The First miss of the Xiao's?

Sensing something unusual, Ling turned her head and looked towards the direction of the dark alleyway, yet she could not see any life form there.

'probably a cat' she thought, while munching on the apple that a generous child had "given" to her

[host is shameless for stealing from a child.]

'I was starving! And besides, that brat was just throwing and wasting it, might as well give it to the poor and hungry like me'

[ (¬ _ ¬) shameless]

'Hey! What's with that expression! If it weren't for the fact that you're useless, then maybe I wouldn't have stolen!'

[As I said, Fufu is not useless! Host is just weak, incapable and la-]

'Continue that sentence and I will never do any of your tasks again even if I die here today'

[hehe, our beautiful and stunning host, please don't threaten Fufu]


While they were arguing, a commotion was heard near a very luxurious gated residence in the area. One look at the gate, you could immediately tell that the owner of the residence has a high position in the Palace.

"How useless! If one of you can't cure our Miss then what's the use of your supposedly amazing medical skills. Leave and never come back!" A voice as heard, coupled with the sound of heavy metal and hurried footsteps. Soon after, five middle aged physicians were thrown out of the residence. They kept kneeling down and apologising

"We apologise for not being able to cure the Miss! We apologise! Forgive us General Xiao!" as their cries of remorse and guilt sounded the whole area. The guards once again closed the gates, making the passer-bys who have heard the commotion, unable to see what's inside the luxurious residence.

'Fufu, what's happening'

[Mission gained!]


[Mission: Cure the Xiao's beloved first miss!]

[Reward: 20 points!]

Damn it! Give me a break

[Miss is almost on level 4! 1 more level and you can unlock the Special Unlimited Shop!]

Geez, you know how to entice me

[hehe, goodluck host!]

Zhao Ling looked around to inquire more stuff and information about the Miss' sudden illness. It turns out, that Xiao Xiu just came back from a vacation trip on their family's resting residence in another province. When she came home, it was reported that she became weak, and sometimes would stumble while she walks.

Countless of physicians checked her, but to no avail. They really don't know what happened to her. They even called the Royal Physician, Chu Junyi but he wasn't able to decipher what has happened to the miss. By the order of the Emperor, he ordered for Miss Xiao to be quarantined until she is cured and her unknown illness is discovered. Especially after hearing that she came from the province where a sudden plague of virus had broken out.

For the safety of the residents, only the doctors, medical advisors and witch doctors can visit her in her quarters.

Time was running out, and General Xiao is desperately finding a cure for his beloved Daughter, Xiao Xiu. General Xiao has five sons, and each of them were talented and wise on their own way, other than his fourth son.

Xiao Yang had always wanted a daughter, so when his 3rd concubine, Miss Zhu, gave birth to a girl, he spoiled her rotten.

Receiving an endless amount of love from her grandfather, father and brothers. Xiao Xiu grew up into being a spoiled and arrogant miss. She is quite skilled in poetry, music, dance and arts, that was the reason why she was still loved by the public, even after being an arrogant brat that gets whatever she wants.

But now, that arrogant miss is currently lying on the bed lifeless and unsure on whether she'll make it out alive or not. But one thing is sure, her father will never give up on her. As long as she's still breathing, then there is still hope.


Xiao's residence..


The sound of glass breaking was heard from the main hall of the residence. An old man was seated on his chair, glaring solemnly at the useless and scared doctors that was kneeling in front of him.

It had already been a week since his beloved daughter, Xiu'er contracted an unknown disease from the province that she was vacationing in. His daughter is now lying lifeless in her bed while these stupid doctors dare to tell him they can't do anything about it.

He would never let his only daughter die! Never!

"Dear, I don't think we can save Xiu'er anymore.. All hope is lost.. Even Royal Physician, Junyi is helpless.. What now?"

Hearing the sad and tearful voice of his 3rd concubine. His anger subsided for a bit.

"Yun' er, do not be disheartened. I will never let our only daughter die, over my dead body!"

"Then.. What should we do now?" Madame Yun tearfully exclaimed.

She had been restless ever since Xiu'er told her that she was feeling a bit ill, after she came back. At first she thought, it was because she was quite tired from the journey, but soon she had been tired every hour of the day and at even one point she would faint, or even vomit small amount of blood.

When she heard that all the doctors and physicians that was sent by the Emperor himself, was unable to cure her daughter, she really ran out of hope and even thought of planning her daughter's burial. If it weren't for her husband's persistent fatherly love for Xiu, then she had probably given up already.

The hall has a tense atmosphere, and no one dare uttered a word, in fear that they might anger the scary general who had fought countless of wars and had seen stuff they are too frightened to witness.

The atmosphere was tense and quiet, but the atmosphere was soon dropped when hurried footsteps were heard. The soldier who was un aware of the atmosphere, suddenly went in to report an urgent matter to the General.

"General Xiao, pardon my sudden act of impulse but someone is claiming that they know how to cure Miss Xiao!" the soldier reported

"What?! Bring them in!" General Xiao ordered.

"But, General Xiao! As per the order of the Emperor, only expert doctors can visit Miss Xiao! Who knows what that person might do to the miss and might spread the miss' illness too!" Exclaimed one physician.

Soon after, all the physician in the room agreed.

"I will inquire about this to the Emperor, I will accept any of his punishment! But my daughter is at stakes right now, and if this person could really cure her then so be it! But if this person dare to harm my daughter, I will make their lives a living hell!"

"GO and grab that person for me quickly!" Old Xiao continued.

The soldier obeyed his order, and after a couple minutes, a petite figure was lead to the hall. The girl was wearing a plain white ancient robe that has a picture of a crane on the back of it. Her hair was quite messy but not too messy, it perfectly compliment her rather naive and joyful attitude.

The moment she stepped into the hall, the once depressing atmosphere, turned a bit fresh with her existence.

"Greetings, General Xiao" her thin pink lips opened and a soothing melody was heard, coming out from it. Although she wore a rather plain attire, it completely complimented her aloof and refreshing appearance. She's a rare beauty!

"Can you really cure my daughter!?" The silent atmosphere was cut off. The voice of the General who had lead thousand of soldiers were heard across the hall.

" Yes". The girl calmly replied.

"Who are you? Are you a doctor?" asked one of the doctors.

"no" she calmly replied again.

The whole hall was dumbfounded by her answer.

No?! Then what the f**k are you doing here? Are you trying to gamble my daughter's life?! Is this some kind of game to you!?

"How insolent! Then why shall I give you my daughter for treatment?! Never, in my 30 years of being a general, have I met such an arrogant fool! Leave before I behead you!" Old Xiao angrily ordered

But before the soldiers could touch Zhao Ling. She took a piece of cloth from her sleeve and inside the clothe was a piece of wood that contained the word 'Spirit Doctor'

Everyone was stunned.

Spirit Doctor!? Wouldn't she have a much more higher position than any of them??

"Shadow! Escort the young lady to my daughter's room. She has my consent to cure my sickly daughter. Miss how may I address you?"

"Zhao Ling." After she told them her name. She then followed this so called 'Shadow' to the First miss' room.

Damn it worked! Hehe

[Such a liar. Really shameless.. I have such shameless host.. QQ]