Spirit Doctor Zhao Ling

Few hours ago...

'I pity that young miss so much.. Imagine contracting a deadly virus and being on the brink of death.. Tsk, tsk, tsk, she wouldn't be able to enjoy the rest of her teenage years' Zhao Ling sighed in pity.

Back when she was on earth, she'd also often get sick and would need to take a leave from school. Because she was an orphan since birth, she had to tend to herself while being sick.

One time, she almost died from having a high fever and fainting, causing her head to bump into the edge of her kitchen counter. Luckily, her old neighbour went to check on her, and to their surprise, she was already knock out unconsciously lying on the floor with her pool of blood.

If it weren't for the old couple, I would've been dead and no one would've known.

Tsk. This young miss is really lucky for having such a loving family, but at the same time, she was also unlucky for contracting a deadly disease.

[Wheel of fortune time! Get lucky awards and spin the wheel now!]

[Items you can obtain:

Regular loot box

Above regular loot box

Amazing loot box

Epic loot box

Rare loot box

Super rare loot box

Golden rare loot box

LEGENDARY loot box]

What the f**k. That startled me.. What the hell is a wheel of fortune and why did that suddenly popped up.

[When you accomplish a set of missions at a quick pace. This system will reward you with a chance to spin the wheel of fortune]

Ohhh.. So you aren't that useless after all. Is it free?

[no. Unfortunately, it costs 30 points.. You currently have a balance of 60 points]

I take it back.. You are useless.. But fine.. Im this desperate. Buy it!

[deducted 30 points. Remaining 30 points!]


[Spin? ]

OK. Spin!.

[- Obtained Above Average Loot Box- open?]

Not bad.. Yes. Open

[Reward: A 1000 year old Red ginseng, a purple ring space use for storage, a hundred luminous pearl, a name tag, token of mind control, a golden chicken wing, chips from Wallmart, scissors of death, a bag full of herbs, and a bag full of colorful pebbles that shines in the moonlight. Congratulations Host!]


'What kind of useless shit is that?! Except for the space ring, the ginseng, and maybe the token.. All of that shit is useless! What the fuck am I gonna do with a golden chicken wing?! A name tag?! Some fucking pebbles?! And chips from WALLMART?!'

Her head was fuming out of anger from her stupid system. She then tried to pull out the ginseng in her space ring but instead she picked up a name tag.

'Useless piece of sh*t'

[Host! You can't just throw that away! There is a use for that, especially now that you need some kind of title to enter and cure the Miss for your mission]

How do I use it then? Explain the importance of the name tag

[The legendary name tag could entitle you any position other than a powerful Immortal or being an Emperor. Once you write the title you want to be conferred as, all of the records from this world will acknowledge as that title. It is very powerful so you must take responsibility host]

Woah. This piece of rectangular wooden tag can be that powerful?!


Should I confer to myself as a high class doctor then?

[It depends on you host]

Hmmmm.. Oh wait.

Zhao Ling remembered reading about a miraculous doctor on one of her favourite books. The 'Spirit Doctor' was known to be able to cure any illness and could even bring the dead back to life! What if she becomes the 'Spirit doctor'? I'm sure that the real spirit doctor won't mind right?

'Fufu, is there a real spirit doctor here?'

[based on what I have gained from the headquarters, a Spirit Doctor does exist here and it is an honorable title. Host, It comes with great responsi-]

'I wanna be a Spirit Doctor'

The moment she said that, the plain wooden tag became porcelain until it turned to jade. Written in the front of the tag are the characters 'Spirit Doctor' while at the back, her named was intricately carved.

'Doctor Zhao Ling'

Eyyyyy, that's a refreshing sight! Oh.. You were saying something Fufu?


Alright. Now time to cure.

Zhao Ling went up to one of the guards of the residence. At first, the guard was planning to push away the annoying girl, but when Ling showed him the jade token which shined after the ray of the moon hit it. The token shined so majestically that the guard couldn't help but stare.

"Tell your master that I am here to cure Miss Xiao Xiu. I have been asked by the heavens to tend to cure her" she said calmly.

Unable to say no to the rather godly appearance of the woman, the guard quickly went to report to his leader.

Soon after, footsteps were heard and Zhao Ling had been invited to the residence.


As they were walking towards the Miss' room. Zhao Ling sensed that someone was following her. She stopped for a brief moment and scanned the surroundings.

'Fufu, is someone following me?'

[Host is currently being watched by the hidden guards of the Xiao Family and the Black Hidden Knight's of the Demon's Gate Cult]

Eh? Is it that man's doing?

[I suppose so]

Zhao Ling sighed inwardly. She really was planning on meeting him to make him repay the price of saving him. Or hold on to his golden thigh. Hehe


Before they know it. They have officially arrived at the courtyard where Miss Xiao was residing. Her courtyard was luxuriously decorated. Each of her plants were neatly placed, her little pond fountain was clear, and everything about it just seems luxurious. People could tell she was very favoured.

But the owner of the courtyard is laying on her death bed, maybe that was why her courtyard, although lavishly decorated, still has a hint of coldness and emptiness as if knowing that their owner might die.

Before she could think of a way how to cure the severely sick miss. A servant came out of the room and ran towards General Xiao who was besides Ling.

"Master! The miss is not breathing!"


'oof, Fufu could you help me with this matter?'

[I will do anything in my will to help you host]