getting started

on a green hill you could see a man laying on the grass in the form of a cross.

" how did I end up here, ahh my life was good..... shitty god"

robotic voice: ready ready, starting synchronization...... synchronization finish .... hello Sam I am Red system, and my job is to make you the best cowboy

Sam with a happy voice" great a get a system cheat magic here I co.... cowboy!!!! what?, you do know this is a fantasy world?"

Red: yes this was set up by god

Sam with a worry face, " why, could he not cook up something better than a cowboy system "

God whisper to Red : " tell him that all of the other systems are running at full capacity, so we could only free this system for him"

Red: all the other systems are at full capacity, I'm the only one with free space to run

Sam pretending to understand, " so just like a computer, I guess this is better than nothing"

Sam then continue to ask Red, " So Red what can you do and how are you going to help me."

Red: my goal is to make you the best cowboy, now since cowboy is a ambiguous word since people group many different type of people into a cowboy your going to have a different statue than most ' second chance' now I show it to you say ' character'

Sam , " character I thought it was statues"

Red: sorry I run differently and also is to make your life easier you see.

Sam, " if you say so ' character' "

name : Samuel Black

race : human

class : cowboy lv1

sub class: gun slinger lv0

cattle hearder lv 0

dealer lv 0

vaquero lv0

vitality: 13

dexterity: 15

reloading:. 9

reflex: 11

Aim : 0

dead lock: 4

fame : 0

Sam ," that it "

Red: move up on levels and you understand

Sam " so what are the subclass and how do they help, and what is dead lock and reloading"

Red: subclass are what I just explain, different type of people fall on the category of cowboy, and each subclass gives you perks. for example gunslinger let's you handle guns better and increases your aim. cattle hearder allows you to read an animal behavior and predict what it's next move is, it also helps you tame animals faster. dealer gives you an increase on luck, and when needed and extra A's under your sleeve to make your own luck. vaquero, increases your riding stability, and your skills with the rope. now for reloading, the higher it is the faster you can reload with less mistakes when loading, since you could drop bullets or any other problem. Dead lock, allows you to lock and follow a enemy with out having to lock your eyes with them, also combine with dealer you could get a destiny shot that would never missed. well that it for now level up and you see the difference between character and status. ok now whistle

Sam " ok, I guess I called my horse over"

' whistle sound'

as Sam is laying on the hill a shadow block the sun from the sun , Sam looks up, only to see a red and white horse with blue eyes. a very traditional American stallion. Sam gets up and starts to run his hand down his neck playing around with it's hair with a smile, " what a beautiful horse. "

Red: as you level up you can command your horse with different sounds and hand signals, ok now think inventory and equip your revolver and also the take out the empty bottles and cans

Sam close his eyes to get the feeling of the inventory, as he closes his eyes he sees a list of objects one been a revolver Colt Paterson, a old black cowboy hat , blue jeans, a black button up long sleeve shirt and a brown vest, and a pancho similar to the one Clint uses. Sam equip them all, looking just like cowboys were seen on movies.

Red: good I see you are wearing your new clothes, now set those cans five meters aways and shoot them, by practicing with bottles and cans like cowboys do your aim increase along with your reloading points. So to level faster you must think like a cowboy.

Sam walk five meters away from the horse set the cans and bottles and returns to the horse. takes the gun out and aim with his to hands and shoots, " bam" the bullet miss, so he starts to shoot and reload. after 20 minutes of thunder sound breaking the silence on the valley, a can flip on the ground finally Sam hit a can.

Aim +1

reloading +2

Sam aims again and shoots, but missed again, and again. however this time he hits the can again aim +1

Sam keeps going like that until he increase his aim to 10, finally he was ready to move on to the city.

Sam " I'm ready red should we go it looks like it's going to get dark soon "

reflex +1

" wow what was that"

Red: a good cowboy must be able to predict and read the weather with every good prediction your reflex increase since your are able to see what's coming your way

Sam ask red as he jump on the sattle and stirs the horse on the direction to the town. " hey Red how do I get bullets"

Red: the Colt Paterson that your are using has unlimited bullets but you must reloaded personality, however this gun in only good for lower levels, as for how the bullets are created well we use magic that's how the bullets are able to harm and kill magic creatures even though you are using pathetic metals that would only harm people with out magic which is nobody here in this world. if you are able to mine different metals a blacksmith or I can make you bullets for a prices as for the guns, they are given or sell by the system, oh and you are not allowed to pass knowledge of guns to this world only if it's a personal creation with your on knowledge then you can share it.

Sam " Red do you have a map to guide my self"

Red : Yes in your lower right corner just focus your eyes and a mini map would appear, complete your first mission and the map would be unlock. Now let's got to the city I already mark the route with a yellow mark, just follow it.

Sam feeling free as he rides his horse through the valley spots three green objects moving to the road in a formation.

Sam "Red are those goblins, are they friend or foes"

Red: they are goblins and they are part of the exp race, the exp race are monster create with the sole purpose to die and give exp, now don't feel bad those monster are inhabit by soul of criminals with high crimes so every time they die, they suffer stream pain as punishment for their crimes, oh the people of this world don't know so don't tell them.

Sam , " ok time to practice with moving targets "

Sam moves with his horse slowly, as he get close, the goblins notices him and excite they start to jump and run to Sam with joy.

Sam nervously pulls the hammer back aims and shoots , the first bullet miss it mark which was the big goblin running in front. Sam pulls the hammer back again aims and shoots, this time the bullet hits the shoulder. the goblin stumbles and falls but gets up right away and keep running forward followed behind by two other goblin. Sam felt that they were too close so he moves his horse to a safe distance and continue to shoot. finally after repeatedly shooting and running around the goblins fall.

Red: congratulations for leveling up, all stats + 3 and you have unlock Henry 1860 as a gift don't get use to free guns this is just to help you since must ' second chancer' get far to many spells and cheats to help them and you only have one way to defend yourself.

After killing the goblins the bodies disappear leaving behind a couple of coins. Sam moves and pick up the coins ' as expected ' thought Sam as he gets back on the yellow route to the city