An old acquaintance.

Zhao Ling arrived at the Xiao's residence hall. She was welcomed by Xiao Yang with an adoring gaze, as if she just saved lives. Well it was true, Zhao Ling did save Xiao Xiu's life.

Zhao Ling greeted General Xiao with courtesy.

"Greetings, General Xiao"

The old man looked down to the bowing figure of the lady that saved his daughter's life.

"No need for formalities. We're all family here" General Xiao smiled.

Suddenly, a raspy feminine voice was heard across the hall.

"Thank you very much for curing my granddaughter. You can ask us anything you want, as long as it's within our powers, we will give it to you. The Xiao mansion is indebted to Doctor Zhao Ling" The old lady, who was sitting besides General Xiao, squinted. She looked carefully at the young lady standing in the hall. But no matter how see looks at her, she couldn't see or sense a single spiritual aura in her.

It could either be, she doesn't have a spiritual aura or she's too powerful even for her to sense her aura. The latter option scared her, especially the fact that they don't know her intentions yet and the Xiao family could be doomed if she got bad intentions towards them.

They must get to her good side no matter what. It would be beneficial for them to be allies with her. Especially now that the other families are eyeing the Xiao's again. They must be quick in their steps.

While the elders and prominent members of the family was thinking of how they could get Zhao Ling by their side. Zhao Ling was thinking something different.

'Fufu who are these people? I can sense their terrifying qi.'

[Answering host's questions. The old woman who is sitting beside General Xiao is his mother, Madame Wang. The other old men sitting around them were the Xiao family's elders. I suggest host to raise your cultivation quickly, though they couldn't perceive your cultivation level thanks to me, it would still be trouble if they suddenly pick a fight]

'How do you raise them? Does it take long?'

[For an ordinary person living here, yes it is hard to raise them and time consuming. But, you're different host since you have me. It's a piece of cake, though you still need to suffer a little.]

'Deal. Fufu, teach me how to raise them'

[Fufu will try its best! Host will be the most powerful person in this world and would even defy the heavens!]

'Fufu, you're the best! Now tell me how' Zhao Ling waited with anticipation in her tone.

[Host will need to finish missions in order to level up! After you finish missions, you have to finish missions again to unlock some advantages and gain points to buy some stuff in the store to help you level up. Then Host needs to train twenty-four seven and need some allies and backings to be more secured. After that you need to train again to further control your power, after the small sacrifices, host will level up one more level!]


Was it this hard to level up? How come all the main characters in cultivation levels that I've read seemed to level up like it was nothing. They're cheats!. Huhu.


The hall was filled with all kinds of food and drinks. The elders and young masters of the family gathered to celebrate the miraculous works of Zhao Ling as well as the revival of Miss Xiu.

All kinds of prominent ladies and young masters visited the Xiao's residence to see a glimpse of the doctor. The rumors they heard about her were actually true, and to think she was also very young and already had the title as spiritual doctor is really impressive.

When people heard that the doctor was young and single, every one of them sent their daughters to the Xiao's, in hope of them befriending the doctor for benefits. Some brought their sons, in hopes of gaining a very powerful doctor as a daughter in law.

However, Zhao Ling paid no heed to them since they were irrelevant to her. She looked at the different foods displayed in the table, and her stomach growled. Luckily, the music was too loud for them to hear Zhao Ling's growling stomach.

Zhao Ling composed herself since people think that she's some god, so she must act elegantly. But deep inside she's squealing at how many food there are, she had been eating berries from the forest and a stolen apple the whole entire week. She hadn't tasted good food since forever!

She slowly picked up a piece of chicken leg, and as she was about to munch on it like a hungry wolf, someone approached her.

"Greetings Doctor Zhao, I've heard a lot of stuff about you. This lad is really lucky to have been able to talk to such an amazing doctor." The man exclaimed.

The man was wearing a very loose Chinese traditional dress. His chest area was exposed a bit, showing of his broaden and hard chest. His hair was loosely let down but it was not messy. He wore a smile on his face that could even have the coldest person ever to smile back to him. His smell was intoxicating, and fresh. He really looked very young and refresh but few people could see the mysterious gaze lingering in his eyes. He was dangerous, he was the second prince

Li Qiaoli.

But Zhao Ling didn't care at all, even if the Emperor looked at her, she doesn't care as long as there is food in front of her.

She looked at Li Qiaoli and smiled coldly. She really was annoyed that this man interrupted her ah!

"Greetings your Highness." She greeted but still kept her gaze down.

Damn it, when will this annoying man go. I wanna go back to eating.

But Li Qiaoli didn't understand what Zhao Ling was trying to say and still continued to have small talks with her. Even if she doesn't want to, but he somehow didn't care or was just too stupid and naive to understand.

While he was still so into the conversation, Zhao Ling was getting annoyed and suddenly spotted a familiar looking man who was making a big mess over in the corner.

"Pervert! How dare you touch me! Get away you bastard" A lady shrieked, causing everyone's attention on her.

Suddenly whispers was heard throughout the hall and people started gossiping.

"Isn't that the Xiao's fourth son? I heard that he was a pervert and spends most of his time being indulged in disgusting stuff"

"I heard that he almost raped the second miss of the Wangs and almost caused a war to broke out. In the end, the Xiao family had to give up their family heirloom as a compensation."

"tsk, I wonder why they haven't kicked that black sheep out, the family would've been able to remain relevant and powerful if it wasn't for that jerk."

Zhao Ling listened to all the words being spread around. She looked at Xiao Yun who seemed to be unbothered, and she looked at Xiao Yang who has a gloomy face listening to people blatantly gossiping about his son in front of his face.

"Do you know him?" Li Qiaoli's voice was heard on the side.

"An old acquaintance" Zhao Ling replied while taking a cup of wine and drinking it.

'How can an honorable doctor have any kind of acquaintance to such a fool?' The Prince thought. But thinking that Xiao Yun must have offended her, he calmed down. Besides, he was known to offend young misses.

Zhao Ling: 'hehe, my golden thigh has arrived'

Fufu: [Host is shameless]

Zhao Ling: 'I learnt it from the best. Hehe'

Fufu: [Host is more shameless than Fufu.]