The Royal Palace

Words spread about the miraculous work of Zhao Ling. She was already known as the so called 'Miraculous Doctor', and even the people outside the kingdom have heard of such name.

The words reached the ears of an old man sitting in a throne embedded with gold and dragon ornaments.

Li Qing, the current Emperor of Jingyan Kingdom, has heard about the news. At first, he thought that it was just a crazy rumor spread around since there are a lot of those. But when he asked butler Yao to inquire about it on the Xiao residency, he was surprised that the news were true.

"Your Highness, what should we do about the Spirit Doctor?" Butler Yao asked.

"We shouldn't make a move since we don't know her motives. We must always be cautious and not let our guard down, especially to an unknown force that might back her up."

"Yes, your Highness" The Butler then was dismissed by the emperor.

Not long after, an announcement was heard.

"The Crown Prince, request an audience!"

"Let him in" He replied calmly.

The beautifully clothed golden robe man entered the golden Hall. He bowed down to greet his father that was idly watching him.

"Stand." Li Qing ordered.

The man obeyed.

Both of them just stared at each other quietly. No one can read what was going on their heads. Both of their auras are powerful, and can easily destroy anything on their way. That was the unique trait that the entire Royal family has since generations back.

The silence broke when one of them spoke.

"Did you just came here to quietly stare at your father?" The Emperor spoke.

"Forgive my rudeness, it's just that I have matters I need to discuss with you, father" The Crown Prince, Li Qiaoyi calmy replied.

Him and his father do not have a good relationship. The only reason that his title as the Crown Prince stayed was because his brother, Li Qiaoyun, who was favored by his father, didn't want to be Crown Prince.

Li Qiaoyi's mother, Empress Clara, who was a princess on another kingdom, also has a powerful backing. Thus, Li Qing couldn't immediately get rid of them, even if he wants to, or he might cause another war with the foreign country.

"About the Spirit Doctor-" The Crown Prince took the initiative to talk about this matter, but he was cut off.

"I already know about her. I've asked people to investigate where she came from, but it turns out that her life was very hidden, and we couldn't dig her past. But according to the record books of doctors, she was indeed a Spirit Doctor."

"Nevertheless, we shouldn't put our guard down, her abilities are still unknown." sensing the negative aura coming from his son, he continued.

"This upcoming Autumn festival, invite her to come to the Palace as our guest. I must see her in personal. Don't offend her." with the last warning, Li Qing then dismissed the Crown Prince.

The Crown Prince left with a heavy heart.

It turns out that his father still don't want to have anything to do with him. If this continues this way, then he'll for sure lose his title as Crown Prince. The Spirit Doctor is his only hope. He must make her side with him at all cost.


At the Xiao's residence..

A seemingly charming lady was laying in her bed, zoning out. She was the Miracle Doctor, Zhao Ling, who was currently chatting with her System.

'Can you tell me more about the Xiao Family?'

[Sure thing host]

[Retrieving data]

[Successfully purchased data]

[Target: Xiao Family

Back ground:

Xiao Family had been a powerful family from generations and generations back. Their family is known to have raised legendary Generals and Court officials. The Xiao family had been around for more than a decade, and had been by the Royal Family's side longer than any families.

Xiao Yang, has five sons, a daughter, and three wives.

Xiao Yan, The oldest, and also a very powerful young general that had once led an army and won the war against the Great Javan Kingdom, which then earned their kingdom the 3rd place of the most powerful kingdom in the continent .

Xiao Lan, The Second Son, and a very close accomplice of the third Prince, Li Qiaoyun. He is a very renowned Scholar and a very powerful martial artist. He specialises in military strategies and would often be found, beside the Third Prince or his brother, Xiao Yan.

Xiao Zhu, The Third Son. A talented young lad, that is good in both martial arts and literacy. He is the famous playboy, and are good friends with the Second Prince, Li Qiaoli.

Xiao Yun, the fourth son. He doesn't have any talent nor skill. He is very lazy, and would just fool around and visit the dirty areas of the capital. He is known as the black sheep of the family, and would often get into trouble everytime. But since Xiao Yun is favored by his grandfather and mother since birth, he is not chased out of the family yet.

Xiao Zhan, The Fifth son. He is only thirteen years old, but he already shows an incredible talent in poetry and music. He is very cheerful and bright, and would often play pranks on his brothers and his sister.

Xiao Xiu, the first daughter of Xiao Yang. She is very spoiled, because of her brothers and father. She is talented in literacy and has an interest in music and poetry. Though, her martial arts are above average, she still is known as a genius in her generation.

Madame Zhu Yun, the Daughter of Minister Zhu, is the third wife of Xiao Yang and the mother of Xiao Xiu and Xiao Zhan.

Madame Ru Li, The Eldest among the five daughters of Duke Ru. The second wife of Xiao Yang and the mother of both Xiao Zhu and Xiao Lan

Madame Yan Ling, the former wife of Xiao Yang. She's the main wife and the mother of Xiao Yan and also the one who adopted Xiao Yun, after his mother passed away in a tragic event.

Madame Xing, mother of Xiao Yang.

Old master Wong, father of Xiao Yang.

Shadow one to six, are the trusted guards of the Xiao Family

Xiao LinLin, adopted brother of Xiao Yang.]

'Xiao Yun is deemed as a [¹]black sheep? Isn't he the leader of some powerful cult though?'

[Yes, but for his and his family's safety, he needs to hide his other life from anyone else]

'So am I the only one who knows?'


'hehe, what a convenience'

[(¬. ¬)]

While she was still deep in thought, a knock was heard from the outside.

"Miss Zhao, Master Xiao requests for you in the hall." The servant yelled.

"I am on my way." Zhao Ling replied.

'hmmm.. I wonder what they want'

[The Emperor's men are spying on you. You would probably be invited to the Royal Palace soon. Be careful host! The Palace is full of [²]wolves in sheep's clothing]

'The Royal Palace.. Hmm.. Ooooooh more [³]golden thighs.. hehe'

[Nevermind, Fufu will stop worrying about its shameless host now]


[¹] Black sheep.

a member of a family or group who is regarded as a disgrace to them.

[²] Wolves in sheep's clothing.

A wolf in sheep's clothing is symbolic for someone who outwardly looks harmless and kind with good intentions but inwardly is full of hate, evil and deceit.

[³] Golden thighs.

A powerful protector you cling on.