Sorry mom

Hi mom I am sorry for the stuff I put you through and my self I only did it because You do know me you say that u know when I am lying but u don't but even when I tell the truth you still whooped me because you think I did it mom I was thinking about my life and how I want it to be but you won't let me because your own mother never let you do things I can't even wear a simple outfit without you checking it heck I can't even wear makeup all the makeup I wanted to use was mascara and lipgloss or chapstick you won't even teach me the basics of driving The car doesn't even need to be on and you told me to tell you when I think I am ready to get a boyfriend but you won't let me have one either way mom I feel like I am in a jail sell and it goes on for and I can't get out mom I feel like I know your feelings more than you know mine mom I can't even say something to people without me crying because you told me to keep stuff to myself and don't be rude and when I really need to protect myself you get mad at me because I need to fight mom you get mad at me when I was in 3rd grade because 5th graders was messing with me mom when I go to school I really do try but you think I don't all u say is that I should only get A's and B's well no one is perfect also I feel like I can't tell you anything without you getting mad at me like if I had a boyfriend and not told you it's because you are going to be mad acting like I am still 8 you say act like my age and my age is going through stages so yeah I am doing stuff that you aren't going to like but as a 12 year old I feel alone in this world like I have no one except my friends that know me more than you do I hope u read this because when you do I know you are going to be mad so thanks for saying I am like my dad because I know that I am a stupid little girl I know that I can be a pain in the avocado but at least I have my friends that are my family and my music and my godmother that is not my grandmother and you threatened to never let me see her again well ok good because that means I know the person that you are also don't call me about this. After all, I don't want you to start yelling at me through the phone so sorry mom 👻👻I love you tho ❤️❤️ please don't kill me 😅😅 or do anything else 😅😅 or be the craziest person alive because I know you will be the hulk someday 👻❤️😅.