
So let's start for the beginning

Ok so when I was turning 4 when I was about to wake up I had this crazy flashback from when I was born to my birthday that day and I woke up really happy and it took me a minute to realize that I am with my grandma (I call her nana btw).That day I wished that I could have a puppy.That wish did come true but it also came with a price.So that price was family and my dog ran away.So I didn't know that my dog ran away till I was 7 or 8.And I started to move back and forth so when I did move I went to lots of schools.When I moved I was getting bullied and only had a little friends.I started bullying the people that bullied me and that bullied my friends I just became a bad person because of that and I kind of still am lol

Now let's start at 4th grade.4th grade was BAD I mean people see your underwear bad so every time I wear a dress or a skirt something always goes wrong.So this one time I was wearing a dress someone pranked me in the bathroom because I checked and I was fine so when I came out everyone was quiet and was starring at me and I was like what? And there in about 40 to 50 students on the yard so that was just mean but funny in a way.

So now let's go to 5th grade. So when I was in 5th grade I went to 3 different schools and 2 of them knew me very well because I went there for 2nd or 3rd grade so that's was bad I knew lots of people at the last school I went to. So now 6th grade I went to 2 schools for 6th grade and I was fine but at the schools, I went to there was a lot of drama like I didn't mind it until someone was saying stuff about me and getting to the point where I want to hurt them but I can't because if I say it I will get in trouble and when I don't let it out I start to cry because I want to say something so bad so it's just a lot to take in. My mom is hard on me but I do bad things because she never listens to or anything she just doesn't understand her daughter. When she says I am lying I am not because I don't lie like me dad and my mom said I am like my dad and that broke my heart I thought about hurting myself but I decided not to because that's just more problems.