of the name tag was filled with intriguing symbols and looked like a gate with two dragon heads on each side.

She looked at it closely, only to find small written words that spelled 'Great Leader of the Demon Gates Cult'

What the! A cult! He was a member of cult? Scary! But this token could have some use. Hm, I wonder if I could get some money out of this.

[My host likes money more than anything]

[Mission gained!]

[Mission: find your way outside the forest!-

-Rewards:20 points]

what? What do you mean forest? Aren't I in a bay? She thought to herself then she looked around and saw...trees? It really is a forest! Cr*p!

[Tsk, host should really be more mindful of her surroundings].


It took her 5 whole days to escape the forest. How frustrating! She was hungry now, she saw plenty of food in the stalls , but there was a problem.. She doesn't have money

[Host your hunger bar is low. Please eat, so you can regain energy and train as sooner as possible]

bullsh*t what do you mean train sooner or later!? If it continues like this she will most likely die out of starvation!

But she has no choice she can't steal either or it will ruin her dignity so she could only pitifully stare at the foods display in each stall. She walked for about 10 minutes and finally she was tired so she sat on a pillar near a store where she then saw horses galloping with golden soldiers in each horses, behind them was a golden carriage

She never saw such a scene before, she quickly asked the townspeople about the owner of the carriage

Li Qiaoyun the third prince of Jingyan Kingdom

He is a righteous yet cunning prince. He is favored by the current emperor Li Qing of the Jingyan country.

The Li family had been ruling the Kingdom from countless of generations back. The current Emperor is a smart and righteous ruler and thus the country live in peace

Jingyan Kingdom is filled with numerous genius martial artists, philosophers, generals and scholars that makes up the Palace, which is why no country ever dared hastily fight against the Kingdom and because of that, the Kingdom was living in peace for plenty of years.

The Jingyan country is supported by 4 large families the Wang, The Qi , The Li, and the most powerful of them all , The Xiao family. Rumors has it that the hidden young master of the Xiao is so powerful that his aura can destroy a whole continent! That is why no one dare to offend the Xiao's. But such powerful member could only be the doom of them, although the Xiao's family had been loyal to the Palace, but with the power-hungry Court officials and the constant threat and power they have towards the royal family. I don't think they'll be having peaceful years from now on. But the reason, the emperor still had not taken care of the Xiao's was because the hidden back up that the Xiao's have.

Not only large families but Jingyan is also filled with numerous powerful sects / cults the top five of them are The heavenly cloud sect, The bloody eye sect, The Yin-Yang cultivating sect, The purple Mist sect and The most powerful of them all is the Demon's Gate cult.

The heavenly cloud sect is compost of martial artists who are cultivated to be immortals and to bring glory to the sect, their leader is quite young aging about 50 years old, Lu Yanqin. They have a 100 year history, of being loyal to the Kingdom.

The Bloody Eye sect is a faction that was created by the Demon's Gate cult, it consists of agents, killers and spy, people can hire them but with a high price. Their leader was said to be a guy who was named, Mo Li who is also a trusty sidekick of the master of Demon's Gate cult. The sect was supposed to be a secret, used to train specialised killers, but due to an accident that happened years ago, they had to officially tell the public about it. Though, they still work secretly and they are very hard to find, that is why commoners cannot reach out to them easily.

The Yin-Yang cultivating sect is like the heavenly cloud sect, they cultivate Yin and Yang cultivators to be future immortals. Their leader was said to be 1000 years old but the great leader is not known by the public and their sect has more than a 1000 year old history.

The purple Mist sect is consists of female cultivators and guarded by female immortals only. Their leader is about 40 years old Wu yuanyi yet others say that her looks could rival that of a goddess, Wu Yuanyi is a cold type person and is not interested in love, nor making enemies. Their sect is secluded from the rest of the kingdom, and away from men.

Last but not least the Demon's Gate cult. A cult consists of killers, spies , agents and just like the Bloody Eye sect, they cannot be accessible to mear commoners. They are very hard to find and they don't accept money but sacrifices that is worth their taste. Their leader was rumored to be a 5000 year old demon, but nobody knows yet. The cult has a 50000 years of history. Even the emperor of Jingyan becomes wary and respectful when they see them. Such great power can make people tremble when they hear the name.

But if he is powerful what happened to make that man seriously injured? Was their a formidable master whom they haven't discover yet? Ling's head went dizzy not because of hunger but because of this unsolved problems. But mostly of hunger

Fufu I'm hungry~~~

[Host maybe you should finally take this mission seriously]

No I should not be thinking of these things, who cares if they are the powerful squad, as far as she knows even if the whole continent fought as long as she doesn't get involve, she would just watch them kill each other while eating steamed buns!

Wait steam buns? Oh now Im hungry again! Ugh! I hope that one day I could finally eat delicious food but as of now I need to accomplish more missions and gain more points! She said to herself with an encouraging tone

At some dark alley, Ling didn't notice someone was following her, the man in black looked at her disappearing figure with a frown on his face

"Why would master give his token to a stupid girl." and with that the man in black disappeared under the presence of darkness.


"Achoo! Who is cursing me?!" Said Ling with an annoyed tone.